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Tell us about the weirdest dream you ever had. Login/Join 
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Too many to recall and not enough bandwidth Smile
Here are a few:

• When I was young child, probably too young for most people to realistically remember dreams, I recall a dream (still very vivid to this day) where I was led by this beautiful woman with blonde, flowing hair to an old house in some familiar countryside that I could feel I had some strong connection with. Off in the distance were windmills and waterways; the grass was very lush and green, with flowers littering the landscape. We played together and even climbed the side of the house to the top of the roof somehow, then proceeded to lie together on a hill, where we talked until I assumably woke up. For some reason, that dream had a strange effect on me.
Fast-forward about twenty years later on my first trip to Europe. The first leg of my travel was through The Netherlands. I never felt such an affiliation with a place to that point. Anyway, one of my day journeys was to Kinderdijk, and it all came full-circle insofar as communion with a physical space is concerned. It has never left me and probably never will.

• Nearing the end of my senior year in high school, the mother of my best friend growing up was diagnosed with cancer. It was extremely aggressive, and probably was with her long before they discovered it, because it took her very quickly. I remember being there when my friend found out. We hung out together every night with her in the hospital the week or two before she finally passed.
The night she died, I had a dream where I was floating above her in her hospital room, like I was observing the whole thing. I saw her, my friend and his family and a doctor in the room; he stated to them: 'she died this morning.'
I overslept that next morning. My mother came in my bedroom yelling at me to get up, as I was late for school. It was about a month until graduation, so I didn't much care at the time.
When I got to school, I headed for 'the office' to get a tardy slip, where a few of my other friends were as well, for reasons I couldn't put together at the time. One boy in particular, of whom we were very close back then, point-blank asked me, 'haven't you heard?' I asked him if I'd heard what? He then simply stated, 'she died this morning.'
Come to find out, he, along with a few others, were trying to call their parents for permission to go be with our friend at the hospital.

• One more: When I was living alone in college there was this one night in particular—it was right after one of the greatest League Championship Series games ever played—that I had this dream where I fell asleep on the couch (which at the time I actually did). I was somewhat conscious in the dream, because I could make out the shape of a woman hovering above me. I felt like I knew her, but she had this otherworldly presence to her. I vividly remember her bending down to whisper into my ear. It was completely foreign, unlike any spoken language I'd heard (my mind was obviously making up some form of communication). In the dream, it made no sense, but I was able to translate it. It was a sequence of numbers; she then stated in this language which I was able to understand, 'I'm so sorry. I wish you had more time.' I remember beginning to cry and told her that I didn't have much time to do it, did I? (whatever 'to do it' meant)
How I interpreted this during my dream was that she gave me the exact date of my death. I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic and was crying.
Now here's the stupid me part: I recited the numbers over and over until I fell back to sleep, rather than getting up to write it down. When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't recall even one number.
Posts: 239 | Registered: January 20, 2016Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Page late and a dollar short
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A dream of my best friend on the one year anniversary of his passing. He was standing in front of me with a smile on his face. He did not speak but I read his mind, he told me that everything would be all right.

Four days later I was hospitalized with the result being a triple bypass. To this day I still swear he was there.

Then fast forward to a few days after I was released from the hospital. Recuperating at home, on a lot of meds and still feeling some effects (probably) of the stuff they pumped into me and notably taking Benadryl on the doctor's advice to help me get back to some semblance of normal(?) sleep patterns. That afternoon my wife and I went to a grocery store, my first outing since I came home.

I bought a couple of magazines, Street Rodder and Rod and Custom. Read them that afternoon. That night on TV The History Channel had something on aliens which I watched. Went to bed after the dreaded Benadryl dose.

Woke up in the middle of the night laughing. I had a VERY vivid dream that aliens had landed and brought me a 32 Ford hot rodded roadster in kit form, I had to put it together. "He" said that this was part of the plan to get me better, it would be good therapy. OF course my wife got worried, I recited the usual EMT questions and answers, name,address, age, where I was, why I was there, the usual to establish how lucid a patient is. Pretty bad when I play the role of patient and caregiver.

Well, I can tell you that the Ford was not there the next morning, he probably took it back with him wherever he came from because I laughed at the dream........And I stopped the Benadryl dosage that day.

