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Beyond comprehension: Georgia couple attempted to starve to death their 10 year old son Login/Join 
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My two year old daughter weighs 34 lbs. I cannot imagine a ten year old boy at 36 lbs. And a missing 14 year old? So a homicide to top it off?
Posts: 743 | Location: FL | Registered: July 30, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I actually had to remind myself that the death penalty will not be on the table here.

They definitely need to be in prison until they are old and gray.

...Or at least until they get shanked and bleed out in their respective yards.
Posts: 7332 | Location: Dallas | Registered: August 04, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Absolutely disgusting.

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Prison won't go well for them. Even deprived inmates can't suffer the company of someone who'd torture a child.

That kid needs ice cream after every meal for sure.

Posts: 7004 | Location: Bay Area | Registered: December 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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There was a similar case in Houston in 2020. 8 y/o girl found weighing 26 pounds.

Houston couple arrested in starvation, beating death of 8-year-old girl whose twin also was abused

The twin girls had three other siblings, at the time ages 12, 10, & newborn. For the 10 & 12 y/o, I can't imagine how they were raised to believe that what their parents were doing was OK. Confused
Are they perhaps some future psychopaths?

Para's reaction reminds me of how I reacted to a story from 2018 about a baby left by his parents to die in his baby swing. I hoped the 4 month-old died of dehydration before he had to endure the feeling of being eaten alive by maggots.

Mom convicted of murder in infant son’s diaper rash death

Whenever I read about inhumanities such as these, I am reminded that these people walk amongst us.
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Very disturbing....
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Originally posted by Slippery Pete:
Prison won't go well for them.
Yeah, and prison they surely will get.

I don't want them killed. I don't want them tortured or put into a woodchipper or whatever. I just want them locked up for good and to have to endure it for many years. No doubt they both have ass-whippings in their future and few people will have sympathy for their plight.
Posts: 108614 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Tyler and Krista Shindley are in jail facing charges of attempted malice murder and child cruelty after police found their 10-year-old boy weighing just 36 pounds.

According to the arrest warrants, the boy was confined in his home and was not given food, water, and light for extended periods of time.

“This case is disturbing. It’s heartbreaking,” said Spalding County District Attorney Marie Broder.

“I’ve tried many child abuse cases in my career. And this child, simply put, was being starved to death and it’s tragic,” said Broder, during a press conference on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Atlanta News First was able to reach Tyler Schindley’s ex-wife, Melissa Waynette, who shed light on the child abuse allegations facing her former husband.

Waynette said the 10-year-old boy allegedly abused was not hers, but said that two of her children lived in Griffin with Tyler and Krista until very recently.

One of her boys escaped two years ago and tracked down Waynette through social media.

Waynette, who lives in Ohio, explained the second boy was returned to her two months ago.

“They [Tyler and Krista Schindley] just called me one day and said pick him up at the airport tonight and sent him with nothing,” said Waynette, in an interview with Atlanta News First on Wednesday.

“So, I don’t really know why the decision was made to send him away. My older son ran away from home when he was 17 and was able to find me through social media,” Waynette said.

Waynette said she tried to report previous incidences of child abuse in Griffin to the kids she shared with Tyler Schindley.

She said that Schindley did not show signs of abuse to their kids when she was married to him.

“I do know that it’s not the character of the person I was with – with him. Definitely, not anything I saw when I was with him. But I do think this has been a slow progression over many, many years,” said Waynette.

Waynette said Tyler and Krista moved to Georgia roughly 10 years ago.

Waynette said the son who returned to her two months ago is doing better since leaving Griffin.

“They withheld a lot of treatment that he probably needed. Now he’s super happy and he even said the other day he wishes he could forget life there. But he’s doing very well, very happy,” explained Waynette.

In the 911 call, acquired by Atlanta News First, a neighbor found the 10-year-old boy on Friday morning wandering in the street.

“I just had a child walk past my house, alone. A small child” said the neighbor in the 911 call.

“And we went out to see if everything is okay. And he’s asking us not to tell his parents. I don’t know who his parents are, but he’s asking to please not take him home,” said the woman.

According to the radio log, police arrived 10 minutes later.

The boy was taken to a nearby hospital where officials said he’s recovering.

Investigators said Tyler Schindley turned himself in at police headquarters later on Friday.

Krista Schindley was also arrested on Friday.

Waynette said she’s grateful all of the kids involved are safe.

“There’s a relief. But also regret that my children have to live with this stigma and having to revisit and it’s a lot for them,” Waynette said. “It’s a lot for the kids right now. But there is a relief that my kids are safe. I know all the kids are safe. I hate that it had to get this far.”

