I know most of us probably have more knives than we need, but what are one that keep showing up in pocket?
For me it always seems to be a Kershaw that shows back up. I have a franken-Blur that I just love to death. Originally I got a Blur in 2005 and later got a s60v Blur blem (from Kershawguy) and promptly switched out the s60v blade to my original black handle for a unique knife.
I have plenty of knives and this just seems to be one I'm fond of...good size, good steel, reliable, don't mid beating on it, and I grab it for outdoor adventures over some of my more expensive Spyderco, Benchmade, ect.
The top Blur is the one that follows me around. blur by R C, on Flickr
Posts: 2997 | Location: FL | Registered: March 08, 2007
A Kershaw Blur always end up in my back pocket. I normally wear jeans, and for me it is the perfect size. It is also a great knife at a great price point. Not a cheap piece of crap, but not so expensive that i am heart broke should it break or get lost (which hasn't been a problem yet)
Posts: 2263 | Location: Lawrenceburg, In | Registered: May 20, 2007
"I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that." -Capt. Edward Smith
Posts: 5799 | Location: NE Ohio | Registered: November 17, 2003
Since the whole Benchmade fiasco, I stopped carrying anything with a butterfly logo, and stepped up my Spyderco/CRK/ZT/WE game. But the perfect knife has been sneaking its way into my pocket, the Benchmade Ares. My first and true love.
"You have the right not to be killed..." The Clash, "Know Your Rights"
Add me to the Blur club. As someone else put it, not cheap, but not so expensive that I'd be heartbroken if something happened to it. And I have lost one, damnit.
Posts: 1558 | Location: Arid Zone A | Registered: February 14, 2006