————————--Ignorance is a powerful tool if applied at the right time, even, usually, surpassing knowledge(E.J.Potter, A.K.A. The Michigan Madman)
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During a particularly stressful time in my life, I had a recurring dream that I was in an elevator, going up in a very tall building. I must have been forced into the elevator, and in real life I'm afraid of heights. Really afraid! At the top of the building, maybe 150 floors up, I'd get out of the elevator, and directly at my height I saw the cross on top of a church's steeple. Then, the building would begin to sway and collapse, I'd fall, get dizzy, and wake up sweating.

After I'd been having this dream every few nights for about a year, I was head-hunted for another corporation. The interview was on the top floor of a medium-height skyscraper, and when I sat down for the interview, I looked out the window and saw -- A Cross On Top Of A Church Across The Street!!!!

I laughed to myself, thinking this was an omen a year in the making. Aced the interview and ended up getting the best job of my life! Cool Cool Cool

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
-- H L Mencken

I always prefer reality when I can figure out what it is.
-- JALLEN 10/18/18
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Waiting for Hachiko
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Anybody dream about the Cinnamon Girl?

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Picture of kkina
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Originally posted by wrightd:
Originally posted by kkina:
Originally posted by cmparrish:
Originally posted by Excam_Man:
Maybe not the weirdest, but I keep having dreams with one part being constant.

No matter what caliber or how many times I shoot'em, it has no effect on stopping the threat! Always confused as to WHY it's not working.

Or the other one, is pulling the trigger and having a failure to fire!

Wow, both of these are frequent occurrences in my dreams too.

I don't know what's going on with this, but a weird number of gun enthusiasts share this bizarre dream of their firearms losing their deadliness or malfunctioning in a shootout. I was waiting for at least the second person to respond; I'm sure there are others here. I have no idea what this phenomenon could be. Eerie, yeah?

I actually have not had this specific dream, but I have had one way too similar. I study martial arts. In my powerlessness dream, my karate techniques lose their effectiveness. No matter what I throw, they're all wimpy smacks at my opponent. I can barely even make a fist; the only thing that works at all is a weak shuto (open-hand knife-strike), and it's barely a slap.

Anyone care to explain this one?

Sure, but you probably would rather not know.

There's not too much that would faze me at this point. Go ahead, lay it on me.

"First, Eyes."
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Picture of Jimbo Jones
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Yes I used to have that dream a lot. I went to a party once and the topci of dreams came up and I mentioned that particular dream and many people, all men, said that they had the same dream.

Originally posted by LastCubScout:
Ever had that dream where your teeth are falling out? I had that dream, and my filling had really popped out while I was asleep and was rolling around in my mouth. Perhaps that was why I had that dream. So I started coming out of my deep sleep thinking, "Oh, it was just that weird dre... oh my GOD! IT'S REALLY HAPPENING!!!"

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
Posts: 3625 | Location: Cary, NC | Registered: February 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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This was my recurring dream for years:
I was in a pursuit and lost control of the car. It went over an embankment and was headed toward a river or pond. I always woke up in a cold sweat just before I hit the water. Scared the shit out of me because it was so vivid. The dream is no longer frequent, but I still have it.
And it was not at all unusual, while cruising my residential neighborhoods, to find people of both sexes and all ages, walking the streets in their bed clothes. Sleep walking!

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
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Picture of SIGGUY (THE 1ST)
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Back in HS in the 70s I had this recocurring drsam. i was chased by a clown. riding bike, then off it running afyer me. chased me down an alley and caught me. sat on top of my cheat and began vomiting on me. I had that very scary and unnerving dream many times. that completly messed up my brain for a long time.

-------------------------------------------------------2/28/2015 ~ Rest in peace Dad. Lt Commander E.G.E. USN Love you.
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Page late and a dollar short
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Have you ever had one that was like watching a video playback, a snippet? A couple times, both involving young ladies during my teen years.

(Take your minds out of the gutter, both were innocent events.) Big Grin

But both times it was like I was there again. One instance, I was 16, the other 19 with different girls.

————————--Ignorance is a powerful tool if applied at the right time, even, usually, surpassing knowledge(E.J.Potter, A.K.A. The Michigan Madman)
Posts: 8368 | Location: Livingston County Michigan USA | Registered: August 11, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
A Grateful American
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I used to have very vivid dreams of tornadoes.
(for nearly 25 years)

They first ended before destruction was near.

Then they got to a point that they became closure and finally "hitting" where I was.

I often found myself "warning" people. Some I knew, some were "authority" figures, I knew.

Most did not respond to the warnings.

I had them often, sometimes several in a month.

