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Calling all Virginia members. Movement to declare cities/counties in VA second amendment sanctuary cities is gaining momentum. Has your city voted? Login/Join 
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in 2018 DEM Spanberger beat REP Dave Brat for the US House seat for VA 7th district. Let's vote her out in 2020

Gun control, impeachment created heated town hall hosted by Spanberger

Abigail Spanberger opened Sunday’s town hall in Spotsylvania County with updates on federal issues she’s been working on in Congress, such as lowering prescription prices and negotiating a trade agreement, but talk quickly turned instead to topics that have dominated local and national news in recent weeks.

Gun control, Second Amendment sanctuary status and possible impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump monopolized the hourlong session at Chancellor Middle School. It was the 12th such town hall Spanberger, a Democrat, has held throughout the 7th District since she was elected a year ago.

About 85 people huddled in the seemingly unheated school gym, where those interested in asking questions were given tickets. Stubs were drawn from a bowl to determine who got to speak, and the third speaker, Michael Berry of Fredericksburg Virginia Patriots, asked Spanberger her stance on protecting the Second Amendment.

“What are you going to be doing to safeguard our constitutional, natural rights to bear arms?” Berry asked, pointing out that more than half the localities in her district have passed resolutions as Second Amendment sanctuaries that won’t enforce laws that infringe on their ability to own guns.

Spanberger cited her background. A former officer in both law enforcement and the CIA, Spanberger said she grew up in a house filled with guns among a family of sportsmen. “I fully support the Second Amendment,” she said. “It is a fundamental constitutional right, and I affirm that.”

Other questioners suggested her party affiliation trumped her background.

“Do you side more with [Speaker of the House] Nancy Pelosi and your party than with your constituency?” asked Keith Marshall, a dairy farmer from Orange County. “If more with the party, how do you justify that? Do you really honestly feel impeachment is going to be in the best interest of this country?”

Some in the crowd were already worked up by then, especially when Spanberger asked Berry how he used his assault rifle and if he hunted with it.

“What does that have to do with anything?” someone shouted.

“It’s none of your business what I do with it, it’s my right,” added another.

When impeachment was brought into the mix, the level of civility lowered. People shouted over speakers and called on random jeers. Those on front rows told those in the back to be quiet, that Spanberger was there to represent everyone in the crowd.

“She doesn’t represent us. What has she done since she’s taken office to help this country, not a damn thing?” said a man in the back, who continued to call out remarks until a Spotsylvania County deputy came to talk with him.

Spanberger told the crowd she’d shown a willingness to go against her party; she didn’t vote for Pelosi as speaker or for approval of the budget. She said her opinion of what’s happening “against the president is mine and mine alone, and no one has pressured me to vote a particular way.”

But as she outlined the impeachment process and the witnesses brought forward to speak about Trump’s conduct with Ukraine and if he compromised national security, audience members jeered again.

“It’s bulls---,” one person said.

“It’s lies, all lies,” said another. “You know that.”

When she reiterated that “the allegations against the president are incredibly, incredibly serious,” several in the crowd, including Marshall, said the process was the Democrats’ effort to influence the 2020 election.

“This isn’t about the president,” Spanberger responded. “This is about the presidency. It’s about what behavior is deemed to be appropriate in the security of our country.”

When the topic went back to gun laws, the congresswoman said she supported efforts, not to take guns away, but to keep them out of the hands of people with violent histories. She mentioned 15 states—Virginia is not among them—that have gun violence, or extreme risk, restraining orders, put in place by family members or law enforcement.

Paul Moog of Orange County said he didn’t want to hear “double-talk from the government,” as he mentioned bills proposed by another group of politicians, those in the Virginia General Assembly. One proposal, Virginia Senate Bill 16, would expand the definition of “assault firearm” and prohibit a person from purchasing, possessing or transporting one. A violation would be a felony, according to the proposal.

