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When will the coronavirus arrive in the US? (Disease: COVID-19; Virus: SARS-CoV-2) Login/Join 
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Very few people in my family have gotten the placebo. And all of us that haven’t have said under no circumstances will we ever.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 14:1
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British Medical Journal Senior Editor: COVID vaccines more likely to put you in hospital than keep you out

New study shows over 8 per 10,000 net increase in hospitalization following vaccination.

A new paper authored by British Medical Journal Senior Editor Dr. Peter Doshi and colleagues has reached the conclusion that being injected with a COVID vaccine (either Pfizer or Moderna) is more likely to put you in hospital than keep you out of it.

The paper (which has yet to undergo peer review) analyzes "serious adverse events" (SAEs) which were highlighted on a "priority list" compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO) as linked to COVID vaccination - death, a life-threatening event, inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, persistent or significant disability, congenital anomaly/birth defect, and a medically important event.

The study found that Pfizer's vaccine was associated with an increased risk of SAEs of 10.1 events per 10,000. The corresponding figure for Moderna's vaccine was 15.1 events per 10,000.

Risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization following vaccination with a Pfizer vaccine was 2.3 per 10,000 participants and 6.4 per 10,000 for Moderna's vaccine. Therefore, the Pfizer vaccine resulted in a net increase of serious adverse events of 7.8 per 10,000 people vaccinated, very similar to the figure for Moderna's vaccine, which was 8.7 per 10,000 people.

The study's authors also noted the failure of the FDA to adequately follow up on thousands of participants in the clinical studies for the two products, "of which the large majority had only received one dose" with no reason provided. The FDA allegedly also obfuscated the trial results by counting "people affected" rather than "adverse events," even thought there were twice as many people in the vaccine cohorts than in the placebo cohorts who experienced "multiple" serious adverse events.

The authors concluded that:

"A systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data should be undertaken to address questions of harm-benefit in various demographic subgroups. Full transparency of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data is needed to properly evaluate these questions. Unfortunately, well over a year after widespread use of COVID-19 vaccines, participant level data remain inaccessible."

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of konata88
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Originally posted by Fly-Sig:
I suspect most here who are not jabbed still have very many of their family who are.

I worry every day about all of them.

I can understand being worried if they are R's yet decided to get the jab. Their decision, whatever the basis.

In my case:
I do.
I don't. Not one bit. They are all lefties.

They voted for Obama the first time, they get a pass. They voted for Clinton and Biden, they are out of my life. The jab is just a symptom of their illness. They voted for the jab. They took the jab. They tried to force me to take the jab. They can take their jab and shove it. They can live with whatever consequences they suffer from it. I'll not shed a tear.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
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The governments are not going to easily give up the control they have acquired.

EU Renews Digital Covid Pass Despite 99% Negative Public Feedback

Acting on a proposal of the European Commission, the European Parliament, as expected, voted yesterday to renew the EU Digital Covid Certificate for another year. The vote was 453 for, 119 against and 19 abstentions.

The certificate regulation had been scheduled to expire on June 30. Earlier this month, a delegation from the parliament had already reached a “political agreement” with the Commission on renewing the certificate, thus making yesterday’s vote virtually a foregone conclusion.

The certificate regulation was originally adopted in June of last year, ostensibly to facilitate “safe travel” between EU member states. But the EU digital certificate quickly evolved into the model and sometimes infrastructure for the domestic “health” or Covid passes that would serve to restrict access to many other areas of social life over the following year.

The EU has opted to extend the covid certificate despite the overwhelmingly negative results of a public consultation on the subject that was launched by the European Commission under the heading of “Have Your Say” and that was open to the public from February 3 to April 8. The consultation elicited over 385,000 responses – almost all of which appear to be opposed to renewal!

In a letter to the European Ombudsman that the French member of the parliament Virginie Joron posted on her Twitter feed, Joron writes:

I read hundreds of responses at random with my team. I did not find any in favor of extending the QR code [i.e. the digital certificate]. Based on this large survey, it seems obvious that virtually all the responses were negative.