I have not had any in several years.

Not sure the reason for them, if any.

Maybe the "warnings" were for me, and a life change a few years ago, may have been key.

Who knows?

It could have been God, or it could have been Godfather's Pizza...

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
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Coin Sniper
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Hell, every guy's got his dream, am I right? Between you, me and the wall here, I doozy myself last night. Ha ha, ha, ha. Get this: A corn-fed harvest mouse, a hooker, a nun, a Flemish peasant woman, whips, chains, whistles yo-yo's, a circus midget. My grandmother riding by on a bicycle give me the finger, and a duck! Now, I don't know ha, ha, ha.

Are you crying?

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

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Originally posted by LDD:
The best "putting 2 & 2 together" explanation that I can come up with is this.

1) In general, our minds have a hard time envisioning death, either our own or someone else's. That is why you often wake up before you die in your own dreams.

2) Most of us do not know what shooting someone looks like, so our minds do not have a template to follow.

So, to prevent having to envision death, our minds, "failsafe" the gun so it doesn't come to that.

Of course, the above doesn't apply to everyone. I used to have the same dreams (multiple hammer strikes on a DA/SA fail to ignite primer, or bullets come out so slow the either bounce off the target or are easily dodge-able--we're talking a Matrix-pick-the-bullet-out-of-the-air-between-your-pointer-finger-and-thumb slow). And then one night I had a dream where my life was in danger, as were the people around me, and everything worked, the attacker was neutralized.

My minority/alternative explanation is that CCWers put a lot of trust in our firearms to work when we need them. Sometimes our dreams show us fears that our conscious minds chose to suppress. This kind of dream is basically us asking ourselves "what's your backup plan?"

I'd say that's a pretty good explanation.

The slow bullets are part of my dreams too.

Posts: 10061 | Registered: October 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Deqlyn:

Ive also had a dream I went to a bunch of public restrooms and the doors were all locked. after like 20 of them I wake up and gotta go... glad i woke up!

How about all of them being 'in use' or really dirty, as in toilets overflowing?
Usually when I have this dream, I wake up and really gotta pee!

Haven't had the naked dream in a long time, but mine always involves showing up at my old work (salesman) in my underwear! Confused

Posts: 10061 | Registered: October 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of kkina
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Just realized I never answered the actual question, about what was my actual weirdest dream. I fell asleep briefly in a hotel room with other people (no drugs involved). In my "dream" I descended the floors of the building, down through the earth, and went through a door. Inside was what I later understood was the first level of Hell. It was all blackness and emptiness and no presence of the Loving Spirit. I saw and spoke briefly with several interned souls there. I knew they could never leave. I sensed there was worse torment beyond another door, but I was not allowed to go any further.

So what's so strange about a Hell dream? As soon as I awakened, one of the other people in the room (a spiritual advisor of some kind I'd never met before) asked me, "So, tell us about your visit to Hell?"

Believe as you wish, but I became a born-again Christian not long after that experience. I never wanted to see that place again.

"First, Eyes."
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Picture of Skins2881
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I had a really vivid dream last night. Most of it was weird and it continued from 1am till 5:30, I woke up three times throughout the night 90 minutes apart and continued the dream each time. Not anything really interesting or noteworthy. I was hanging out with best friend from highschool.

A few highlights.

-We tried to do a full revolution mid air after jumping his convertible corvette (he doesn't and never had one) in the home Depot parking lot. After our failed attempt just the two of us were able to flip over the car with minimal damage to it.

-It was April 20th and everyone around us was smoking weed and the cops were chasing them around/past us. We went into the grocery store and every candy in the place had been opened and partially eaten.

-We were on the top floor of a tall apartment building installing recess can in a couples condo and it caught fire, which we noticed before the alarms because we saw a window washer with his pants on fire. When we went to go out the building there was a fire escape on the top of the building that was a plank that led to a hill that was the same hight as the building.

Nothing overly weird, the duration and details was the strange part. People's faces were crystal clear, I could smell stuff, feel stuff, and was semi lucid and had some amount of control over it.


A weird one from being a kid. I went to bed in my bedroom, at some point I sleep walked into living room where I woke my mom up screaming in my sleep "mom help I'm stuck in the liquid sofa" she found me flailing about on the couch. Got me up said I said I had no idea what she was talking about. The next morning she asked me if I remembered anything weird about the night before. No recollection. She told me, we laughed our asses off and went out for breakfast.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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