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I am public enemy #1 in my neighborhood (shooting related) Login/Join 
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by newtoSig765:
So, two weeks after the incident, the owner harasses you while driving her car (sitting in the driver's seat, I presume)?

I'll suggest that you call the police and file charges against her. She's dangerous, and won't stop until forced to.

Yeah, nothing will happen the first time around but I'd definitely file the report each and every time.
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Report This Post
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I'm confused... was the dog charging you or circling you?

You said you yelled and the owner was standing there doing nothing. What did you yell? Did you tell the owner you were going to defend yourself and your dog if needed?

Just wanting some more details.
Posts: 3468 | Registered: January 27, 2008Report This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by Shaql:
Wear some Purdue gear on tomorrow 's walk. Wink

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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Picture of arabiancowboy
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Originally posted by 46and2:
I've never met a 50lb dog I couldn't easily subdue just by laying on it or something.

Are you old(er), small(er), weak, crippled, or anything of the sort?

These aren't judgements, merely questions. Not everyone is the same, obviously.

But a lab mix? I dunno, man.. Were you genuinely afraid for you and your dog?

Ever seen dogs scuffle before? Even little ones are tougher than one might think.

You contradict yourself:
“Dogs are easy to subdue, just lay on it!” Followed by “even small dogs can fight hard and they’re tougher than you can imagine.”

So which is it? Here’s my answer- My job is to protect my family. Not to understand the moods of your animal or accept threatening behavior in a public place.
Posts: 2490 | Registered: May 17, 2006Report This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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I would normally try to give the dog a firm kick before shooting it, but that isn't always practical.
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Report This Post
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I really don't understand people's obsession with dogs. If I had a use for one I'd get one, but I don't. Just seems like a huge risk, especially if you have a family.

Sounds to me like the OP did what he thought he needed to do.
Posts: 1188 | Registered: January 04, 2009Report This Post
Picture of arabiancowboy
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Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
I would normally try to give the dog a firm kick before shooting it, but that isn't always practical.

Agreed. That’s usually more than enough for the rare occasion a domesticated dog acts aggressive. But shitty owners anger me.
Posts: 2490 | Registered: May 17, 2006Report This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by 46and2:
I've never met a 50lb dog I couldn't easily subdue just by laying on it or something.

Are you old(er), small(er), weak, crippled, or anything of the sort?

These aren't judgements, merely questions. Not everyone is the same, obviously.

But a lab mix? I dunno, man.. Were you genuinely afraid for you and your dog?

Ever seen dogs scuffle before? Even little ones are tougher than one might think.

I'll second Georgeair's comments.

As someone who has watched his dog killed by a "friendly" lab., don't judge, After my stitches and staying up all night with a pick axe and digging bar to bury my dog, I am not trusting a 20, 30,40,50,60,70,80,90, or 100 lbs sized dog


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Posts: 21424 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014Report This Post
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Originally posted by 46and2:
I've never met a 50lb dog I couldn't easily subdue just by laying on it or something.

Are you old(er), small(er), weak, crippled, or anything of the sort?

These aren't judgements, merely questions. Not everyone is the same, obviously.

But a lab mix? I dunno, man.. Were you genuinely afraid for you and your dog?

Ever seen dogs scuffle before? Even little ones are tougher than one might think.

Exactly, that's why cops shoot to wound.
Posts: 1188 | Registered: January 04, 2009Report This Post
His Royal Hiney
Picture of Rey HRH
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I won't feel sorry for having protected my dog.

"It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual." Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning, 1946.
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Picture of stormwalker
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Originally posted by matai:
Exactly, that's why cops shoot to wound.

LEO's shooting to wound? WTF...
Posts: 553 | Location: Florida | Registered: December 24, 2011Report This Post
Not really from Vienna
Picture of arfmel
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I believe Matai was being sarcastic
Posts: 27349 | Location: SW of Hovey, Texas | Registered: January 30, 2007Report This Post
Picture of 4859
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Far too many people in my neighborhood do not control there dogs. When I am out walking my dog he is on a leash and I am always carrying. I also have a can of OC spray with. I have come close to using the OC spray twice now. My dog wants to be friends with any dog he meets. I have the same belief as you. I will defend my self and my dog.

Always carry. Never tell.
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Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by arfmel:
I believe Matai was being sarcastic

Of course he was, everyone knows they try to shoot the gun out of BGs hands.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Posts: 21424 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014Report This Post
semi-reformed sailor
Picture of MikeinNC
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There are leash laws for a reason.

Good on you OP.

There is no need to get bitten before you defend yourself.

My best friend got bit on the forearm by a Doberman Pincher, although he went to the hospital, it was not treated properly and he got an infection that put him in the hospital for 5 days and he nearly lost his arm.

as for the people in your neighborhood, I wouldn't waste your time with trying to change their minds-they have already gotten the stroy from the woman who couldn't restrain her own dog and they aren't gonna change their minds one bit-to them you are wrong.....and can't think it through to the end and think about them being attacked.

