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Plowing straight ahead come what may
Picture of Bisleyblackhawk
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I’m watching Pelosi, Nadler, Jeffries and Shiff on Fox...these Democrats make me sick...they are all pieces of shit...Nadler is saying “the integrity of the election is at stake”...Nancy is talking about the beautiful Constitution Eek... I wonder how many of these idiots will set in a tub of water with a razor blade and off themselves in November when an “impeached” (in a set up that has been seen by the American people) President is reelected for a second term Big Grin


"we've gotta roll with the punches, learn to play all of our hunches
Making the best of what ever comes our way
Forget that blind ambition and learn to trust your intuition
Plowing straight ahead come what may
And theres a cowboy in the jungle"
Jimmy Buffet
Posts: 10623 | Location: Southeast Tennessee...not far above my homestate Georgia | Registered: March 10, 2010Report This Post
Too old to run,
too mean to quit!
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Originally posted by vthoky:
Originally posted by xantom:
Link to original video:

I'm a little late to the thread this evening, and the video has been removed because "the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." What was it?

Yes, YouTube seems to be getting into the business of selecting what we peasants are allowed to see.


There has never been an occasion where a people gave up their weapons in the interest of peace that didn't end in their massacre. (Louis L'Amour)

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. "
-Thomas Jefferson

"America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." Alexis de Tocqueville


The Idaho Elk Hunter
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Coin Sniper
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Time for this foolishment to be done

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat

There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive.
Posts: 38608 | Location: Above the snow line in Michigan | Registered: May 21, 2004Report This Post
Political Cynic
Picture of nhtagmember
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yes, and then we need to start exacting revenge on the seditionists and traitors

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

Posts: 54270 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Report This Post
Yeah, that M14 video guy...
Picture of benny6
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So I wonder if there will even be a debate between President Trump and whomever the Democratic establishment picks as their chosen one. Sure, the clowns can debate amongst themselves for now, but when a D nominee is selected, unless OANN hosts the debate, it won't be a fair one, so why even have it? Doomberg didn't attend and wasn't qualified to be in last night's.

I, for one, hope President Trump doesn't accept any invitations to debates. But they can have opposing rallies in the same stadium to see who can draw the bigger crowd.


Owner, TonyBen, LLC, Type-07 FFL (Site under construction).
Posts: 5659 | Location: Auburndale, FL | Registered: February 13, 2001Report This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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From Van Jones, former Obama stooge and current CNN stooge:

During CNN’s coverage of Tuesday’s CNN Democratic presidential debate, CNN Political Commentator and former Obama adviser Van Jones said that the debate was “dispiriting” because he didn’t see anything that would be able to defeat President Trump.

Jones said, “As a progressive, to see those two [2020 Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT)] have that level of vitriol was very dispiriting. And I want to say that tonight for me was dispiriting. Democrats are going to have to do better than what we saw tonight. There was nothing I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out, and I want to see a Democrat in the White House as soon as possible. There was nothing tonight that, if you’re looking at this thing, you say, any of these people are prepared for what Donald Trump’s going to do to us. And to see further division tonight is very dispiriting.”

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
Posts: 17887 | Location: Texas | Registered: May 13, 2003Report This Post
Coin Sniper
Picture of Rightwire
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And yet he just signed phase 1 of a trade deal with China guaranteeing $200 billion in purchases by China including $50 billion in Agriculture buys over the next 2 years.

So much for ads about those poor farmers and businesses hurt by the destructive trade war.

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat

There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive.
Posts: 38608 | Location: Above the snow line in Michigan | Registered: May 21, 2004Report This Post
Picture of erj_pilot
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I hope Van Jones is an old, wrinkled, dried up piece of canine fecal matter before another Demoshit steps foot in OUR (the public's) White House...

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
Posts: 11066 | Location: NW Houston | Registered: April 04, 2012Report This Post
slam fires
Picture of 45 Cal
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I, for one, hope President Trump doesn't accept any invitations to debates. But they can have opposing rallies in the same stadium to see who can draw the bigger crowd.

Tony ;this is my hope also,these asshole's don't need to be near our great president,they be crazy and might try to do some harm to him
Posts: 22426 | Location: Georgia | Registered: February 19, 2007Report This Post
Frangas non Flectes
Picture of P220 Smudge
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Originally posted by benny6:
So I wonder if there will even be a debate between President Trump and whomever the Democratic establishment picks as their chosen one. Sure, the clowns can debate amongst themselves for now, but when a D nominee is selected, unless OANN hosts the debate, it won't be a fair one, so why even have it? Doomberg didn't attend and wasn't qualified to be in last night's.

I, for one, hope President Trump doesn't accept any invitations to debates. But they can have opposing rallies in the same stadium to see who can draw the bigger crowd.


I've actually been wondering about this. The local news radio (Communist Broadcasting Station affiliate) has been running pieces about how the President has been saying he likely won't partake in debates hosted by whatever group it is that usually hosts them. It's all the same journalists who run hit pieces on him all day long and he doesn't want to play the game by their rules. I don't blame him. This may very well be an election without a televised presidential debate.

