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LVMPD pursuit and shooting at moving vehicles. Login/Join 
Frangas non Flectes
Picture of P220 Smudge
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Fair enough, guys.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
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Originally posted by chongosuerte:
I believe that we should be rigged with a missile, and if someone runs from us we should be able to blow them up.

Shooting through a windshield is not completely worthless, but it is about as close as you can come to it.

Agreed.....and I'm not an LEO....but I do play one on TV.

Posts: 3997 | Location: Sacramento, CA | Registered: November 21, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Picture of Sig2340
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Originally posted by chongosuerte:
I believe that we should be rigged with a missile...

L'il Kim, did you use your hackers to hijack Chongo's account?

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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hello darkness
my old friend
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Originally posted by Sig2340:
Originally posted by P220 Smudge:
Originally posted by Sig2340:
And how would people think about the officer's actions if he killed your child sitting next to you while shooting from a moving car?

Just to clarify, should these "feelings" be any different than if my child were killed while sitting next to me by the guys shooting at the cops?

Originally posted by Sig2340:
Or if he killed an uninvolved driver who lost control and rammed a gaggle of kids on a street corner?

Again, should these feelings be different if the murderers rammed a gaggle of kids on the street?

Originally posted by Sig2340:
Yes, the murderers were shooting at him, but there was an air unit on the way that could safely track them to a place where a less hazardous means of ventilating the criminals was available.

There was an air unit he requested, I don't recall hearing if it was confirmed it was on the way or not, but I can watch the video again and carefully listen. What if the air unit didn't get there in time, and instead, they managed to get to some place where they could take hostages?

We can play "what if" and "shoulda, woulda, coulda" all day, trying to come up with reasons he shouldn't have shot at them. You can just come right out and say you don't approve of it, and we can just disagree.

We're all really focused on this one officer's bodycam footage and actions. But how many other units did we see in that footage that had already joined the pursuit? They were going to chase and corner those guys wherever they went, and some shit was going to go down. I didn't hear dispatch getting on the radio to call off the half dozen units or better we saw in the video so that the air unit could take up the chase.

I asked what they would THINK not what they would feel. Thinking and feeling are not the same thing.

The officer's actions are on a risk continuum from low risk to stupid out-of-control risk. That this worked out okay is but one possible outcome.

There is an equally valid infinite number of outcomes that would have people screaming for the officer's head.

My take is his actions bordered on reckless, but were made acceptable only by the outcome.
Sure but, the pursuit only ended when the cop got close and poured rounds into the vehicle. Before that happened the police were just following bad guys who were shooting at much longer distances with less chance of getting hits on the police and creating more risk for the public. Letting this crime spree continue for longer periods just couldn't happen. I'm sure the officer knew the risk but I'm also sure the bad guys didn't care one bit about what was down range. The officer closed the distance and took better percentage shots. All things considered I can't really ask any more for our LEO's.
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That rug really tied
the room together.
Picture of bubbatime
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Originally posted by Sig2340:
And how would people think about the officer's actions if he killed your child sitting next to you while shooting from a moving car?

Or if he killed an uninvolved driver who lost control and rammed a gaggle of kids on a street corner?

Yes, the murderers were shooting at him, but there was an air unit on the way that could safely track them to a place where a less hazardous means of ventilating the criminals was available.

The air unit wasn't there. It likely was on the ground in standby mode and wouldn't have been there for 30-45 minutes. Did it look like the officers had 45 minutes?

Sure the officer could have killed kids. He also could have crashed into a gas station causing an explosion that would have took out several blocks. He could have accidentally shot a passing nuclear bomb being transported by USAF security forces and took out all of Las Vegas too. He could have ran over 200 school kids waiting for their school bus. A lot of "what if's", but you know, none of that happened.

Often times a very small man can cast a very large shadow
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That rug really tied
the room together.
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Originally posted by Sig2340:
My take is his actions bordered on reckless, but were made acceptable only by the outcome.