“We will not give up our guns, we have no duty to obey an unconstitutional law,” Moog said. “Hundreds of thousands of people are gonna turn into felons if you Democrats continue doing what you’re doing, and I’m not going to stand for it.”
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of ewills
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The President of VCDL will be on the Liz Wheeler show on OANN at 9PM tonight......
Posts: 308 | Location: NOVA | Registered: February 15, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by ewills:
The President of VCDL will be on the Liz Wheeler show on OANN at 9PM tonight......
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Spanberger is nothing but another democrat hack that has no interest in what the people she supposedly represents say or think. Spanberger is another lying, mis-representing, corrupt, socialist democrat that may give the local people lip service, but is a stone cold Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Waters, Schiff and every other scum bag democrat lover. She can not be trusted, believed or even given the benefit of doubt because she will stab you in the back like every other devious democrat politician. YES, she needs to be voted the hell out! What I want to know is how she got elected in the first place? I lived in that district not to long ago and can't believe it flipped to democrats that quick?
Posts: 970 | Location: Virginia | Registered: August 03, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So Virginia has 95 counties and 38 independent cities for a total of 133. If 67 or more total are to vote, declare, and make themselves 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties/Cities would this not send a message to the governor and demoncrats of Virginia that if they vote in these new firearm laws, that they would be going against the will of the people ??? God Bless !! Smile

"Always legally conceal carry. At the right place and time, one person can make a positive difference."
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Muzzle flash
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Originally posted by VBVAGUY:
So Virginia has 95 counties and 38 independent cities for a total of 133. If 67 or more total are to vote, declare, and make themselves 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties/Cities would this not send a message to the governor and demoncrats of Virginia that if they vote in these new firearm laws, that they would be going against the will of the people ??? God Bless !! Smile
Well, it might, but do they really care?


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
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Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by VBVAGUY:
So Virginia has 95 counties and 38 independent cities for a total of 133. If 67 or more total are to vote, declare, and make themselves 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties/Cities would this not send a message to the governor and demoncrats of Virginia that if they vote in these new firearm laws, that they would be going against the will of the people ??? God Bless !! Smile

A half dozen counties and cities contain over half the states population. Loudoun, Fairfax, Arlington, Richmond, VA Beach are in control. 90 counties could pass resolutions, and the majority of D's won't bat an eyelashe.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Posts: 21424 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Info Guru
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I really want to share this. The VCDL was asked their position on potential upcoming 'compromises'. Here is the response:

Looking into my crystal ball (and knowing the enemies of freedom), the gun controllers in the Democrat Party are going to want to "compromise" on bills like SB 16, Senator Saslaw's bill that makes AR15s, AK47s, many semi-automatic shotguns, and even some handguns, illegal to possess and also bans magazines that hold more than the magical "10 rounds."

Saslaw knows that SB 16 is a bridge way too far. And you can bet that he and the other gun controllers have been watching the massive crowds of gun owners showing up at Board of Supervisors, City Council, and Town Council meetings across the Commonwealth with great concern.

So the next step for Saslaw will be to offer to "grandfather" existing gun owners, thinking that gun owners would be stupid enough, and selfish enough, to accept such a "compromise" in exchange for passing SB 16 or its ilk. Once passed into law, gun controllers hope that gun owners will go back to sleep so the gun-control agenda can keep moving forward without massive opposition.

Will VCDL accept such a "compromise?"

Oh, HELL no.

Who are WE to negotiate away the right of future generations to own AR-15s, or their equivalent, and magazines of whatever capacity they want?

Who are WE to give away the right of future generations to protect themselves from criminals or from a government that's gone tyrannical, just so we can selfishly have our guns and magazines now?

And who is stupid enough to think that the gun controllers won't be back, over and over again, to get those guns and magazines out of our hands anyway in the near future?

I don't know about you, but I don't trust a government that doesn't trust me to have guns.

Why, exactly, do they want to disarm us? I can tell you that it isn't for public safety. Violent crime has been dropping for years, while gun ownership has been soaring.

No, it's not about making us safe. It's about making government safe to do things in the future that an armed populace would never tolerate.

VCDL is not going to accept anything but the complete defeat of all gun bills that in anyway, shape, or form, affect law-abiding gun owners in a negative way. Bills that only affect criminals? On those we can talk.

Other than bills that only affect criminals, any gun control the Democrats pass, they will own. Any Republicans that help them, are going to own that gun control, too.

It matters not if the person voting to enslave us is a Democrat or a Republican.


“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
Posts: 29408 | Location: In the red hinterlands of Deep Blue VA | Registered: June 29, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Oh, HELL no.

Damn right. We don't have the power to negotiate this, that power lays in a God given right to protect ones family and to protect our freedoms. No man has the right to negotiate that.

We've compromised enough, I will not back down, I will not settle, I will not quietly give up my rights.

