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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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Social Media also wasn't nearly as prolific at the beginning of Yomamma's tenure as it is now. Even back 12 years it was just a speck of what it is now.

Clarior Hinc Honos

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Very well put, P220 Smudge! My feelings to a tee.

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I asked myself if I was crazy, and we all said no.
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Obama: I Could Have Won if I Had Run for President Again

That's his mindset coming from his latest interview. The guy is delusional. Obama's policies were rejected back in 2014 and we even took the House back in 2010 during the midterms.

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delicately calloused
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Originally posted by Tonyny:
Obama: I Could Have Won if I Had Run for President Again

That's his mindset coming from his latest interview. The guy is delusional. Obama's policies were rejected back in 2014 and we even took the House back in 2010 during the midterms.

This what happens when a tyrant surrounds himself with sycophants.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by darthfuster:
Originally posted by Tonyny:
Obama: I Could Have Won if I Had Run for President Again

That's his mindset coming from his latest interview. The guy is delusional. Obama's policies were rejected back in 2014 and we even took the House back in 2010 during the midterms.

This what happens when a tyrant surrounds himself with sycophants.

Yeah, but the sad reality is that he may not be wrong.


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The Main Thing Is
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Zippy said "...then folks in a lot of these communities, what they’re hearing is Obama wants to take away my guns,” he said. “Obamacare’s about transgender bathrooms and not my job, Obama is disrespecting my culture and is primarily concerned with coastal elites and minorities.”

(GASP) Does this numnutz even realize what he's saying? Eek


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Originally posted by Tonyny:
Obama: I Could Have Won if I Had Run for President Again

That's his mindset coming from his latest interview. The guy is delusional. Obama's policies were rejected back in 2014 and we even took the House back in 2010 during the midterms.

We can be thankful for the 22nd Amendment.

"Some people are alive today because it's against the law to kill them".
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Political Cynic
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he's a Gumptiontutional Scholar don't you know. A highly skilled orator, tops in his class at .... what was that place he went to...or claimed he did...

yep, totally delusional and 25 more days of this asshole and then we can all tell him to go fuck himself

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Weather and the Lord permitting, I'll be at the inauguration....just in case as during the Bush 41 inauguration, Marine Corps One flies over as it's leaving the White House with the outgoing President (and unless I was hallucinating, Pres. Reagan waved at me while I waved and saluted back...)instead of a wave and salute it will be an Italian gesture...Please leave BHO.
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always with a hat or sunscreen
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Unfortunately Zippy the Wonder Putz announced he intends to stick around agitating the Trump administration with the help of the MSM. I have a feeling this won't end well for the Bozo.

And to top it off he had the chutzpah to say he would have beaten Trump if he had been allowed to run again. Yeah right. Jackass dreamer Frown

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Coin Sniper
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So zippy thinks Soros and the media could get him elected again eh? Thanks for the tip...

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Muzzle flash
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
he's a Gumptiontutional Scholar don't you know. A highly skilled orator, tops in his class at .... what was that place he went to...or claimed he did...

yep, totally delusional and 25 more days of this asshole and then we can all tell him to go fuck himself
Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen. He's positioned himself to stay in the public eye. Former Presidents should be unseen and not heard.


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I'll use the Red Key
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
yep, totally delusional and 25 more days of this asshole and then we can all tell him to go fuck himself

Why wait? Hey obamao go fuck yourself!

Donald Trump is not a politician, he is a leader, politicians are a dime a dozen, leaders are priceless.
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wishing we
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Obama also said in the CNN interview published Monday that he might not stay on the sidelines and let his successor have the spotlight all to himself, if Trump's presidency raises 'foundational issues about our democracy.'

He seemed to be firing a warning shot that while he has no immediate plans to be vocal as a former president, that might change if he thinks the Trump administration threatens his own values.

'At a certain point, you make room for new voices and fresh legs,' Obama explained, talking mostly about the need to let up-and-coming Democrats find their own public voices.

But 'that doesn't mean that if a year from now, or a year-and-a-half from now, or two years from now, there is an issue of such moment, such import, that isn't just a debate about a particular tax bill or, you know, a particular policy, but goes to some foundational issues about our democracy, that I might not weigh in,' the lame duck president explained.


We may see so much rapid change from the Trump administration that obama tries to "weigh in" a lot sooner than a year from now.
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always with a hat or sunscreen
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Delusional doesn't even begin to aptly describe this POS

Here's his LEGACY!