The overwhelmingly negative tendency of the responses was indeed evident from the outset. The first full page of responses, all of them dating from February 4, is available here. They are, of course, in a variety of European Union languages: French, German, Italian, and also one in English.

To provide readers an idea of the tenor, here is a translation of just the first line or two of the first several responses (starting from the bottom of the page):

I am completely opposed to the establishment of this certificate given what is currently happening with the EU’s disastrous handling of Covid…

I want this cst [probably a reference to Belgium’s “Covid Safe Ticket”] or vaccine passport simply to be eliminated…

There are claims made in the draft document that are not scientifically supported. For example, it is claimed that the Covid certificate represents effective protection against the spread of the virus – what data can support this claim?…

Hello, I am shocked and disgusted by the freedom-killing decisions taken in the EU … as regards this “European certificate” …

The covid certificate or green pass SHOULD BE ABOLISHED immediately as discriminatory and unconstitutional and not supported by any scientific data, because it is exclusively based on PUNITIVE measures for citizens…

I am opposed to the extension of the green pass, which serves no purpose other than creating discrimination…

I never want to be subjected to a discriminatory certificate again…

And, finally, the English-language entry:

The digital Covid certificate should end immediately. There is so much data that supports the fact that digital passports have zero positive impact on transmission rates and in fact in the most vaccinated and highly regulated countries, there [sic.] covid rates are insane…

And so on and so forth through 385,191 responses.

The renewal of the Digital Covid Certificate does not mean that it will be immediately applied, but that the infrastructure will remain in place and that it can be applied if and when member states see fit to do so.

The current rules for holding a valid EU Digital Covid Certificate do not only, needless to say, discriminate against the unvaccinated, but also against natural immunity, which is treated as more ephemeral than vaccine-induced immunity.

Proof of completed primary vaccination makes a certificate valid for 270 days; proof of having received a booster dose confers unlimited validity for the moment. On the other hand, proof of “recovery” – with a positive PCR test being the only accepted proof – only confers 180 days of validity.

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It would be fitting if the photo of the “EU” muckity-mucks in the linked article above to have the image of “Big Brother” from the movie 1984 photo-shopped to replace the EU flag.

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
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Political Cynic
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Ask Bill Gates what his plan is really all about.
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Picture of 2BobTanner
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Up to 40,000 Army National Guard still have taken the shot, and have until Friday-July 1 to do so, or separation actions begin. 40K is 13% of the Army Guard strength. For the military (Army and Army Guard) to loose 3 Division’s worth of soldiers would significantly impact upon readiness and capabilities.

DJT-45/47 MAGA !!!!!

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken
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thin skin can't win
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Alarm in Beijing after announcement zero-Covid policy may last five years.

As much as the conspiracy theorists might want to think this is to intentionally cripple the world, it would cripple them even more. That's not entirely a good thing....

Looks like just bad judgment applied broadly.

You only have integrity once. - imprezaguy02

Posts: 12948 | Location: Madison, MS | Registered: December 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
bigger government
= smaller citizen
Picture of Veeper
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As much as the conspiracy theorists might want to think this is to intentionally cripple the world, it would cripple them even more. That's not entirely a good thing....

Looks like just bad judgment applied broadly.

Some of it might be to cripple "the world" but China has to know that countries will just work around China and set up manufacturing elsewhere.

Lots of what the CCP is doing is to cripple and deconstruct the sub-regimes in the major Chinese cities. There are a lot of power structures that have been set up within the current CCP framework, and a couple of them were linked to the last CCP leader. Beijing is using the COVID protocols to sweep out all of the homes and businesses, along with any contraband used to keep these things running.

Xi's hold on power isn't as strong as a lot of people think, and with the real estate sector basically an empty husk waiting to crumble, Xi needs to core out the power networks of his adversaries.

“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.”—H.L. Mencken
Posts: 9187 | Location: West Michigan | Registered: April 20, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 2BobTanner:
Up to 40,000 Army National Guard still have taken the shot, and have until Friday-July 1 to do so, or separation actions begin. 40K is 13% of the Army Guard strength. For the military (Army and Army Guard) to loose 3 Division’s worth of soldiers would significantly impact upon readiness and capabilities.