Originally posted by erj_pilot:
I hope Van Jones is an old, wrinkled, dried up piece of canine feline fecal matter before another Demoshit steps foot in OUR (the public's) White House...

Fixed it for you. Seems more fitting, somehow. Big Grin

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
Posts: 18010 | Location: Sonoran Desert | Registered: February 10, 2011Report This Post
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Pelosi’s Blunder: How The House Destroyed Its Own Case For Impeachment

Posted by jonathanturley

Below is my column in The Hill Newspaper on the blunder by Speaker Nancy Pelosi of not submitting the impeachment case to the Senate — a mistake that now threatens not just the trial but the rules for impeachment trials.

On Sunday, Pelosi went largely unchallenged in her obviously incorrect claim that the House is still in court seeking witnesses in the impeachment. The House is litigating pre-impeachment witnesses, but has never sought to subpoena, let alone compel, key witnesses in the impeachment from John Bolton to Rudy Giuliani to others with direct knowledge of any alleged quid pro quo. Indeed, the House has done nothing for four weeks after the vote – a vote that I strongly discouraged in favor of spending a couple months seeking these witnesses and/or court orders. Now Pelosi is actually suggesting that they could still seek the witnesses while the House does nothing. It remains the most baffling blunder of the impeachment.

Here is the column:

“Situation quiet. The captain has been put away for the night.” The words from the movie “The Caine Mutiny” came to mind on Friday when House leaders announced that Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not move until next week in submitting the impeachment of President Trump to a Senate trial. While various Democrats have publicly grumbled about the delay, going into its fourth week, without any sign of success in forcing the Senate to call witnesses, Pelosi continued a strategy that could jeopardize not just any trial but the rules governing impeachment. Indeed, Pelosi may force the Senate into a couple of unprecedented but well deserved rulings.

From the outset, the ploy of Pelosi withholding the House impeachment articles was as implausible as it was hypocritical. There was no reason why Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would make concessions to get an impeachment that he loathed. More importantly, just a couple of days earlier, House leaders insisted that some of us were wrong to encourage them to wait on an impeachment vote to create a more complete record. Pelosi previously insisted that House committees could not pursue direct witnesses like former national security adviser John Bolton because there was no time to delay in getting this impeachment to the Senate. She then waited a month and counting to send the articles over to the Senate.

The delay now seems largely driven by a desire to preserve the image of Pelosi as a master strategist despite a blunder of the first order. Senator Dianne Feinstein expressed the frustration of many members in saying, “The longer it goes on, the less urgent it becomes. So if it is serious and urgent, send them over. If it is not, do not send it over.” But she and other members were quickly pressured to “correct” their earlier statements by stating the exact opposite and praising the brilliant strategy of Pelosi.

Perhaps the most pathetic change was House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, who correctly stated, “At the end of the day, just like we control it in the House, Mitch McConnell controls it in the Senate. It does not look like that is going to happen. I think it is time to send the impeachment to the Senate and let Mitch McConnell be responsible for the fairness of the trial. He ultimately is.” It took just a few hours for Pelosi to get Smith to say that he “misspoke” and praise her inspired strategy.

Now what started as a demand to guarantee Senate witnesses has been downgraded to a demand to “know the rules” while waiting for the Senate to take a vote that it indicated weeks ago. In the alternative, sympathetic media figures insisted that Pelosi succeeded in “forcing a discussion” of Senate witnesses despite the fact that we had the same discussion in the trial of Bill Clinton without the House deciding to withhold the articles.

The fact is that Pelosi played into the hands of McConnell by first rushing this impeachment forward with an incomplete record and now giving him the excuse to summarily change the rules, or even to dismiss the articles. Waiting for the House to submit a list of managers was always a courtesy extended by Senate rules and not a requirement of the Constitution. By inappropriately withholding the articles of impeachment and breaking with tradition, Pelosi simply gave McConnell ample reason to exercise the “nuclear option” and change the rules on both majority voting as well as the rule for the start of trials. That is a high price to pay for vanity.

It could get even worse for the House case. I previously discussed that the Senate had an excuse to simply declare that a trial will start next week and either the House will appear with a team of managers or the case will be summarily dismissed. McConnell is now moving toward a summary vote in the Senate, in light of the House failing to comply with its own procedural obligations. That is what happens when prosecutors defy a court and fail to appear for a trial. It is known as “dismissal for want of prosecution.”

The Senate also is faced with two threshold problems that could create lasting damage to this process. First, the obstruction of Congress count, as I previously discussed, raises a troubling position that a president can be impeached for going to the courts rather than turning over evidence, even when the House set a ridiculously brief period for an investigation. The Senate could summarily reject that article as making the request for judicial review into a high crime and misdemeanor while allowing little time for deliberation. Second, if the Senate agrees to the Democratic demand for witnesses, it invites future rush impeachments where the House sends woefully incomplete and inadequate cases and demands witnesses it never bothered to subpoena, let alone compel to appear.