Bring it!


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Posts: 21424 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I have a meeting at Congressman Griffith's office next Monday. Cool
I'm looking forward to a meaningful discussion.

God bless America.
Posts: 14378 | Location: Virginia | Registered: July 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Virginia AG: New Gun Control Laws Will Be Enforced And Followed

Virginia AG: New Gun Control Laws Will Be Enforced And Followed

Posted at 10:30 am on December 8, 2019 by Cam Edwards

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Virginia’s Attorney General Mark Herring is talking tough as dozens of counties adopt Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions vowing not to spend money or time enforcing unconstitutional gun control laws, recently opining to Richmond television station WRIC that the state’s upcoming gun control laws “are going to be enforced and they’re going to be followed.”

“These laws, when they get passed, they’re going to be followed and when you look at the resolutions that are being passed, they’re really just expressions of opposition to these gun safety measure that Virginians have demanded for a long time.”

“When you talk to those who are in law enforcement and really push them a little bit, like a sheriff or a prosecutor and say, ‘So, really? You mean you’re going to allow violent felons to go ahead and purchase firearms?’ No. They back down pretty quickly.”

I would love to know who exactly in law enforcement Herring has talked to and convinced to “back down”, because from what I’m seeing, more Virginia sheriffs are becoming outspoken in their intent to protect the Second Amendment, as my colleague Julio Rosas at Townhall recently noted.

Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins praised the Board of Supervisors for passing a Second Amendment sanctuary provision.

“I remain very optimistic that our General Assembly will not pass the proposed bills. Obviously, if passed, there are many of us willing to challenge these laws through the courts. In addition, if necessary, I plan to properly screen and deputize thousands of our law-abiding citizens to protect their constitutional right to own firearms,” Jenkins added.

I’ve not seen any evidence that any sheriff in the Commonwealth of Virginia has changed their tune on 2A Sanctuary resolutions or ordinances after speaking with the Attorney General, and Herring’s bluster poorly disguises the concern that many gun control activists have towards the Second Amendment sanctuary movement.

It’s funny how for the past three years Democrats in Virginia have been shouting “Resist” when it comes to President Trump, but now that they’re in power at the state capitol they’re yelling at gun owners and county officials to comply.

While Herring continues to insist that these resolutions are meaningless and that gun owners will comply with new laws that ban the possession of their semi-automatic rifles, counties around the state are sending the AG and anti-gun lawmakers a very different message with their Second Amendment Sanctuary votes. Next week we could see several dozen counties and towns pass resolutions of their own, and already nearly half of the state’s counties have declared themselves safe havens for the Second Amendment.

The resolutions and ordinances that we’ve seen introduced and adopted from the Appalachian hills in the southwest part of the state to the salt marshes and sandy beaches of the Eastern Shore are not perfect shields that will protect gun owners from any infringements of their rights. We have a long fight and some dark days ahead of us in Virginia, but these county-level acts of defiance in defense of the right to keep and bear arms do matter. If nothing else, we’re seeing the formation of a new grassroots collective that is hyper-local but interconnected through social media and online activity. And there’s not just one hub; the VAGuns subreddit, the VCDL’s Facebook page, message boards, and many other platforms are helping to spread the word and keep activists connected.

Herring is also going to face calls of hypocrisy over his support for legalizing cannabis, despite the fact that it remains a Schedule 1 drug at the federal level. I happen to support that move as well as Second Amendment Sanctuaries, so I’m at least consistent in my desire to expand individual rights at the expense of State power, while Herring is ready to defy federal law at the state level, even as he opposes counties that say they won’t enforce unconstitutional state gun control laws within their borders. It’s the height of hypocrisy, and only goes to show that Mark Herring knows a thing or two about being two-faced as well as being black-faced.

Posts: 13710 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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^^ I posted interview a day or two ago. Dude is smoking crack. Yeah the cops are going to hand over guns in defiance? WTF? Sadly most people will see this and think 'felons can buy guns?'

I hate that asshole.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Posts: 21424 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of wrightd
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Originally posted by VBVAGUY:
So Virginia has 95 counties and 38 independent cities for a total of 133. If 67 or more total are to vote, declare, and make themselves 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties/Cities would this not send a message to the governor and demoncrats of Virginia that if they vote in these new firearm laws, that they would be going against the will of the people ??? God Bless !! Smile

No, not at all.

