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Kennedy running as independent…split the vote? Login/Join 
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RFK, Jr. should not run as an "independent" but as a "whack-job." He might get more votes in California by admitting the truth.

U.S. Army 11F4P Vietnam 69-70 NRA Life Member
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Thank you
Very little
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Originally posted by sjtill:
RFK Jr picks a running mate even wackier than he is: Nicole Shanahan

Posts: 25063 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
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RFK Jr. has a running mate, and she’s a radical leftist

Conservatives, we need to disabuse ourselves of the idea that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a moderate.

Revealed just minutes ago, Kennedy has selected a running mate, a fellow Californian, Nicole Shanahan:

Written earlier today, prior to the announcement from Kennedy, an item out at Breitbart News reported on the “rumor” of Shanahan’s selection, and her past political loyalties:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s rumored choice for a running mate is a leftist ‘criminal justice’ advocate who has given thousands to President Joe Biden and Democrats.

More specifically, it appears Shanahan gave $30,000 to the Biden campaign in 2020, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) data. She also has made several donations to ActBlue, the Democrat fundraising arm, as well as one to the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Shanahan was previously Google royalty, having been married to the company’s co-founder until last year, and is a leftist lawyer out of San Francisco—hence her focus on criminal justice “reform” initiatives which translated, means lawlessness and “progressive” criminality.

Unsurprisingly, she’s also a financial supporter of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón; according to the official recall movement seeking to remove Gascón from office, Shanahan gave Gascón at least $175,000 in donations. The man is a Soros-owned DA, and a reliable advocate of abusers and criminals. Among other things, Gascón has enforced, and continues to do so, a number of directives, including:

The elimination of cash bail

Ending the use of sentence enhancements and letting violent criminals off easy

Refusing to prosecute juveniles as adults, regardless of the crime or circumstances

Abandoning victims at parole hearings

Declining to prosecute crimes that affect quality of life

Never seeking the death penalty or life without parole, even in the most egregious cases

And apparently Shanahan also supported Buttigieg? How is that even possible? How did that freak ever rally any support?

If you scroll through Shanahan’s FEC donations list, you find that not only did she donate to Joe Biden’s campaign fund in 2020, but she donated thousands to Hillary’s campaign in 2016. She’s also donated to “Emily’s List” which explicitly aims to “recruit, train, and support Democratic pro-choice [emphasis added] women running for office up and down the ballot.”

Kennedy is not a “common sense moderate” as many conservatives seem to believe; he’s an out-and-out leftist, with one redeeming quality, and this is his vocal opposition to Big Pharma. Here’s an astute articulation, via someone in the Breitbart comments:

Its [sic] pathetic how conservatives fall for it every time. They are just so desperate to ‘reach across the aisle’ and try to make nice with these leftists. How about treating the enemy trying to destroy you like an enemy? How about we stop pandering and groveling trying to make them like us? And we start making them respect us for a change?

Too many conservatives are known for our lack of fortitude, or willingness to fight, always looking to make peace and not be disagreeable; too many have such a low threshold for a win, they’ll seemingly take anything. And, a lot of conservatives seem to think that Kennedy will pull more votes from Joe than he will Trump, but I beg to differ—if we’ve learned one thing about voters on the left, what is it?

They’re utterly shameless.

They have no qualms about voting for a man who literally told black voters that they weren’t really black if they dared defy the Democrat party and vote for President Trump. They don’t lose an ounce of sleep over the fact that Biden’s own daughter allegedly wrote about being hunted down in the shower by her father. They cheer on what they know is obvious lawfare and egregious abuse of the justice system, because it satiates their “get Trump” bloodlust (for now). They have no remorse for their vote after witnessing what illegals are doing to this country, and apparently don’t feel an ounce of guilt that our lives, our wealth, and our liberty is being stolen, as we’re being taxed and robbed into poverty. They look at babies mutilated by abortionists and laugh. They celebrate pedophiles exposing children to fetish sex acts, aberrant behavior, and pornography.

Why would they have a sudden crisis of conscience now? Now, miraculously, they can’t seem to put their name down next to the horrendously disgusting man that Biden is because there’s a more “moral” option in Kennedy? I just can’t reconcile that. What I can conceive of is the go-along-to-get-along conservative who doesn’t want to be seen as a “MAGA extremist” vote for the “moral” moderate.

Let’s hope this is another wake-up call for conservatives who somehow believe Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a “centrist” and his movement is nothing more than a rejection of both the “right” and the “left” poles of the political establishment.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Lawyers, Guns
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s shocking, politically world-shaking pick for VP. ABC covered the story under the muted headline, “Democrats sound alarm on RFK Jr. and new running mate, Shanahan.”
How much alarm? This much alarm:

ABC’s story ran with this sub-headline: “"All he can do is take away votes from President Biden," one Democrat said.”