Army Reducing Its Numbers in Face of Recruiting Difficulties 30 Mar 2022

The Army this week admitted it was having problems recruiting and announced an unprecedented reduction in its numbers that would shrink the active duty Army to its smallest size since World War II.

“We’re facing, obviously, some challenging conditions in terms of our ability to recruit and attract talent,” Under Secretary of the Army Gabe Camarillo said at a press conference on Monday.

Camarillo blamed a “very tight labor market” for the Army’s recruiting woes.

“What we’re just seeing is given the particular conditions of a very tight labor market, our ability to meet all of our projected recruiting goals were a little bit challenged in FY ’22 and FY ’23,” he said.

Camarillo said the Army’s end strength, or total number of forces, would go from 485,000 soldiers currently to 476,000 in fiscal year 2022, which ends in September, and further down to 473,000 in fiscal year 2023.

He said the Army decided on reducing its recruitment goals instead of lowering standards.

“We made the assessment that we would not want to adjust our specific criteria for quality,” he said. “And so, we made the decision to just temporarily reduce end strength, as opposed to lowering our standards.”

He added that the Army hoped to build back its numbers over the next five years.

“We don’t anticipate that it is a lasting change,” Camarillo said. “It is something that we hope to bring back up over the course of the fight up. And it’s something that we certainly think is reflective of what we hope to be transient conditions in the labor market.”

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense, called the situation unprecedented.

“The Army has not faced such recruiting headwinds in the last 30 years. I am unaware of a situation where the Army has cut its end strength in response to a negative recruiting outlook,” he said.

Spoehr also attributed the decision to the Biden Administration keeping the Army budget below inflation.

“If the Biden administration was not holding the Army’s budget below the level of inflation, I am not sure they would have had to resort to cutting their end strength,” he said.

The reduction would bring the Army to its smallest since 1940, according to Military Times.

Spoehr said the Army’s decision would make units less capable:

The Army has said that rather than reduce the number of units, they will instead man units at a lower level. So, the Army’s companies and battalions, rather than being manned at say 95-100%, with this end strength cut, the Army may only be able to fill them to a 90% level. That means less capable units.

The recruiting difficulties come as the Army has begun discharging soldiers not complying with the Biden administration’s coronavirus vaccine mandate. More than 4,000 requested a religious exemption, but only two were granted, according to recent Army statistics. An additional 2,735 soldiers have refused.

The difficulties are also despite the Army last year launching animated recruitment advertisements that highlighted women, minorities, immigrants, and the LGBT community, as previously reported by Breitbart News.

Spoehr called the Army’s recruiting difficulties “a perfect storm, all hitting in 2022.”

First, he said fewer and fewer individuals even qualify to enlist. He said:

The biggest disqualifying factors are obesity, fitness and mental health issues. This should not come as a surprise. Obesity in America, including among youth, continues to increase. More and more youth are being treated for mental health issues and being prescribed psychotropic drugs for treatment. Current numbers coming out of the Pentagon are that the percentage of individuals qualified to enlist without a waiver has dropped from 29% in 2016 to less than 25% in 2022.

Second, he said fewer and fewer individuals are interested in joining the military, also in part thanks to the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal:

There are economic reasons for this, many companies are now offering more generous compensation packages that include college tuition to graduating high school seniors. There are lots of jobs available now. And over time American society has placed less and less value on the idea of public service. The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan has also caused some to question our military and their competence.

Finally, he cited the perception that the military is becoming “woke.”

“There is a sense among the American public that the military is becoming increasingly political and that topics such as race and gender equity, critical race theory, and wokeism in general are commanding more attention, at the cost of readiness,” he said.

Public polls have backed up that assessment. Earlier this year, a Gallup poll showed that the public image of military leaders’ ethics has dropped, particularly among Republicans, and a Ronald Reagan Institute poll last year showed that high confidence in the military has declined. Among those with little or not much confidence in the military, the most common answer was “political leadership.”

