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A message to all those who whip out their phone to start recording any mayhem they may witness Login/Join 
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
I want you to take your thousand dollar pacifier and see how far you can cram it up your ass!!

I am so sick of seeing people pull out their phone to start recording a fight or an accident or whatever. Phones need to be slapped out of hands so hard, they end up halfway to the state line.

I dream of the day when the police find one of these douchbags with the corner of an iphone crammed into the anus of its owner.

In all seriousness, this is one of the prime indicators of the breakdown of society. It indicates a callousness, a disregard for decency, and a fair indicator of the gradual but steady drop in IQ of the general population. I wish to God there were no cellphones, none, and if He cannot grant this, then at least make them just phones, not recording devices. I am so very sick of it. I want to take a baseball bat to people I see pulling this shit.
Posts: 110940 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Dances With
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I agree. I see videos of people in grave trouble of some sort or another, perhaps an accident, and these bozos don't have enough common decency to help render aid. They'd rather put it on the internet than help a person.

I can't find that same video, here's something similar. So the Coast Guard crew and the rescue swimmer has to risk their lives to rescue party dude and girlfriend.

It's just a great big party waiting for the Coast Guard to show up.

Link to original video:

Here's a longer video. This asshat just pisses me off, he's just so self absorbed. Dude needs his ass kicked.

Link to original video:
Posts: 12096 | Location: Near Hooker Oklahoma, closer to Slapout Oklahoma | Registered: October 26, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
SF Jake
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Would love to see those types with an iPhone firmly jammed amongst broken teeth....I see it all the time at any given crash I do on the highway and secondary roads. I have witnessed some of those gawking rear end the car in front of them because they are too busy with what we are doing and not that pesky driving thing they should be paying attention to....serves them right and I just laugh out loud, shake my head and say “assholes” ..... I am fortunate to have witnessed that event on multiple occasions over the years

Those who trade liberty for security have neither
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Amen brother.


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Be prepared for loud noise and recoil
Picture of sigalert
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Thank you!

“Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant.” – James Madison

"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others." - Robert Louis Stevenson
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Picture of Prefontaine
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Words cannot express how tired of it all I am. They pushed me out of the movie theaters due to phone use. You spend $18 to see the new fancy 3D action/space/comic film, but you want to play on your phone during the whole movie? 2 years straight of this, and I left for good and built my own home theater.

Driving, every drive, every ride, idiots on phones, every_single_solitary_ride_or_drive.

Now it’s the gym. I’ve already left the restaurants as I’m not paying for food only to hear your game you’re playing or your face time call showing your food off to your friend, mother, or gay uncle. Put the fucking thing away and have some decency. It’s rampant at the gym, so I’m about to build my own home gym, to the tune of thousands of dollars. Fuck I’m to the point now with all the phone addiction I want my own 10 acres out in the country, far away from any city. As soon as my career allows me to work remote 24/7, I’m fucking out of here so fast it’ll be like a tornado.

The recording device is as sickening as anything else. They’ll let someone suffer or laugh about something so they can upload it to you-tit, to get the clicks/views/likes. This is a major league fucked up society and I have never seen anything like this in my almost 50 years. Likewise, in public, when people are holding me up due to their phone use I wish I could legally snatch it out of their hands and throw it Nolan Ryan style at the closest wall.

I’ll go on vacation, usually surfing and that’s all people do there. We’re out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in the most remote place on Earth and there is so much beauty, so many things to do, to immerse yourself in, and what are these idiots doing? Making videos. I took a chopper flight in January 2019 from Maui, close to OGG, all the way across the channel, over to Molokai, through the West Maui mountains, and the valley. I’m taking it all in, seeing Humpbacks from the air, flying feet from the tallest sea cliff in the world. What are the people doing in the chopper in front of me doing the entire time? Taking selfies.

Fuck your phone. Put it away. You get one damn life and it’s super short, and what do you do all day? Stare at a 6” screen, fucking with “apps”.

Saved this for just such a thread. Both are 100% mother fucking accurate.

What I view as society today:

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
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Coin Sniper
Picture of Rightwire
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It drives me nuts when a person videos someone in trouble, being attacked, or injured. STOP AND HELP you moron.

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat

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I'm Pickle Rick!
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I hate seeing people who photograph themselves ...... tongue sticking out and all the other goofy shit they do. I especially hate seeing people who I guess are so important that they must TEXT while eating in a restaurant. Drives me nuts. I guess I am getting old.

" Formally known as GotDogs "
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Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
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Oh man...watching a clip of what may be happening and all I notice is the amount of phones that get drawn to record...good gravy. Ugg. People need to practice not having a phone. I mean that. Like many of you I am not of the 'phone always' generation. Three years ago here in the ENC we had a pretty good hurricane. I lost power for a day, water for three, and cell service for two weeks. Home internet was gone. It was glorious. The phone sat on the counter and once every few days I would drive to the next town over to the Food Lion parking lot for a signal. Check my email, call my mom to tell her I was ok, and go home. It was like being overseas again except with a better connection.