The Senate is, therefore, caught in a tough position of enabling the House in such slipshod impeachments or refusing to hear witnesses who, unlike the witnesses called by the House, could have direct evidence to share on the allegations. One possibility is that, as in a real court, the Senate could allow witnesses but give the House a set trial schedule. If the House wants to belatedly go to court to try to enforce a subpoena, the Senate will hear the testimony of witnesses like Bolton when that expedited litigation is complete. However, it will not extend the trial schedule of the Senate.

Trials will usually last a fraction of the time of an investigation, but few investigations are as hurried or heedless as the House investigation was. The House wasted four months after the whistleblower complaint without issuing a subpoena to Bolton or Rudy Giuliani or others. Had it sought to compel such subpoenas, it would have had rulings from the courts by now. Indeed, it took only three months for the appeal over the Watergate tapes to be ruled on by the Supreme Court in the case of Richard Nixon.

The Senate could set a generous period for the trial of three weeks. That is in addition to the four weeks the House wasted on the poorly conceived ploy by Pelosi. If the House is ready to present these witnesses, they can be heard. But if those witnesses are not ready to testify due to ongoing litigation, they will not be called and the Senate will proceed to its verdict. In that way, future Houses are now on notice that it is in their interest to complete their records before sending an impeachment to the Senate.

It would send a message for future impeachments, as the author Herman Wouk wrote, “Remember this, if you can. There is nothing more precious than time. You probably feel you have a measureless supply of it, but you have not. Wasted hours destroy your life just as surely at the beginning as at the end, only in the end it becomes more obvious.” It is now obvious.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law for George Washington University and served as the last lead counsel during a Senate impeachment trial. He testified as a witness expert in the House Judiciary Committee hearing during the impeachment inquiry of President Trump. He also serves as CBS and BBC legal analyst.

Posts: 13703 | Registered: January 17, 2011Report This Post
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Pelosi's statement about the "Stain" of impeachment had me thinking that she was talking about Slick Willie.
Posts: 801 | Location: SW Michigan | Registered: January 21, 2009Report This Post
Get Off My Lawn
Picture of oddball
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Even Al Sharpton says Trump will beat the current crop of DEMs.

“I didn’t see anybody on the stage last night or in the ring that really said, ‘I’m taking charge, I can be president, I can take on Donald Trump because he is going to come in with that kind of mindset,” he added. “And I don’t see that mindset yet in any of the candidates.”

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
Posts: 17887 | Location: Texas | Registered: May 13, 2003Report This Post
Political Cynic
Picture of nhtagmember
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Originally posted by erj_pilot:
I hope Van Jones is an old, wrinkled, dried up piece of canine fecal matter before another Demoshit steps foot in OUR (the public's) White House...

He already is

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

Posts: 54270 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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A suggestion: write your senator and tell them to defend President Trump against the latest DEM coup attempt. Write to every REP senator. Swamp them.


from time to time I have posted the latest plots of the betting places about who will win the DEM primary for presidential candidate.

I'll keep it simple. Right now,

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are very close w Biden ahead slightly

Behind them, Warren, Bloomberg, and Buttigieg are clumped together.

Reminder - this is not the latest polls, but sites that take bets

It's just a general indication but Sanders has been steadily inching up.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Pelosi passed out impeachment pens

Mitch McConnell:

"Nothing says seriousness and sobriety like handing out souvenirs"

Ted Cruz:

"Given the circus in the House, I’m surprised she didn’t use crayons"


I hope those pens cost Pelosi the House of Representatives
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
186,000 miles per second.
It's the law.

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Originally posted by sdy:
A suggestion: write your senator and tell them to defend President Trump against the latest DEM coup attempt. Write to every REP senator. Swamp them.


from time to time I have posted the latest plots of the betting places about who will win the DEM primary for presidential candidate.

I'll keep it simple. Right now,

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are very close w Biden ahead slightly

Behind them, Warren, Bloomberg, and Buttigieg are clumped together.

Reminder - this is not the latest polls, but sites that take bets

It's just a general indication but Sanders has been steadily inching up.

Bloomberg is betting on a brokered convention. If he can't get the nod himself, he'll likely support Biden. Bloomberg does not want Warren or Sanders to win, as they are true socialists, and would go after his wealth. That's my best guess.
Posts: 3292 | Registered: August 19, 2001Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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"Democrats deliver President Trump's re-election papers to the Senate"

Posts: 35584 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Report This Post
Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by PASig:
"Democrats deliver President Trump's re-election papers to the Senate" (Pic)
(Pic) The cumulative IQ of that group is a negative number. And Demmings? Really? Hmmm, let's see. We need another black person...and a woman...Val you're up. Roll Eyes Woman's been a complete disaster at everything she's ever touched and another embarrassment to Florida.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Report This Post
It's not you,
it's me.
Picture of RAMIUS
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Democrats really are pathetic on all levels. This is from my neighbor (a hardcore democrat and IRS big wig).

Trump is coming to our little town of Wildwood NJ for a rally and the leftists are freaking out due to the impending wave of republicans that will be coming to our little island on the southern tip of NJ.

They’re doing everything they can to try and get supporters not to come. She posted this garbage last night. Pathetic.

I responded to her by say that most of us don’t even care if we get in, we just want to be there to show support.
Posts: 7016 | Location: Right outside Philly | Registered: September 08, 2005Report This Post
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