Spoehr added: “I should note that it is my assessment that for the first time ever, it may turn out that none of the military services will make their recruiting goals for 2022. The Air Force in particular is sounding the alarm.”

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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And Fauci had 2 MRNA shots and 2 boosters.

Fauci Reveals his ‘COVID-19 Rebound’ After Taking Pfizer’s Paxlovid Drug

White House COVID-19 advisor Anthony Fauci revealed he experienced a rebound of COVID-19 symptoms after taking Paxlovid, a drug manufactured by Pfizer that was federally approved to treat the virus’s symptoms.

Fauci, 81, told the Foreign Policy Global Health Forum on Tuesday that he recovered from his initial bout of COVID-19 and tested negative for three days. He tested positive again on the fourth day, Fauci added.

“After I finished the five days of Paxlovid, I reverted to negative on an antigen test for three days in a row,” Fauci said. “And then on the fourth day, just to be absolutely certain, I tested myself again. I reverted back to positive.”

Due to his advanced age, Fauci is considered to be in a high-risk age group for developing serious complications from COVID-19, including death or hospitalization. Studies and data have shown that elderly people are at the most risk while children have the lowest risk.

Fauci added that “over the next day or so, I started to feel really poorly, much worse than in the first go around,” adding, “So, I went back on Paxlovid and right now I am on my fourth day of a five-day course.”

The longtime federal employee stated that he’s now feeling better as of Tuesday, but he’s “not completely without symptoms.”

‘COVID-19 Rebound’
In clinical trials, Paxlovid was seen as a drug that showed some promise in preventing hospitalization or death from COVID-19. The pill consists of two drugs known as nirmatrelvir and ritonavir that work together to deal with the symptoms.

However, a number of patients have reported the phenomenon where their COVID-19 symptoms return after they took a full course of the Pfizer-made medication.

Several weeks ago, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an alert to health care providers, public health departments, and other officials about the possible recurrence of symptoms, which it termed a “COVID-19 rebound.”

“Paxlovid continues to be recommended for early-stage treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 among persons at high risk for progression to severe disease,” said the agency in its notice. “Paxlovid treatment helps prevent hospitalization and death due to COVID-19. COVID-19 rebound has been reported to occur between 2 and 8 days after initial recovery and is characterized by a recurrence of COVID-19 symptoms or a new positive viral test after having tested negative.”

It added that “limited” data “suggests that persons treated with Paxlovid who experience COVID-19 rebound have had mild illness; there are no reports of severe disease.”

Despite the reports of symptoms recurring, the CDC said there is no evidence that more treatments with Paxlovid or other therapies are needed to deal with Paxlovid-associated COVID-19 rebound.

A recent study from the University of California San Diego found that the phenomenon may occur because not enough of the medication is reaching infected cells to stop the viral replication from occurring.

“This may be due to the drug being metabolized more quickly in some individuals or that the drug needs to be delivered over a longer treatment duration,” said the university in a release issued on June 20.

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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The sweetest possible ironic justice would be quadruple “vaccinated” and paxlovid gulping Fauci dropping dead from his own creation.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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Picture of Ironbutt
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Originally posted by gearhounds:
The sweetest possible ironic justice would be quadruple “vaccinated” and paxlovid gulping Fauci dropping dead from his own creation.

I'd rather see him on a ventilator, fighting for every breath, in an understaffed nursing home. No visitors allowed, of course. Karma.


"It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
Thomas Sowell
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Shall Not Be Infringed
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^^^ Big Grin


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
Trump 47....Make America Great Again!
"May Almighty God bless the United States of America" - parabellum 7/26/20
Live Free or Die!
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More life insurance companies are reporting higher payouts. Makes you wonder what the cause is and why the CDC is not investigating.

Life Insurance CEO Reveals Deaths Are Up 40% Among Working People: "Just unheard of”

Posts: 13704 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of konata88
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If the insurance companies are honest, and since they should have access to all the relevant data, it would be telling if premiums for non-injected people are less than those who were injected, all else being equal.

