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Today I cleaned my rifle Login/Join 
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Here is a sobering realization:
We see the general decay of individual freedom, in favor of a socialist, collectivist, mindset, enforced by a propagandistic media that self-censors any non-PC dissenting thoughts or speech, occurring in the USA. But we think "It is so bad that it is now obviously ridiculous. It can't possible get much worse."

But put history into some context: Dostoevsky was warning about the rise of totalitarian socialism/communism in Russia in the period of 1849 to 1866, which was ~50-60 years before the Russian revolution.
Fredreich Nietszche was warning of the rise of National Socialism in Germany up to about 1868, which was 65 years before Hitler established the Third Reich.
Those deep thinkers saw it coming at the outset of the groupthink taking hold of the society.

It can get a LOT worse, and over an greatly extended period of time, before the society collapses.

"Crom is strong! If I die, I have to go before him, and he will ask me, 'What is the riddle of steel?' If I don't know it, he will cast me out of Valhalla and laugh at me."
Posts: 6641 | Registered: September 10, 2007Report This Post
Hop head
Picture of lyman
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Originally posted by RichardC:

"Report: 22 Islamic Compounds Exist in U.S.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:12 AM PT — Wed. August 29, 2018

A recent report sheds light on FBI documents, confirming dozens of Islamic compounds are operating in the U.S.

One America’s Kristian Rouz has more."

there is one about 2 hrs from me that has been there well over 30 yrs,

from what I understand, they are monitored pretty heavily,
Posts: 10746 | Location: Beach VA,not VA Beach | Registered: July 17, 2007Report This Post
Make America Great Again
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Originally posted by lyman:
Originally posted by RichardC:

"Report: 22 Islamic Compounds Exist in U.S.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:12 AM PT — Wed. August 29, 2018

A recent report sheds light on FBI documents, confirming dozens of Islamic compounds are operating in the U.S.

One America’s Kristian Rouz has more."

there is one about 2 hrs from me that has been there well over 30 yrs,

from what I understand, they are monitored pretty heavily,

Monitored by whom, the FBI??? Oh, that gives me the warm fuzzies and makes it all better...

These "people", and I use that term VERY loosely, are patient, extremely patient! They are preparing for war within our borders, and when they are ready, they will strike, and WE will likely NOT be ready because our gubbermint will not be ready! You and I, the armed citizens have to be ready, or as long as the 2nd Amendment allows us anyway... and if that falls, we must rise up against it also!

I simply feel sick to my stomach when I look at the America today vs the one I grew up in... and I'm nowhere near as old as some of you! Don't take that as an insult... I'm just stating simple fact. I'm not quite to 60 yet, and this country is simply unrecognizable from what I remember, much less the patriotism that was prevalent back before I was born! I just want to vomit!!! Thankfully I will not live a whole lot longer as I don't think I could stand it anyway...

Bill R.
North Alabama

I just can't quit grinnin' from all of this winnin'!
Posts: 4924 | Location: Madison, AL | Registered: December 06, 2009Report This Post
Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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Originally posted by Crom:
Here is a sobering realization:
We see the general decay of individual freedom, in favor of a socialist, collectivist, mindset, enforced by a propagandistic media that self-censors any non-PC dissenting thoughts or speech, occurring in the USA. But we think "It is so bad that it is now obviously ridiculous. It can't possible get much worse."

But put history into some context: Dostoevsky was warning about the rise of totalitarian socialism/communism in Russia in the period of 1849 to 1866, which was ~50-60 years before the Russian revolution.
Fredreich Nietszche was warning of the rise of National Socialism in Germany up to about 1868, which was 65 years before Hitler established the Third Reich.
Those deep thinkers saw it coming at the outset of the groupthink taking hold of the society.

It can get a LOT worse, and over an greatly extended period of time, before the society collapses.

Preach it, brother!
It can get a LOT worse..., which is why Today I cleaned my rifle!

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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My wife and I play a game, sort of, when we are in our cars together. One of us will randomly pick out a person, ie the guy on the corner in blue. Then we state, quickly, if he is a good or bad guy.