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It's been all over CNN this morning, and I am enjoying every minute of it. The Israeli Ambassador was going head to head with a Black CNN anchor about Israel having "solid proof" that the United States was behind what happened in the United Nations, and CNN is siding with Obama. They keep telling the Ambassador to show us the proof, while the Ambassador states he will show Trump when he is sworn into office.

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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Our razor thin margins of victory against the vile and crooked witch Hillary suggests we would have had a hard(er) time against Bernie or Obama (neither of whom suffer from the broad dislike so many have for Hillary - which benefited us/Trump greatly this time) .

I'm delighted we won, and stopped her, but we/Trump better not be over confident nor fail to do right by this country, lest we risk losing control next time, whether in Congress or the Presidency or both, and yo-yo on forever, never making much progress, because once their side is excited and united again we have a tremendous fight in front of us as we're probably, simply, outnumbered, especially when their turnout is like ours was this time.

Thankfully the President Elect is off to an outstanding start, taking charge and making a positive difference before he's even inaugurated, and showing all the right signs of taking the job seriously and taking steps in the right direction, from the simple grace and magnanimity he showed in not rubbing Hillary's face in her loss (a tremendous feat in and of itself, and how he resisted I'll never know, because if anyone ever deserved it, she did), to his recent statements about the UN deal and Israel and how things will be different moving forward, I'm very impressed so far; more and more as things progress, too.

The first few days and months will surely be something to behold. We're watching significant history being made. Let's hope the positive trends continue, largely unabated.
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Picture of olfuzzy
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All this talk about Obama hanging around and trying to undermine Trump makes me think of my old buddy Robert. I wish to hell he'd lived long enough to see Trump elected.

Back when trump first announced he was running, we were discussing why we thought he wanted to be President and ol' Robert in his Georgia drawl said "Well, shiit man, I can tell you that. It's so he can have the FBI find out the real truth about his birth certificate and arrest him for fraud". His theory was that Trump would have his ass thrown in jail and then resign.

I can hear him now saying Obama had better get his ass out of town Big Grin
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Washington state’s rogue electors make history – fined $1,000 for not voting Clinton

Four Washington state electors who broke their pledge to vote for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton are each being fined $1,000, after 3 chose to vote for ex-Secretary of State Colin Powell, and one for Native American tribal elder Faith Spotted Eagle.

They will all be fined next week, and have 60 days to pay, according to the spokesman for Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman, who spoke to the AP. He added that an appeals process is being formulated in case of a challenge.

This is the first time anything like this has happened in the state in 40 years, when one elector went rogue and voted for Ronald Reagan instead of Gerald Ford, who won in Washington but lost the general election to Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter in 1976. It was that year that the penalties for going rogue were signed into law, but 2016 is the first year they will be enforced.

This time, one third of the electors went rogue in an act of symbolic protest, giving Clinton eight votes, instead of the 12 she had secured, thus making Washington the leading state in so-called ‘faithless electors.’ The vast majority of the Electoral College voted as expected, sealing Donald Trump’s victory, with 304 but two votes to Clinton’s 227. It takes 270 votes to win the presidency.

The only state to defy Trump was Texas, with two GOP electors casting protest votes. The only other faithless elector was in Hawaii – picking US Senator Bernie Sanders instead of Clinton.

In the weeks following Trump’s victory, many Americans started to take a closer look at the Electoral College, with the very formal and quiet ceremony garnering unusual attention this year. Anti-Trump protesters gathered outside of the Capitol in Olympia, Washington where electors cast their final votes with the traditional feather pens.

These results undermine the efforts of the Hamilton Electors – a group of electors inside the College who tried to go rogue and get multiple states to unite behind a different Republican candidate. It was the group’s three electors who voted for Colin Powell, as well as voting against Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine.

They were not dissuaded by the threat of a fine on Monday. The group’s founder, Bret Chiafalo, expressed his disagreement with Washington’s decision: “I think we did what we thought was right,” arguing that the rule forbidding electors from voting individually was “unconstitutional.”

Chiafalo added that he will appeal the state’s decision to impose the fine.

“Guerra and Chiafalo filed a request last week to have the fine waived, citing Alexander Hamilton’s writings on the Electoral College. The electors argued that the Electoral College is the last line of defense to prevent an unfit president from taking office, and electors should be free to vote their conscience.”

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Glorious SPAM!
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The consternation over losing has nothing to do with a larger conspiracy at play; it has everything to do with fear. The democrats truely believed they had the election, and the future of the country, in the bag. The loss has driven them into absolute panic. They will be lashing out for the next four years. They 100% HATE this country; hate it with a passion. Trump has set their plans of globalism back a decade, if not more. They are pissed and will stop at nothing to bring him down.
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