Two words. Apple. Fritters

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September 01, 2023, 10:10 AM
Two words. Apple. Fritters
A chicago DJ I have listened to since I was in jr high has been extolling the virtues of apple fritters for about a year now. Supposed to be an great place in Battle Creek MI for them. Funny you should post this now, as said DJ just claimed responsibility for bringing these back a few weeks ago! Steve Dahl for anyone in Chicago wondering
September 01, 2023, 10:11 AM
My old all time favorite

Due to various complications of diabetes I had to abandon them
in 2003. Fortunately I've found some new suitable replacements. Still ain't nothing like a proper apple crisp...
September 01, 2023, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by parabellum:

You know you want 'em

Oh man, they are my number one biggest weakness.

They are off limits per my wife and doctor. But, there was a donut shop nearby that made incredible apple fritters and I would sneak over there occasionally.

The donut shop went out of business a couple of years ago. It broke my heart, but it was probably for the best for me. Frown

“Civilization is not inherited; it has to be learned and earned by each generation anew; if the transmission should be interrupted for one century, civilization would die, and we should be savages again." - Will Durant
September 01, 2023, 10:50 AM
Southern Rebel
It takes a hellava lot of nerve to serve up that pic right after I just finished a Mcdonalds "pretend" apple pie!

(Of course it takes a hellava lot of nerve to ride herd on all of us Sigforum critters, so I guess you have the right certification! Cool)
September 01, 2023, 11:00 AM
There’s a donut shop in Quakertown PA called Yum-Yum Donuts that makes an apple fritter the size of a child’s baseball glove and it weighs probably a pound.

As King of Queens Doug Heffernan used to say “I’m not proud of myself” when admitting I once ate one in a sitting.

Hey, I was hungry and it was delicious!

September 01, 2023, 01:27 PM
Only thing better than an Apple fritter is a raspberry fritter. Both awesome.

Given the choice between a fritter and any donut the fritter wins IMO.

My hovercraft is full of eels.
September 01, 2023, 01:29 PM
The Apple fritter from Yum-Yum Donut Shop, Quakertown PA:

September 01, 2023, 03:49 PM
Jim Shugart
Not to hijack but if you like apple fritters, you might want to try Chef John's French Apple Cake (which he just posted):

When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth. - George Bernard Shaw
September 01, 2023, 04:23 PM
We love these; however, we quit buying them at the local stores here. Never tasted fresh-made and we joked that there was never any apple in them (but it wasn't a joke).

“A man’s treatment of a dog is no indication of the man’s nature, but his treatment of a cat is. It is the crucial test. None but the humane treat a cat well.”
-- Mark Twain, 1902
September 01, 2023, 05:01 PM
Have two great places nearby that make them fresh. Oh So Good! Nothing like them, EXCEPT:

My wife recently started making a FANTASTIC Apple Fritter cake. She, in the past, had been pretty famous around these parts from her version of the french apple cake above, but the whole family AND my goddaughters family have all voted for the Apple Fritter cake. And its lots easier to make, so she says.

Living in Washington has a just a few pluses, including great apples.

Life Member NRA & Washington Arms Collectors

Mistake not my current state of joshing gentle peevishness for the awesome and terrible majesty of the towering seas of ire that are themselves the milquetoast shallows fringing my vast oceans of wrath.

Velocitas Incursio Vis - Gandhi
September 01, 2023, 05:07 PM
They're my all time favorite pastry. Especially if made with Jonathan Apples.
September 01, 2023, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by smlsig:
There’s a place on the Outer Banks of NC in the little town of Buxton that make these and calls them “Apple Ugly’s” and they are huge!
Makes my mouth water just thinking about them.

Indeed, they are amazing
September 01, 2023, 06:18 PM
Let’s not forget pumpkin doughnuts
September 01, 2023, 06:33 PM
If you're ever down in the OBX close to the Cape Hatters Light House stop by Orange Blossom Bakery & Cafe and order one of their Apple Uglies. You will not be disappointed.


Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain. Jack Kerouac
September 01, 2023, 07:38 PM
I found a pdf of the book in Para's video in this link....

The right of self preservation, in turn, was understood as the right to defend oneself against attacks by lawless individuals, or, if absolutely necessary, to resist and throw off a tyrannical government.
September 01, 2023, 09:58 PM
Those look amazing but I have to refrain cause of diabetes. Maybe I can modify the recipe and air fry them. Won't be the same I am sure.
September 01, 2023, 11:54 PM
I grew up in a little town in Northern California called Sebastopol. It was famous for two things: Charles Schulz and gravenstein apples (and me of course). In the 50’s and 60’s people drove up to Sebastopol from the Bay Area to buy gravensteins; the backup from the one stoplight in town then was two miles every weekend in the summer (Russian River) and late summer for the Gravenstein Apple Festival. IMO Gravs are the perfect apple for baking as well as eating—not too sweet, not too tart.
The nearby town of Occidental then had three home-style Italian restaurants, and each of them specialized in apple fritters for dessert. Those were almost always taken home, as one could not possibly eat the entire dinner much less adding dessert.

OTOH: the most exquisite apple baking concoction I have ever had in the entire world was the apple croissant at a unique Austrian Konditorei in Davis, CA. The Konditorei closed down a year ago when the Austrian chef could not find a replacement, and he really wanted to retire. Sigh. Well, it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

“ What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.”— Lord Melbourne
September 02, 2023, 09:49 AM
sig sailor
I love "good" apple fritters, but finding good ones is becoming a problem. IMHO, none of the chain donut shops make donuts or fritters worth eating. You have to find a Mom and Pop shop to find good donuts.

"Do not approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction." John Deacon, Author

I asked myself if I was crazy, and we all said no.
September 02, 2023, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by sjtill:
I grew up in a little town in Northern California called Sebastopol.
In school, did they teach the Crimean War?
September 02, 2023, 10:26 AM
YES! Two words to warm the cockles of my heart.


TL Davis: “The Second Amendment is special, not because it protects guns, but because its violation signals a government with the intention to oppress its people…”
Remember: After the first one, the rest are free.