Screw those pansies. I just ordered a new Tig Inverter Welder from HD because of it. I will swing by pick up my welder and maybe a new Ryobi tool for the collection as well.
This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it. -Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Joshua Painter Played by Senator Fred Thompson
Posts: 3723 | Location: Central Virginia | Registered: November 06, 2006
Unfortunately I usually don't buy anything from half of the SJW corporations, Starbucks, Nike, Faceboob, etc. I just don't use them to be able to boycott.
But in this case, I can go buy some shit from Home Depot. I hope they sell out of everything!
Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day
Posts: 10785 | Location: TN | Registered: December 18, 2005
There seems to be a very misplaced sense that anyone who doesn't agree must be wrong and should be shut down. That flies in the face of the constitution.
If the individuals or organizations calling for boycotting home depot want to call for it, then let them.
I have a daughter who works at home depot. I shop there regularly. I don't really care who their owner supports for president or any other office; that's his politics, his deal. I don't go there for his vote. I go there for filters, tools, nails, and parts. My wife shops there for plants.
If someone wants to make it their crusade to suggest people don't shop at home depot, let them have at it. Their desire won't impact my spending, and I don't really care about their politics. Let them talk.
A friend won't shop at home depot because the company has had associations with homosexual organizations. He shops at Lowes. That's fine. I shop at both, and don't really care about the corporate politics. Or those who do or don't like their politics.
As the saying goes, I may not agree with what they have to say, but will defend with my life their right to say it.
I was at HD this morning, 7 AM. I got home and saw the call for the boycott, put a smile on my face, F-Them. We're avid HD shoppers and will continue to be.
I like that HD supports veterans, 10% discount easily done at checkout.
"Nature scares me" a quote by my friend Bob after a rough day at sea.
We, like many of you, have a Home Depot across the street from Lowe’s. We prefer HD and enjoy their 10% discount for Vets.
I'm sorry if I hurt you feelings when I called you stupid - I thought you already knew - Unknown ................................... When you have no future, you live in the past. " Sycamore Row" by John Grisham
Originally posted by sns3guppy: If the individuals or organizations calling for boycotting home depot want to call for it, then let them.
Well, just who here is stopping them? I see members who are saying that they're going to purchase this product or that to counter this nonsense. In no way does this interfere with the right of whiny leftists to refrain from doing business with the company in question.
Pledging one's support by patronizing a particular business- what's wrong with that? I find this to be a benign, reasonable reaction.
HD 10% discount is for military retirees, disabled, and active duty, not "regular veterans" (like me). Lowes has 10% discount for regular veterans, but you have to sign up for it. I worked at HD for 10 years.
Posts: 4101 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: August 16, 2003
Originally posted by V-Tail: When will this crap end? What will it take to bring it to a screeching halt?
A whole lotta knocking of heads I suspect. These morons are going to keep on pushing until a large group pushes back hard on them.
I liken these SJW nitwits to my nephew when he was 4 or 5 years old. His father would only put up with antics for so long before he tanned his ass. After that, he seemed to behave quite well. And interestingly, that kid is now 22 and a very well mannered, respectful, adult. There's a lesson in there some where....
----------------------------- Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter