Are any of you making any political contributions and if so, what are the most beneficial to our cause?

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July 14, 2018, 03:21 AM
Scott in NCal
Are any of you making any political contributions and if so, what are the most beneficial to our cause?
Both Cynthia Nixon and Cocktail Cortez have some how obtained my email address and asked for donations to the cause. I have yet to be convinced to do this.
July 14, 2018, 07:35 AM
Most often I contribute to the NRA-ILA. I think the NRA makes the best use of my donations, they know how to use their influence.

Sometimes I contribute to a compelling candidate, like Martha McSally in 2014 when she won the House race by 167 votes. She is now running for Jeff Flakes Senate seat.

After reading this thread, I will be sending some money to Judicial Watch as well. They are another very effective organization.
July 16, 2018, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Jimbo54:
Originally posted by HK Ag:
I give, not a lot but it gives me a license to complain.

This time I plan to give to the Senatorial campaigns in Red states with Dem Senators up for reelection. Ill give to their Republican opponents.

F the Democrats!


You don't need to give money to earn the right to complain. Just vote in every election and you're covered.

I only give to local candidates and nothing to national parties.


I live in Texas so after the Republican Primaries we are generally all decided. I vote in the primaries and local run off elections as well.

But I contribute to other out of state candidates as well.
I also give to the TSRA, NRA and 2nd Amendment Foundation as well.

All their junk mail goes to my work email junk file so I don't let that bother me.

If we could get national dollars (us) on our side to these key local elections we would mop the floor with the Dems.

July 16, 2018, 03:11 PM
I only give to local races.
Tim Neville for Colorado Senate 16.
Tim Leonard for Colorado House District 25.

Both of these men are in highly competitive races. If either one flips to Dems we are screwed. Particularly in the State Senate as we only have a 1 seat majority.