Lover of the US Constitution
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Picture of Leemur
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Gov Coonman and his commie toadies flinched. They’re now talking about grandfathering existing guns/mags BUT you’d have to register them with the Crown. I think they’re trying to peel away some support in the gun community. It’s not working. They overplayed their hand and we’re not budging. Go to hell Ralph and take the rest of the commie trash with you. My apologies to the devil for sending him such repulsive filth.
Posts: 13922 | Location: Shenandoah Valley, VA | Registered: October 16, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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Originally posted by Leemur:
Gov Coonman and his commie toadies flinched. They’re now talking about grandfathering existing guns/mags BUT you’d have to register them with the Crown. I think they’re trying to peel away some support in the gun community. It’s not working. They overplayed their hand and we’re not budging. Go to hell Ralph and take the rest of the commie trash with you. My apologies to the devil for sending him such repulsive filth.

Progressives fail when they move too fast and show their hand. Now they want to take a step back to calm the gathering mob. Hopefully the mob is not that easily pacified. We know who the tyrants are now. Target them. Freeze and isolate them. Use rules for radicals against them like they use our liberties and rights against us.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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From VCDL today.

1. Results from Monday night meetings!
Can you feel the energy out there? I sure can! Massive crowds continue. Some well over 1,000 people. This is truly becoming a massive tsunami! If you haven't been to one of these meeting, you are really missing an experience!

I am just giving locality status tonight and will try to provide some photos tomorrow, if possible.

Tonight, the following 13 localities became sanctuaries:

Bedford County
Buckingham County
Town of Crewe
City of Franklin
Town of Grottoes
King and Queen County
Mecklenburg County
Rocky Mount
Shenandoah County

So Virginia now has 59 sanctuary localities, with another large group of localities going to have their hearings on Tuesday!

NOTE: Salem did not take up the issue tonight, but is still on the table:

2. Caution: sources are telling me that gun-controllers might try to provoke people at meetings
When attending these hearings, be aware that the gun controllers are extremely frustrated by the overwhelming success of the 2A Sanctuary movement. They might try to provoke you into some kind of confrontation, while secretly filming the interaction. Nothing dangerous, but they want to get video of gun owners yelling at them, etc.


The police are going to be on the lookout for any such trouble makers and will arrest them for disorderly conduct. So, if someone is trying to provoke you, just walk away and let the nearest police officer know and they will take care of the situation.

Nothing says justice better than seeing such a provocateur being escorted off in handcuffs!

Please tell others that are going to the hearing to make sure they are aware of this alert item, since not everyone gets VA-ALERT.

Posts: 13710 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
In search of baseball, strippers, and guns
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I’d love to hear how he intends to register magazines.

I’m headed to lobby day on January 20. I’ve spoken with my senator (dick Stuart) who is a republican on our side. I’ve been trading emails with Hala Ayala, my representative, now too. She is a democrat who swore she was against things that would restrict the rights of lawful gun owners but was for “commonsense” (always one word) things like background checks. She has hit the UBCs hard.

I habe 0 doubt the Democrats told crazy dick Saslaw to introduce sb16 so that when they walked it back and we still said no they could say “but we’re being so reasonable”. Fuck them.


If the meek will inherit the earth, what will happen to us tigers?
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Picture of leavemebe
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My unalienable rights are not subject to any "vote" by a misguided and ignorant legislature. Nor is that the case for any other Virginian - ever. Every Virginian should reacquaint themselves with Article 1 of the Virginia Constitution - Bill of Rights. It starts with these words:

"A DECLARATION OF RIGHTS made by the good people of Virginia in the exercise of their sovereign powers, which rights do pertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of government.

Section 1. Equality and rights of men.

That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety."

It has 17 total sections ending with these words:

"Section 17. Construction of the Bill of Rights.

The rights enumerated in this Bill of Rights shall not be construed to limit other rights of the people not therein expressed."

Virginia Bill of Rights

Some especially slow people in Richmond, and other parts of the state, have decided they can ignore those rights. They are seriously mistaken.


"It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled." Unknown observer of human behavior.
Posts: 675 | Location: Virginia | Registered: July 13, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Official forum
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Watch this.

Link to original video:


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
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Thanks for posting. Very well done.

He is correct. We have a very big family and we know our history.


"It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled." Unknown observer of human behavior.
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