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Riddle time (7666) again for a chance to win a ** P226 Combat ** >>> Winner on p.9 <<< Login/Join 
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Picture of lbaker45
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7 - The seal of God in your forehead
666 - The mark of the beast in your forehead.
Posts: 1930 | Location: Midwest | Registered: November 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Man of few words

Picture of remsig
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I have 2 guesses:

The dragon and the beast. The dragon had 7 heads and the beast has his number 6 hundred 3 score and 6.

God's number is 7, a number of completeness, and Revelation there are 7 churches, 7 angels, 7 plagues, ect and the number of the beast is 666.
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pretty sure this isn't in Revelation but 7 is the number after the mark of the beast.

I know, swing and a miss...
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Dances With
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Man oh man, I just can't get anything to fit as a riddle, as OP stated.

What is a devil of a Holy question?
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7 notes on the musical scale.
666 gematria for Nero.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

Lineman <<--Support the cause.
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666 is the mark of the beast but also the number of a man. There are 7 days in a week so...
One week in the life of man, 7666
Posts: 1930 | Location: Midwest | Registered: November 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I'm not laughing
WITH you
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The answer to "How many roads must a man walk down"?

Rolan Kraps
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its a date. 7th of 1999.
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Picture of SIGGUY (THE 1ST)
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from new Jerusalem. A buyer of grain.

-------------------------------------------------------2/28/2015 ~ Rest in peace Dad. Lt Commander E.G.E. USN Love you.
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Revelations is Johns letters to the 7 churches and tells them about the devil, 666.

7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 signs and 7 bowls. 7 is a holy number, 666 is the mark of the beast mention in revelations.

The gematria value of 7666 is associated with revelations 8:1.
Posts: 3118 | Location: Germantown, TN | Registered: June 28, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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7 is the number of years the Beast (666) will rule the Earth during the Great Tribulation.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Yeah, that M14 video guy...
Picture of benny6
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Well since "7" is used a lot in the Bible and in Revelation, here are some possible representations of which "7" he could be talking about:

Seven spirits:
1. wisdom
2. understanding
3. counsel
4. might
5. knowledge
6. fear
7. spirit of The Lord

Seven Golden Lampstands: The seven churches
1. Ephesus
2. Smyrna
3. Pergamum
4. Thyatira
5. Sardis
6. Philadelphia
7. Laodicea

Seven Stars: Seven angels watching over the churches or seven messengers/letter writers that belong to the seven churches

Seven Seals (first four seals parallel Matthew 24)
1. Four Horsemen of judgement
2. Unleashing of war
3. Famine
4. Death
5. Glorification of those who have been martyred
6. The prophecy that a nation will cease to exist (like had already happened with Egypt and Babylon)
7. GOD responding to the prayers of the saints

Seven Horns of The Lamb: Seven horns symbolizing complete and perfect power of The Lamb (Christ)

Seven Eyes: Seven spirits of God
1. wisdom
2. understanding
3. counsel
4. might
5. knowledge
6. fear
7. spirit of The Lord

Seven Trumpets:
1. The first or four partial judgments
2. The second partial judgment, this time specifically against a nation
3. The third partial judgment of moral degradation
4. The last of the partial judgments signifying great tribulation (the destruction of Jerusalem)
5. Satan falls from heaven into the abyss and unleashes the locusts (The Roman siege of Jerusalem)
6. Speaking again of the destruction described in the first six seals (not trumpets), a call for Christians and non-Christians to repent
7. Jerusalem has fallen and the Jewish nation has been judged.

Seven Thunders: Not meant for man to know

I might address the others before time's up.


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Picture of mark123
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7 years of the tribulation and 666 is the mark of the beast?

7 hills of Rome and Nero Caesar (represented by 666) watched it burn.

I'm gonna laugh if 666 isn't the correct part of the riddle. Maybe we should be breaking it up differently. 766 6, 76 66.
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Oriental Redneck
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Last clue here. Let these these two gentlemen steer you toward the right answer. Smile

Originally posted by old rugged cross:
my guess Q, is by using the 666 in your 7666 reference you are trying to throw member's off. That reference is to easy. But it is working.

Originally posted by justjoe:
For those of you who are in this, my guess is that the "666" part is a red herring. Everybody knows that that is the Mark of the Beast. Waaaay too easy for the OP, who is a clever guy who knows the Bible. Forget the mark of the beast stuff.