Put it down. Read a book. Take a picture with an actual camera (bonus points if that camera has film). Enjoy a whole day without your electronic leash. Somedays I really think life is moving too fast. And that's not a good thing.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lighten up and laugh
Picture of Ackks
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NSFW language at the end. I just keep watching it.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of DC3S
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"Freedom is a light for which many men have died in darkness."
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Picture of sjtill
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How about people at an important event, it’s being recorded live for TV, and people think they have to have it on their own phone, so they stick it up in the air and that’s all anyone behind them sees?
Self-absorption to the nth degree.

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
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Be prepared for loud noise and recoil
Picture of sigalert
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Originally posted by DC3S:

Yeah. No. I don’t know if they were obstructing traffic to film a wreck. I guess not, because the officer had time to pull them out and walk them to the scene.

People who do this sort of thing are assholes. But being an asshole isn’t illegal. Yet. This is how you wind up with “hate crime” penalties.


“Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant.” – James Madison

"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Posts: 3628 | Location: Middle Tennessee  | Registered: March 23, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Muzzle flash
Picture of flashguy
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It's also very bad at famous places. So many fools in the way having selfies taken with the location that no one else can get a photo of just the attraction.

I have a flip phone. It is OFF unless I need to make a call. I don't give out the number and don't expect ANYONE to call it. It has a camera but I don't take pictures with it -- it's a PHONE, for Pete's sake. I take pictures with a real camera, and typically NOT of me. I don't need to be in a photo with a famous place to prove I was there -- my photos of the place do that.


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
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There's certainly a lot to be said for documentation of an incident, mishap, emergency, or event. A considerable amount of information might be gained from bystander video, superior to eyewitness accounts, for accident investigation, liability, legal reasons, clues, etc.

Where it's problematic is when people are so busy videoing something that they fail to lend a hand to mitigate the problem.

It's the asshole that films a rape instead of preventing it, videos a drowning instead of rescuing the victim, or whips out his phone to document a fight instead of dialing 911; those are the people that need their head examined, and their ass kicked.

A few years ago I was riding as a passenger on a Southwest flight, which struck another company aircraft while taxiing. I was in uniform. A flurry of questions ensued, many directed my way (because of the uniform), and the cry went out "call a lawyer, I'm hurt, I'm hurt!". There was no reason for injury, but the cell phones came out.

When we got to the gate, the windows by the gate were packed with cell phone holders, each eager to get a shot. A chunk of the other airplane was embedded in our airplane. I snatched my bags and left before anyone turned a camera toward me or asked questions that I had no intention of answering. The whole spectacle reminded me of vultures.

I've spent most of my life going out of my way not to be in photographs. Most of my life, few cared, and no one would waste a snapshot. With cells, people feel free to take pictures of everything under the sun, from selfies that capture everyone behind them to snapshots of their food, their thumb, and god knows what else. It's hard to walk down a street without someone waving a cell phone around, taking a picture of something.

While I'm sick and tired of the tendency for people to think they're so goddamn important today that the world revolves around them, that the world would be remotely interested in them regurgitating every second of their pointless lives, I'm happy to live and let live until it becomes a problem for others. Where I draw the line are the endless sea of dumbasses that reference their phone while driving. Those, I'd happily introduce to a baseball bat.
Posts: 6650 | Registered: September 13, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Gotta be a good witness! Roll Eyes

Posts: 10062 | Registered: October 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I have a flip phone. It is OFF unless I need to make a call. I don't give out the number and don't expect ANYONE to call it. It has a camera but I don't take pictures with it -- it's a PHONE, for Pete's sake. I take pictures with a real camera, and typically NOT of me. I don't need to be in a photo with a famous place to prove I was there -- my photos of the place do that.

Amen to that. I use a flip phone as well and only a couple family and friends have the number and keep it turned off 99.9% of the time. These idiots driving and talking and texting and obsession with selfies is beyond out of control. Iv'e even see a woman at work with a picture of herself as her wallpaper/desktop on her phone. Who the hell does that????
Posts: 887 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: December 14, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Too soon old,
too late smart
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Originally posted by flashguy: ...
I have a flip phone. It is OFF unless I need to make a call. I don't give out the number and don't expect ANYONE to call it. It has a camera but I don't take pictures with it -- it's a PHONE, for Pete's sake. flashguy

^^^ This in spades. BTW, that was a nice forehand on that guy’s phone.
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Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes
Picture of sandman76
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I like having a portable phone. Super handy. I like being able to access the internet and use it to listen to music. I use the camera as a tool and rarely at that.

On this subject, I wholeheartedly agree with Para and Prefontaine. Hear Hear.

“There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.”
― Frank Zappa
Posts: 1973 | Location: Douglas County, Colorado | Registered: July 13, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Or take pictures as I witnessed first hand.
Traffic accident that I saw in front of me a few years ago with my brother. Bad accident too.
I stopped as did a few other drivers to check on the people involved. One guy got out of his car and started taking pictures. One guy yelled at him that if he had his phone out, quit taking pictures and call some rescue services.
Blood boiling for sure.

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
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