While only suggestive, it's staggering that a 3 sigma event is associated with this injection.

We need to follow the money; it's a staggering amount even if the injection was successful. If it's actually leading to adverse outcomes, these people need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it." L.Tolstoy
"A government is just a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned." Shepherd Book
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Casuistic Thinker and Daoist
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Originally posted by konata88:
If the insurance companies are honest, and since they should have access to all the relevant data, it would be telling if premiums for non-injected people are less than those who were injected, all else being equal.

They'll have a position in about 10 years

No, Daoism isn't a religion

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Picture of 2BobTanner
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Ref: the above article on Army recruiting efforts.

Army Swiftly Backpedals on Policy Dropping High School Diploma Requirement

After only a week, the Army has swiftly reversed a new policy that would have allowed potential recruits to enlist into the force without a high school diploma or GED, according to an internal memo reviewed by and confirmed by a spokesperson.

The Army, along with the other services, faces an ongoing crisis to fill in the ranks amid a convergence of issues, including an increasingly competitive civilian job market and the military losing some public awareness in the absence of a major conflict. [No, it’s the BS-wokeness that is causing a big drop off. Insulting your recruit audience with CRT training is a turn-off.] So far, the Army has only hit about 40% of its recruiting goals this year.

(More info at link).

DJT-45/47 MAGA !!!!!

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken
Posts: 2892 | Location: Falls of the Ohio River, Kain-tuk-e | Registered: January 13, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
No More
Mr. Nice Guy
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Originally posted by konata88:
If the insurance companies are honest, and since they should have access to all the relevant data, it would be telling if premiums for non-injected people are less than those who were injected, all else being equal.

While only suggestive, it's staggering that a 3 sigma event is associated with this injection.

We need to follow the money; it's a staggering amount even if the injection was successful. If it's actually leading to adverse outcomes, these people need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

Geert Van den Bossche has been right on the mark since the beginning, predicting negative effectiveness rates as new strains evolve. He is the leading world expert virologist and vaccine developer. Anyone who disparages his position had bette have multiple Ph.D.s and decades of relevant experience!

This video is a short but current explanation from van den Bossche. The cliff notes version: The vaccine is not neutralizing, so the virus replicates in people vaccinated, which leads to new strains which evade the vaccine. The new strains are, as predicted, more infectious. Luckily, and just by luck, so far new strains are not more deadly. The non-neutralizing antibodies do have an unexpected benefit of reducing severity of symptoms in vaccinees. In those vaccinated, viral loads can be high which then threatens unvaccinated who have never had C19 in the past. Unvaccinated who have recovered from C19 have excellent long lasting immunity, including newer strains, and can expect mild to moderate symptoms. They have neutralizing antibodies, so they shed few virus particles for a short time if infected, so they are a lower threat to others than the vaccinated.

Thus this summer there will be a big wave of infections, primarily in the vaccinated. New strains will emerge that evade the vaccines. We hope new strains will not also be more deadly. Those vaccinated should be cautious now.

Another excellent but long video
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Semper Fi - 1775
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It finally bit me Saturday.

Now on Day 3 - Other than this sore throat, it’s a cold with very light body ache. Oxygen levels are staying in the mid 90’s, (I bought one of those finger thingys) Stuffy nose, low grade fever. Staying ahead of symptoms as best I can with revolving cocktail of Sudafed, Tylenol, and Advil. Supplementing with EmerginC and ColdEze. Girl friend is a freaking maniac rockstar. She gave up her holiday weekend with friends and instead spent the better part of Sat/Sun cooking for me. Homemake chicken noodle soup, potato soup, tupperware bowls full of fresh cut fruit, on and on. Plus she introduced me to cucumber infused water…good stuff!

I’d say I almost felt normal if not for the sore throat. Cannot get ahead of the pain. I’ve been gargling a bit with salt water and then following up with a tablespoon of honey, but damn…

I have 4 Oxy left from my kidney-stone last year…I keep staring at the fucking bottle…seems a bit overkill for a sore throat though.

All it all you got.
For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know

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