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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Who is "they"? How are the judges picked? ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
always with a hat or sunscreen![]() |
Saw where Matt Vespa came up with a better description than "Squad" for Ocasio-Cortez and her group: "Leninist Girl Scout Troop from Hell" Luv it! ![]() ![]() ![]() Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club! USN (RET), COTEP #192 | |||
Glorious SPAM!![]() |
Keep exposing the leftist trash for what they are Mr. President! Nice article about how Trump's tweets were correct and truthful. One of the good quotes: "This is the trap the media have been setting for Republicans for decades and Trump is the first Republican to understand that the only way to avoid that trap is to step into it, pull down you’re your pants, shake your ass, and flip everyone the bird." https://www.breitbart.com/poli...-speech-great-again/ | |||
Political Cynic![]() |
^^^ excellent I like that [B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC | |||
Member |
Oh, “Walking on the Fighting Side of Me”just came on. I forgot what I was going to post, but the Hag is singing just exactly how President Trump feels & thinks! Thank you Merle & thank you President Trump! | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
My suggestion for the Trump Presidential Campaign theme song ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
Semper Fi - 1775![]() |
![]() ___________________________ All it takes...is all you got. ____________________________ For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ | |||
Coin Sniper![]() |
Given the vote on the Resolution condemning Trumps tweet pretty much puts the US Government one rendition of Onward Christian Soldiers away from becoming the Detroit City Council disaster of 2009. Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys 343 - Never Forget Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive. | |||
goodheart![]() |
Today my wife and I heard a talk by Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino, co-authors of the new best-selling book Justice on Trial about the Kavanaugh hearings. I heartily recommend the book. The most astonishing thing in the entire process was that Trump never once wavered in his support of Kavanaugh. Not once. That took courage we haven’t seen in a President before in our lifetimes. _________________________ “Remember, remember the fifth of November!" | |||
Corgis Rock![]() |
One would need to track both the issues and the judges assigned. As example, does a 2ed Amendment issue get the same judges each time? Then, what are the politics of these judges? “ The work of destruction is quick, easy and exhilarating; the work of creation is slow, laborious and dull. | |||
Political Cynic![]() |
now those would be interesting statistics to see, but most importantly, who picks the judges would be most interesting wouldn't it be a real shame if the 9th got caught judge stacking so that justice was not actually being served [B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC | |||
Glorious SPAM!![]() |
Rep Al Green filed articles of impeachment, and from my reading the way he filed them will force a vote some type of vote this week. I LOVE IT! This can't bee good for the unity of the Dem party. "Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) filed articles of impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday under a process that will force a House floor vote by the end of this week." https://thehill.com/homenews/h...etting-up-floor-vote | |||
Ammoholic![]() |
Hey Steny, me thinks you may not like the can of worms you are opening...
Jesse Sic Semper Tyrannis | |||
God will always provide![]() |
I Love how Our President shines his light on problem areas. Problems here problems there it's always just a different group in the same old swamp. ![]() | |||
Member |
The Exceptional Trump
My country, the United States is head and shoulders above every other nation on earth. I'm pleased that we have such an exceptional man for president, after decades of mediocrity. | |||
The Whack-Job Whisperer ![]() |
I am disgusted that the House voted to condemn the Presidents tweets. His tweets were NOT racist. Those 4 leftist bitches hate this country and frequently state anti american propaganda. I wish they would return to their 3rd world shitholes too. And stop trying to fuck up our country. Regards 18DAI 7+1 Rounds of hope and change | |||
Member![]() |
Most of the swamp dwellers left and right, unlike Trump are deathly afraid of what mainstream media will say about them. Thats why our President for the most part stands alone. JC | |||
Member |
The tweets were brilliant. During the Pelosi/commie-squad squabble, AOC threw out the race card, Pelosi is racist! Just as that was possibly going to be smoothed over, Trump tweets and for criticizing commie-squad ("women of color") he is immediately called racist and then the House votes to condemn him for being racist and un-American while at the same time embracing these radicals as "sisters." Now, not only do the Dems own these 4 whackos, but they can't even try to reign them in anymore. Everyone in the country now knows if you criticize any one of them for any anti-America, anti-Jew, pro-terrorist comment, you'll be a racist! I predict the 4 will get more brazen and radical and if the Repubs are smart, they will call it the Dem platform and Dem message every time they speak daring the Dems to criticize or try and distance themselves from them. They can't! “People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” –Chuck Palahnuik Be harder to kill: https://preparefit.ck.page | |||
Member![]() |
The word and label racist or racism has become over used so much most of the public is desensitized to it and pays little or no attention when someone especially in politics flings it around. The Dems are ignorant of this fact and it may very well be part of Trumps strategy to get them to label so many people and things as racists that it loses it's meaning entirely. It's become quite a popular pun among a lot of people I know of a wide spectrum of ages and nationalities to respond with "That's racist"!when someone has a complaint like "I was at Dunkin' Donuts this morning and the donut tasted a week old"! It's already become a punch line to use the word. I've said for a long time now that the amount of real racism among the general population exists no where near the level of what the real racists would like for you to believe. "Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
Friggen' NBC has to go back to 1992 to find video of Trump partying with Epstein and a whole bunch of what look like way-too-old-for-Epstein girls. Oh boy! You got him now! Time to impeach! ![]() Meanwhile they are frantically scrubbing and ignoring all the MUCH more recent numerous contacts that Slick Willie had with Epstein. ![]() | |||
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