You've just been promoted to patrol officer (from Monday morning quarterback and policing expert). It is your JOB to stop and detain these wanted murderers, that are shooting at police officers. What are you going to do? Be specific. What is your grand plan? Lets assume the air unit is 45 minutes away.

Often times a very small man can cast a very large shadow
Posts: 6725 | Location: Floriduh | Registered: October 16, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Sigforum K9 handler
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Hey Broward County didn’t shoot anyone by accident at Parkland. How do you THINK those parents feel about officers doing nothing?

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

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Frangas non Flectes
Picture of P220 Smudge
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He’s gonna use Chongo’s vehicular-launched hyperbole missile! Razz

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
Posts: 18021 | Location: Sonoran Desert | Registered: February 10, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by bubbatime:
Originally posted by Sig2340:
My take is his actions bordered on reckless, but were made acceptable only by the outcome.

You've just been promoted to patrol officer (from Monday morning quarterback and policing expert). It is your JOB to stop and detain these wanted murderers, that are shooting at police officers. What are you going to do? Be specific. What is your grand plan? Lets assume the air unit is 45 minutes away.

It was already stated in this thread about high risk/low reward. I dont think it was ever said but who did these two kill? Im willing to assume it was another shit bag. Sometimes it is simply just not worth it. If these guys just shot up a daycare center then no issues, go get them. If they killed another guy in a drug deal who freaking cares. You can always get them tomorrow. There is no shame in backing off. Some times the best thing to do is to do nothing at all.

Sig2340 is right on. If the officer would have shot an innocent in the process we would be hanging him out to dry.

Posts: 5514 | Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA | Registered: February 27, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
quarter MOA visionary
Picture of smschulz
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Originally posted by gpbst3:

Sig2340 is right on.
If the officer would have shot an innocent in the process we would be hanging him out to dry.

If any of us was in a situation where we used a firearm to defend (justifiably) ourselves and we miss and hit some innocent bystander nearby we would and should be held responsible.
If we hit our assailant (only) then all is good.
Pretty much the same scenario here.
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Quit staring at my wife's Butt
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That was cool !! when he was putting in the second mag, I was yelling turn it over. Big Grin
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Originally posted by Sig2340:
Originally posted by P220 Smudge:
Originally posted by ChicagoSigMan:
Brings to mind the saying "you are responsible for every bullet you fire"

I am curious where all those bullets went. Seems like some high-risk, low probability shooting from the car.

They had already murdered one guy and were cranking off rounds at that officer from much, much greater distances earlier in the video, and with more people around at the time. The officer saw his window, took it, closed the distance on those guys and put rounds into them. That fight needed to end quick, and it needed to end about like it did, or we would’ve seen someone else get killed.

In the last thread, we had a couple of members who weren’t LEO’s trying to apply all the rules of the range to the gunfight through the windshield. Worded similarly, even.

And how would people think about the officer's actions if he killed your child sitting next to you while shooting from a moving car?

Or if he killed an uninvolved driver who lost control and rammed a gaggle of kids on a street corner?

Yes, the murderers were shooting at him, but there was an air unit on the way that could safely track them to a place where a less hazardous means of ventilating the criminals was available.

Based on the facts presented - these murderers were not even close to being done with the killing.
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We gonna get some
oojima in this house!
Picture of smithnsig
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Originally posted by P220 Smudge:
Originally posted by deepocean:
I never had any idea officers could or would shoot through a windshield. Wow.

There's been at least several shootings like this in the last few years, that I know of. One was discussed recently here, officer rolled up on an active shooter who was actively trading rounds with another officer on foot, and they both put shots on him, the one through the windshield. There was another one more like this video where the officer fired his short AR through the windshield at someone in a rather nasty pursuit.

Wow! An SBR in a vehicle. Can’t imagine how loud that was.

TCB all the time...
Posts: 6501 | Location: Cantonment/Perdido Key, Florida | Registered: September 28, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by smithnsig:
Originally posted by P220 Smudge:
Originally posted by deepocean:
I never had any idea officers could or would shoot through a windshield. Wow.

There's been at least several shootings like this in the last few years, that I know of. One was discussed recently here, officer rolled up on an active shooter who was actively trading rounds with another officer on foot, and they both put shots on him, the one through the windshield. There was another one more like this video where the officer fired his short AR through the windshield at someone in a rather nasty pursuit.

Wow! An SBR in a vehicle. Can’t imagine how loud that was.

Had a guy light off an 870 in a car once. Neither one of us could hear the radio call.
Posts: 7189 | Registered: April 02, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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I don't know how you officers do it..... I try to imagine having to perform in such an event and then doing it again the next day. That kind of intensity would make old fast.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Picture of Sig2340
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Originally posted by bubbatime:
Originally posted by Sig2340:
My take is his actions bordered on reckless, but were made acceptable only by the outcome.

You've just been promoted to patrol officer (from Monday morning quarterback and policing expert). It is your JOB to stop and detain these wanted murderers, that are shooting at police officers. What are you going to do? Be specific. What is your grand plan? Lets assume the air unit is 45 minutes away.

If I am in a stop them at any cost now mode, I'm armed with a deadly weapon people either forget about or discount.

The police cruiser.

Ramming, as in not a PIT, is an option I'd seriously consider. There was an opportunity at 3:44.

I'm belted in, and have airbags. They may have airbags, but I doubt they are belted in. I might get injured or even killed in the ensuing crash, but I might get hurt or killed by the criminals shooting at me.

Yes, it means driving into people shooting at me (which is happening in either case), but I saw nothing indicating the cruiser was hit by any rounds from the criminals.

And it means that my shots, for which I am 100% accountable, aren't flying willy-nilly in an urban area. That, for me, is a major consideration.

Is there a significantly greater risk in ramming? I doubt it, since the cruiser is already barreling though traffic, blowing lights and driving in the oncoming lanes. The officer could have hit or been hit (more likely) some random stranger.

And I know a guy who used his car as a deadly weapon, running over a carjacker who stood in the road with a pistol. Bobby didn't hesitate, He floored it.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
Posts: 32729 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: May 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Team Apathy
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I agree that it was high risk... but I don't agree that it was low reward. In fact, we don't know what the reward was and never will. We don't know what they had intended to do or what they might have done had the situation not been ended.

I suspect, and I think the video supports this, that the shots fired through the side window were far more effective than the windshield shots... Not passing judgement on whether those windshield shots should have been done or not either, just an observation about the apparent effectivness of the side window shots.

But the vehicle stopped moving after the volley of fire from the weapon hand through the drive side window.

As far as the reload... while it is likely he's practiced drawing and shooting from inside the vehicle (or at least simulated) its just as likely he hasn't practiced reloading from one while attempting to egress at the same time. Could it have been better? No doubt. In the end, he stayed behind concealment until he got it done and then continued. I can't fault him.
Posts: 6596 | Location: Modesto, CA | Registered: January 27, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of jac1304
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Brings back another video of shooting: this time a rifle from patrol car during a pursuit.
Posts: 908 | Location: Snohomish, WA | Registered: February 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Just for the
hell of it
Picture of comet24
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Originally posted by jac1304:
Brings back another video of shooting: this time a rifle from patrol car during a pursuit.

How many police officers are carrying full auto rifles? Pretty sure I heard some full auto in that video.


Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain. Jack Kerouac
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Picture of Sig2340
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Originally posted by comet24:
Originally posted by jac1304:
Brings back another video of shooting: this time a rifle from patrol car during a pursuit.

How many police officers are carrying full auto rifles? Pretty sure I heard some full auto in that video.

At the end there is FA fire.

Now this example, I'm less concerned about stray rounds. It looked fairly rural, and at night so there was far less potential for stray shots hurting s bystander. Here, shooting through the windscreen is a reasonable option, albeit not one completely without risk.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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