When I was a cop I shot several dogs over 18 years...several people thought I had some kinda problem with animals...when I calmly told another co-worker, "exactly where in the Policy does it say I have to get bitten before I can shoot something?", He shut up. Several other cops had the audacity to talk shit to me when I shot a Rottweiler at a search warrant....they had failed to get the whole story and were not present at the search warrant. The owner literally said" get 'em" to the dog as we entered the door....that guy also got charged with assault on an officer because of that remark. I told them to go fuck off.

Sorry you are catching grief about it. just keep doing what you do.

"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” Robert A. Heinlein

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“A single round of buckshot to the torso almost always results in an immediate change of behavior.” Chris Baker
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Green grass and
high tides
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I really don't understand people's obsession with dogs. If I had a use for one I'd get one, but I don't. Just seems like a huge risk, especially if you have a family.

Right, you don't understand is correct?

Sorry this happened, but people are just plain dumb and or dangerous. Sometimes their animals have to pay the price. It sucks, but is how it is.
Protecting yourself, your family, your home and animals is a top priority. And should be.
There is nothing else to it.

"Practice like you want to play in the game"
Posts: 20173 | Registered: September 21, 2005Report This Post
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My wife's grandmother's property abuts BLM land in Oregon. Her road is just off a freeway exit. It is a routine dumping spot for dogs.

In the mid-nineties they started forming packs. 1's and 2's for a year or so. She dealt with them with a sharps 4 shot pepperbox 22long. She ended up shooting 3 in one instance, having to put down the last one with the 4th shot. She went and bought herself a 6 shot 357. A year later the pack was 6 dogs. She went and got her self a mid-sized Glock. Every year it's about 10 or so feral dogs over a season.

Here in VA, i have run afoul of dog hunters (dog hunting is legal for deer here)on numerous occasions. From running their dogs on my property knowingly to shooting across two pieces of property (a horse pasture with horses, the other being mine), it is 4 or 5 times a year that I have to get serious and get DGIF out here. I have had them chase my dog (35lb ESS) clean off our property. I have had them come through and kill 20 chickens and guineas. Every spring the dogs that don't hunt are magically escaping from their pens and end up in large wooded tracts like my property. fucking hillarious how that happens. 2 years ago i had one that had elimated my neighbors 30 bird coup in one 20 min time period. It had been preying on mine prior to that, about 20 birds. I finally had it trapped in my grow out pen. It was so emaciated that all it did was kill. i found 20 dead chicks, and was missing an additional 10. When i put it down, it was still chewing and chomping at the birds.

I now have 0, absolutely 0 tollerance for stray dogs, or dogs that attack. Dogs that are just lost are completely different story. I will do my best to get them home. Chase my live stock, dog, or confront my family. The fucker dies, active hunting dog or not.
Posts: 6633 | Location: Virginia | Registered: December 23, 2010Report This Post
The Velvet Voicebox
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You protected yourself & your dog. The LEO said it was a good shoot. I concur.

"All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."

--Sir Winston Churchill

"The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose."

--James Earl Jones

Posts: 7674 | Location: KCMO | Registered: August 31, 2002Report This Post
slam fires
Picture of 45 Cal
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Originally posted by ChuckFinley:
1. Shaql FTW
2. 45, are we to understand that you say that you've killed 5 dogs in your neighborhood?
3. I wouldn't forget about the neighbors. Maliciousness against you can take a number of forms. They're also spreading word around the area that there are firearm(s) in your home not far from not the best part of town.
4. I would chat with the Deputy who wrote this up initially given that the other owner, while behind the wheel of a machine that could kill you or do serious harm engaged in a confrontation with you. He can advise on whether you should file a report. He might also go on his own and pay her a visit and encourage her to live and let live...

You read that correctly,I always call the cops and animal control,there is always citations issued to the owner and hefty fines.Oh and the no collar thing goes away,they will always come at you with the mouth and threats.
You see we have a judge that had her grand daughter disfigured for life by a pit.
She is hell on wheels when it comes to cases of this nature.
Most cases its a year in jail[suspended] and a hefty fine.
Posts: 22426 | Location: Georgia | Registered: February 19, 2007Report This Post
Picture of FlyingScot
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Stray dogs being aggressive and threatening, you did what was necessary. LEO agreed. I have always had dogs, love dogs but because of that I make no assumptions about a dog's nature and watch its behaviors.

A respectful owner leashes their dog. Mistakes happen, dogs get out - but that still would not change the outcome if the dog got aggressive like described. Sucks for all, the neighbor needs to own up to their responsibility for creating the issue, and if not yeah let LEO know.

“Forigive your enemy, but remember the bastard’s name.”

-Scottish proverb
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