Then we take a few minutes to back up our conclusions. Never heated, we have had some great discussions which normall end with Maggie telling me that I think everyone is a bad guy.

We do it a couple of times and then try to make the rest of the trip more mellow.

Being upset about the way things are going does nothing to create awareness of the BGs for when they come out of their holes. Didn't mean that in a bad way. Smile
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Report This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by bronicabill:
activate the red-dot sight with minimum wasted time and not having to look at which brightness setting I chose, etc.

Something to keep in mind in a crisis situation is that it’s not necessary to have the reticle on to get hits on large targets at close distances. There are ways of improving things such as including the front sight tower in the aiming if you have one, but just centering the target in the optic’s field of view will usually be sufficient. It’s something I and my students practice with occasionally. We don’t want to be fumbling with a Right here! Right now! threat.

To confirm, just try engaging targets yourself with the red dot turned off to see how effective it is. And of course another method of dealing with the issue is to have an Aimpoint sight that can be left on all the time; just change the battery every year or two.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48145 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Report This Post
Crusty old
Picture of Jimbo54
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by bronicabill:
activate the red-dot sight with minimum wasted time and not having to look at which brightness setting I chose, etc.

Something to keep in mind in a crisis situation is that it’s not necessary to have the reticle on to get hits on large targets at close distances. There are ways of improving things such as including the front sight tower in the aiming if you have one, but just centering the target in the optic’s field of view will usually be sufficient. It’s something I and my students practice with occasionally. We don’t want to be fumbling with a Right here! Right now! threat.

To confirm, just try engaging targets yourself with the red dot turned off to see how effective it is. And of course another method of dealing with the issue is to have an Aimpoint sight that can be left on all the time; just change the battery every year or two.

One of the selling points of the Burris AR-332 sight is that in daylight to low light the reticle is etched in black so you don't need to turn on the red or green illumination. You're right 'sigfreund' that you don't need the red or green dot for close quarter situations, at least with the Burris. I hope I never have to put it to the test, that's for sure.



"If you can't be a good example, then you'll have to be a horrible warning" -Catherine Aird
Posts: 9791 | Location: The right side of Washington State | Registered: September 14, 2008Report This Post
Make America Great Again
Picture of bronicabill
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by bronicabill:
activate the red-dot sight with minimum wasted time and not having to look at which brightness setting I chose, etc.

Something to keep in mind in a crisis situation is that it’s not necessary to have the reticle on to get hits on large targets at close distances. There are ways of improving things such as including the front sight tower in the aiming if you have one, but just centering the target in the optic’s field of view will usually be sufficient. It’s something I and my students practice with occasionally. We don’t want to be fumbling with a Right here! Right now! threat.

To confirm, just try engaging targets yourself with the red dot turned off to see how effective it is. And of course another method of dealing with the issue is to have an Aimpoint sight that can be left on all the time; just change the battery every year or two.

'Tis true, and I realize it! All I really need up close and personal is center my front sight post tip in the middle of my optic, I'll at least get COM hits at "inside my little house" ranges! With 1-2 seconds more (max) to spare, I can pop up the rear sight for greater accuracy... Big Grin

Bill R.
North Alabama

I just can't quit grinnin' from all of this winnin'!
Posts: 4924 | Location: Madison, AL | Registered: December 06, 2009Report This Post
Picture of RichardC
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Last night, I started to clean my rifles, but I was too angry. My hands were shaking.

Then, I heard Governor Rick Scott on television giving us some hope that the rule of law in Florida might possibly live .


Posts: 16379 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 23, 2003Report This Post
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Originally posted by RichardC:
Last night, I started to clean my rifles, but I was too angry. My hands were shaking.

Then, I heard Governor Rick Scott on television giving us some hope that the rule of law in Florida might possibly live .