A judge denied bond for both parents. They’re currently in the Spalding County Jail.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Seems to be a nice big house in a nice looking neighborhood. Camper trailer in the drive... Seem to have been doing OK in life. Well thats all over now, I hope they get what they deserve.

If the evil psychos didn't want the child why not just give him up to child services?

I grew up next door to an adopted kid.
His paternal parents kept him chained to his bed. My Mom once asked him what he did to pass the time and he replied... I played with the rats. He recovered and did well in life. Married and had kids of his own and became an executive with ATT.

Best wishes and prayers for the child in the story for a full recovery and a happy and successful long life.

Collecting dust.
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Not really from Vienna
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Waynette said she’s grateful all of the kids involved are safe.

All but the missing 14 year old.

Why in hell didn’t this nitwit Waynette call the authorities after her kids told her what was going on that house? (which I feel sure they did)
Posts: 27078 | Location: Jerkwater, Texas | Registered: January 30, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Thank you
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Originally posted by arfmel:
Waynette said she’s grateful all of the kids involved are safe.

All but the missing 14 year old.

Why in hell didn’t this nitwit Waynette call the authorities after her kids told her what was going on that house? (which I feel sure they did)

From the article

"Waynette said she tried to report previous incidences of child abuse in Griffin to the kids she shared with Tyler Schindley."

now does that mean she reported, or, dialed the number and hung up, or she wasn't taken seriously for some reason....

Be interesting to see if she did in fact report the abuses and they went on without any investigation...
Posts: 23954 | Location: Florida | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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missing 14 y.o.

Waynette says the second son was returned to her two months ago. Is that the 14 y.o. ?
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
34" Scale 5-String
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Originally posted by arfmel:
Why in hell didn’t this nitwit Waynette call the authorities after her kids told her what was going on that house? (which I feel sure they did)

The MSN story linked about indicates that she did, but nothing apparently happened!

Bill R.
North Alabama
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The saying goes, if you can imagine it, it's probably happening. What worries me are those that I can't imagine.
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In Odin we trust
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This sort of thing makes opens onto an abyss inside of me. It is unspeakably sad, and it reminds me of why I left LE. I am not a man given to hatred, and I do my best to find the good in all people. I truly believe nearly all people deserve a second chance, but not these two. This poor child. It hurts my heart.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than omnipotent moral busybodies" ~ C.S. Lewis

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Originally posted by Silent:
Originally posted by YooperSigs:
I have been watching a show on the ID Channel.
"Signs of a Psychopath". Its all about this kind of depravity.
Based on 30+ years LE work, all I can say is that evil exists and often conceals its existence behind an appearance of normalcy.
Like the photo of a typical suburban home, like pictured in the story.

The above is the absolute truth!
As a part of my former job I’ve worked with kids who were severely abused and neglected by their “parents.”

These creatures get away with it because decent people ignore the truth that is oftentimes staring them right in the face.


It’s possible those decent people genuinely cannot fathom doing that to another human being, or any creature. It just simply doesn’t compute for them. I do get that.

As Sigsentry said, what’s even more terrifying is the things people do that we can’t imagine.

As a mom to a 10yo boy, this is beyond what I can put into words. The home pictured is more than what I have, but my child will not lack for love, food or anything else he needs, not if I can help it.

I don’t understand how Waynette allowed her children to be there if she even had an inkling of what was up. And if she tried to report something, then she did. I’d have been calling EVERY day, harassing child services to check up, and demanding reports. These folks must’ve home schooled? No way a kid would make it through the public school day without another adult noticing.. hell, when I volunteered in lunch room, we’d watch for the kids who stuffed their pockets with food to sneak out, and when they left, we’d catch ‘em and make sure they took more, just in case. And mark them to watch over. We have a “free” lunch program with a weekend backpack food program (not that it always works- the smart kids eat/stash what they can before they get home and their parents take for themselves or sell it). The amount of food tossed every school day makes me sick, and to think this little one was scrounging on the street defies description.
I hope the 14 yo made it out.

ETA: just read other kids currently in the home weren’t So they singled this little guy out for the hate, huh? I hope they rot watching vid of him having 3 squares a day for the rest of their lives. What pieces of shit.


"Trust, but verify."
Posts: 5449 | Registered: October 24, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My LEO interactions with Child Protective Services were not good. My impression of them was that they were poorly trained, seemed slow to take protective action and were overwhelmed by caseload.

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A primary reason is that protective services is a highly underpaid, high stress and as you stated poorly trained job.
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Even a fairly short sentence will be a death sentence if they go to general population. Convicts simply will not tolerate this shit.

I often think demons are roaming the earth, invading susceptible minds willing to be influenced. Hard to imaging this level of evil without some type of satanic influence.
Posts: 17218 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: October 15, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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