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sick puppy
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Your initial clues of John and New Testament were to get us to the bonus clue of the book of Revelation eventually, since John (whichever one you believe) wrote revelation. if the version has to be KJV, then it must be something that could potentially be different between versions of Revelation.

The number 7666 given in the clue is written out all as one number: seven thousand six hundred and sixty six.
there are over nine thousand words in the book of revelation, and some word -counters count the verse numbers and footnote numbers, so word count is out to (easily/accurately) find the seven thousand six hundred and sixty sixth word in the book.

as another member suggested, there's one reference to "seven thousand" as the number of people who were slain in the great earthquake, but that leaves us six hundred some short of the total number.

Breaking up the numbers, 7:6 and 6:6 talk about the number of members of each tribe who were sealed, and the voice of the 4 beasts talking about the penny price of wheat and barley, but hurt not the oil or wine.

That discusses the buy and sell, as previously mentioned, in 13:17, for the first google search I did on "7666 bible" came up with the hebrew "Shabar" - to buy grain.

But that's the same chapter wherein the beast is discussed, with the mark, and its number, but as already has been pointed out, that's far too obvious, and its meaning is also highly debated in numerology.

But in numerology, the numbers are often added together, so if we're breaking down 7666, it would then add together to make 25. there aren't 25 chapters in Revelation, so 2:5 then discusses man's need for repentance.

of course just looking at the numbers, "seven" is used thirty-one times and "seventh" is said 5 times in the book of revelation; the number is first used in reference to the seven churches, which reference is also used in other scriptural texts (two other times in the New Testament, and once in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, too).

Six is only used 3 times and "sixth" is mentioned 5 in Revelation, and the sixth seal/angel bring about the destruction immediately preceding the second coming.

But the whole book of revelation is about the seals and angels. The seventh seal is the second coming of Christ, or can reference the Sabbath, and is peaceful, ushering in the reign of God and His people on the Earth.

I looked back over your OP and, although not part of the clue of 7666, You did mention "chasing rainbows" in your OP, and there's actually a reference to rainbows in Revelation - in chapter 10:1.

Anyway, I found this little game and all my subsequent research extremely interesting, since so many people reference Revelation, but not necessarily with context beyond one verse, and it truly has a ton of numbers in it, which I always knew, its just been a long time since high school seminary classes - I think I studied this, what, sophomore year?? it's been a while. I also found the spelling of Naphtali as "Nepthalim" interesting, since that's the tribe I'm from, yet I never caught that spelling difference in reference to the actual tribe instead of the land or region itself. I'll have to look further into that.

Honestly, when it boils down to it, I'm not confident I gleam any significance from 7666 in Revelation beyond a messy train of thought that derailed about 7666 times while I was looking this up and thinking about it over the past few days. It was fun nonetheless, and I'm looking forward to hearing the correct significance.

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The best I can come up with is from Strong’s, 7666 is the Hebrew word shabar which is the word for buying or selling. The mark of the beast, 666, is talked about in Revelation chapter 13. In verse 17 it states that no man may buy or sell without the mark of the beast.
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His Royal Hiney
Picture of Rey HRH
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7666 is the year based on the Jewish calendar when the devil will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Where death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelations 20:10-15)

The second part is this is when eternity begins. (Revelations 21:1-4) "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth... Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them... and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes...."

"It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual." Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning, 1946.
Posts: 20061 | Location: The Free State of Arizona - Ditat Deus | Registered: March 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I may have missed reading this or forgot I read it as someones answer, however, John writes in the Book of Revelations that when the Seventh Seal had been opened 7 Angels stood before God and were given 7 Trumpets.
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Wait, what?
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A reference to 7:18 in the book of Revelations. Refers to the creation of a false “super-church”, a creation of man. An attempt to create a church of man used to solve mans problems offering false salvation.

Or the Book of John 7:18- the man that speaks of himself seeks to glorify himself. The man that seeks to glorify God rather than himself speaks truth.

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Picture of redleg2/9
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The significance “7666”, is that the seventh angel, or messenger of God, through John, is warning the Christians of the Seven Churches, that “Neron Kesar” (the Hebrew spelling of Nero Caesar , “666”– the Emperor Nero) is attempting to wipe out the Christian faith through percussion.

You are welcome. Smile


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