Don't forget some drills to improve efficiency. They will take your mind off of your woes.
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Report This Post
Political Cynic
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I am disgusted by the crap being pulled by the GDC's here in Arizona

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

Posts: 54274 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Report This Post
Telecom Ronin
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Loaded up 10 more mags last night and labeled them. I love the 6 mag surplus bandoliers I have 8 or so stashed in various "kits" around my house and car. Great way to keep loaded mags RTG. Labeled them as they were 62gr green tips I had sitting around and all my 5.56 ARs are dialed in for 55gr.
Posts: 8301 | Location: Back in NE TX stay | Registered: February 12, 2004Report This Post
Told cops where to go for over 29 years…
Picture of 911Boss
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Well, one good thing came from the I-1639 crap that passed in WA, I finally got off the fence and ordered up my “Holy Grail” rifle.

M1A Loaded with stainless barrel and walnut stock has been ordered and is now in queue for cleaning on arrival sometime next week.

What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???

Posts: 11550 | Location: Western WA state for just a few more years... | Registered: February 17, 2006Report This Post
A Grateful American
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DaHjaj QaQ jaj beH Say'!

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 44999 | Location: Box 1663 Santa Fe, New Mexico | Registered: December 20, 2008Report This Post
Make America Great Again
Picture of bronicabill
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Originally posted by sigmonkey:
DaHjaj QaQ jaj beH Say'!


Bill R.
North Alabama

I just can't quit grinnin' from all of this winnin'!
Posts: 4924 | Location: Madison, AL | Registered: December 06, 2009Report This Post
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Do you know what your neighbors are up to?

I don't know any local police officers so I'm not sure how I'd ask about drug houses or other behavior I'd like to be aware of.

Posts: 11744 | Location: Western Oklahoma | Registered: June 18, 2008Report This Post
Move Up or
Move Over
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Originally posted by sigmonkey:
DaHjaj QaQ jaj beH Say'!

Really... I kind of need that time back.

I am now prepared, however, in the unlikely event of an K't'inga-class attack, on how to communicate the terms of their surrender...
Posts: 4954 | Location: middle Tennessee | Registered: October 28, 2008Report This Post
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I heard from some friends who are helping some of their family and friends into getting in to personal protection.

Now, my friends are not experts and they think that I am a prepping expert. Big Grin

So, I gave my friends a copy of my reading list, a page of sources from who I purchased stuff. My major plan is to keep a distance from this and passively help my friends who are getting more serious about facing societal changes.

Moonglow, my wife with 2 posts, Wink, has been into and we try to get out at least 20 times a year.

Ergo, I am asking for help in who has the best videos for SD and HD for both pistol and long gun. Recognition videos would be helpful. ( I will also be doing my own search and will update and share progress.
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Report This Post
Picture of craigcpa
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Originally posted by mrmn50:
I heard from some friends who are helping some of their family and friends into getting in to personal protection.

Now, my friends are not experts and they think that I am a prepping expert. Big Grin

So, I gave my friends a copy of my reading list, a page of sources from who I purchased stuff. My major plan is to keep a distance from this and passively help my friends who are getting more serious about facing societal changes.

Moonglow, my wife with 2 posts, Wink, has been into and we try to get out at least 20 times a year.

Ergo, I am asking for help in who has the best videos for SD and HD for both pistol and long gun. Recognition videos would be helpful. ( I will also be doing my own search and will update and share progress.

Just wait for a month or so when the Food Stamps run out and watch society crumble. L.A. Riots won't have anything on this time period.

Just my 2¢

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right ♫♫♫
Posts: 7731 | Location: Raleighwood | Registered: June 27, 2006Report This Post
Too old to run,
too mean to quit!
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Originally posted by roberth:
Do you know what your neighbors are up to?

I don't know any local police officers so I'm not sure how I'd ask about drug houses or other behavior I'd like to be aware of.

One of our family friends works for the PD, and she says there are areas where the cops are scared to go. What could be described as ghetto territory.


There has never been an occasion where a people gave up their weapons in the interest of peace that didn't end in their massacre. (Louis L'Amour)

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. "
-Thomas Jefferson

"America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." Alexis de Tocqueville


The Idaho Elk Hunter
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