I just came here to say my mouth is literally salivating in anticipation of Trump's fifth year thread opening.
"It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual." Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning, 1946.
Posts: 20479 | Location: The Free State of Arizona - Ditat Deus | Registered: March 24, 2011
Originally posted by egregore: For that matter, the only talent I've seen her display is a pretty good impression of Betty Rubble's laugh.
Wow! You have seen Rosie laugh?
She was in the (very bad) Flintstones movie in the 1990s. She did a very good "Betty Rubble Laugh." Aside from that, her performance was (obviously) forgettable.
She was also good in A League of Their Own, where she played an obnoxious loud mouth bully. Of course, that wasn't exactly 'acting' on her part. . .
Back to topic, if she and her ilk are upset with something, that typically tells me it is a good thing.
Fear God and Dread Nought Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
Posts: 22016 | Location: Hobbiton, The Shire, Middle Earth | Registered: September 27, 2004
So the earliest move Trump made was to out the Rhinos on the first straw poll. No hiding, no business as usual. Get on board or get fucked.
New Sherriff, no exceptions. Brilliant!
__________________________ The entire reason for the Second Amendment is not for hunting, it’s not for target shooting … it’s there so that you and I can protect our homes and our children and and our families and our lives. And it’s also there as fundamental check on government tyranny. Sen Ted Cruz
Posts: 5246 | Location: Boca Raton, FL The Gunshine State | Registered: July 30, 2002
Originally posted by wrightd: Lately it feels like everything is in a holding pattern, nothing is changing for the better, nothing is getting fixed, nothing, nada.
I guess I have a somewhat similar feeling, though I’d characterize it differently. The American people have spoken - loudly, clearly, and unambiguously. They are done with the big government corruptocrat leftist woketarded insanity. We want it gone, we want the swamp drained, and we’ve sent President Trump to do just that. Waiting for January 20th now feels a bit like waiting for Christmas as a little kid - it just can’t possibly come fast enough. And then the GDCs are throwing up whatever roadblocks they can. It isn’t easy to be patient. But that’s what we need to do, be patient and hold good thoughts.
As much as January 20th couldn’t possibly come fast enough, President Trump is already making progress before taking office. It would not be difficult to argue that President Trump has made more forward progress for the country since becoming President Elect than FJB has ever made.
Try to relax and enjoy the winning. Rest up too, because the pace is likely to increase after January 20th and you don’t want to be saying, “Wait, this is too much winning, I can’t handle it.”
Posts: 7409 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011
If you get down or discouraged about the pace of the improvements, just step back and try to consider how you would be feeling if the election had gone the other way.
I really don't care much what Trump does or who he puts in what position, I know it will be orders of magnitude better than what anybody else or especially Kamala would have done.
Life is good. I can't imagine how shitty things would be or how dim the future would be had Trump not won. Embrace the victory and enjoy the next 4 years, they are going to be historic.
The word is that ABC settled the defamation suit because a judge ordered Stephanopoulos to sit for a deposition, and he and ABC weren't willing to do so. The judge ordered Donald Trump to be deposed and, of course, he was perfectly willing to be sworn and give testimony.
Oh, well, now Stephanopoulos is pissed off and he's deleted his Twitter I SAID TWITTER account and he's indignant that his reputation is being sullied. And just WHO is responsible for that, Georgie?? Any clue?
Everyone saw what you did in the Mace interview and everyone knows why you did it and everyone saw your rabid fanaticism. If you're a journalist, I'm a ballet dancer. You're lucky all you had to do was apologize and Disney is very lucky that they had to fork over 15 million.
If Stephanopoulos refused to be deposed, just imagine the dirty secrets he didn't want to be asked about. They must be pretty rough, if paying out $15m was preferable to revealing them.
=== I would like to apologize to anyone I have *not* offended. Please be patient. I will get to you shortly.
Posts: 2176 | Location: The Sticks in Wisconsin. | Registered: September 30, 2012
Despicable son of a bitch Georgie Steponallofus is simply a Dem operative masquerading as a journalist. The little motherfucker has zero credibility whatsoever.
Posts: 28832 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008
He seems to be more or less worthless when it comes to contributing anything positive to himself, America, or the human race, striving to prostitute himself by racing to the bottom of whatever pedestal, position, or barrel he occupies at the moment. Life can be complicated for sure, some more than others, but as long as he's been around and never hearing anything good about him, that's my impression.
Lover of the US Constitution Wile E. Coyote School of DIY Disaster
Posts: 9247 | Location: Nowhere the constitution is not honored | Registered: February 01, 2008