Kennedy’s curveball choice of billionaire divorcee Nicole Shanahan, 38, immediately accomplished three things. Nicole’s wealth flooded Kennedy’s campaign coffers. It tantalized Klaus Schwab-loving liberals leaning away from Biden. And most importantly, it instantly turned Kennedy into a scratched-for-violations-at-the-gate non-starter with any Republican anywhere for any reason, period.

And democrats freaked out.

Nobody saw this coming! Right up until the announcement, rumors swirling around Kennedy’s pick included names like Aaron Rodgers, Mike Rowe, and Jesse Ventura, which would have been perfectly logical if Kennedy were aiming for the middle.

Democrats mostly ignored Kennedy as a non-event, someone to keep a side-eye on, and they snorted merrily over their avocado toasts and champagne cocktails predicting that Kennedy would probably wind up stealing more votes from Trump than from Biden.
image 7.png

But democrats aren’t laughing now. Their avocado toast is mostly just toast and plus it tastes rancid in their now-dry mouths. Their champagne cocktails are totally watered down, and they think there’s a hair in it. They lack even the strength to demand to see a manager.

All the blood has drained from their nerveless, botoxed faces — because a horrifying possibility just occurred to them.

For years running up to the primaries, despairing conservatives of all stripes, colors, and positions have pressed me to answer a single overwhelming question: “Jeff, but how can Trump beat the steal?” I always answered, “I think Trump has a plan.” Then they logically would ask, “but what is Trump’s plan??”

I answered truthfully (but probably not super helpfully): “How would I know Trump’s plan? And if Trump does have a plan, he shouldn’t tell anybody until it’s go time anyway. Let’s not even speculate.”

The horrifying possibility presented to deep state democrats is that a viable, Ross Perot-like third party candidate aimed at democrats makes cheating more complicated. Not just a little more complicated. For lots of different reasons, a third-party Kennedy/Shanahan ticket makes cheating insanely more complicated.

And deep state democrats aren’t smart. They are ruthless. They are cunning. But they are not smart.

Am I saying Trump planned this all along with Kennedy’s help? How would I know? I’m only a lawyer. But, if Trump did plan this, then the plan is spectacular, and it was years in the making. Try to imagine the rest of the plan.

I apologize to our Kennedy fans. In truth, there’s everything to love about Kennedy’s stance on vaccines. Lifelong democrat Nicole Shanahan seems to share Kennedy’s distrust of all jabs, and she also thinks the regulatory agencies have been captured by pharma. Great stuff. But on every other conservative issue, Nicole is politically toxic. There’s just no way.

The bottom line is: plan or no, Trump’s electoral chances just miraculously improved.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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The Ice Cream Man
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Are they really both residents of CA? I thought only libertarians did stuff that dumb.
Posts: 6161 | Location: Republic of Ice Cream, Low Country, SC. | Registered: May 24, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
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This is exactly what Psaki was afraid of.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Just because you can,
doesn't mean you should
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Take out a couple of issues and RFK Jr. is also a pretty strong leftist.
I doubt any real and informed conservatives would have considered voting for him and this should confirm any doubts.

Avoid buying ChiCom/CCP products whenever possible.
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would not care
to elaborate
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it could be that this choice of running mate will enhance the likelihood of drawing away liberal voters who don't like either candidate
Posts: 3076 | Location: USA | Registered: June 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Rick Lee
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Main thing here is that RFK Jr. won't be peeling away any Trump voters. And those Trump supporters who may have otherwise been tempted to vote for him, ain't going to Biden either.
Posts: 3957 | Location: Cave Creek, AZ | Registered: October 24, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
would not care
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the other thing, at least right now and it could change tomorrow, is that the situation could lead to a greatly reduced voter turnout, and that usually favors Republican candidates. But even that depends on the importance of state and local issues and races in November.
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The Main Thing Is
Not To Get Excited
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Originally posted by chellim1:

This picture you posted says volumes to me. It shows 3 guys that since an Early age have for whatever reasons been elevated to positions to boss people around.

They think they're tough guys and they think they are making people think they are tough. I'd be a tough guy too if I could send a battalion of feebs to do violence of some sort on my opponents by a simple request.

Remember fjb's bragging on taking on corn pop, remember him telling the guy in the mall he could take him right there while surrounded by Secret Service.

Look at his thumb in this pic. He pops corn pop with his thumb like that something is going to pop but it won't be corn popping.

Pseudo tough guys surrounded by a praetorian guard. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth,


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Peace through
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A boatload of truth:


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Drug Dealer
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Originally posted by darthfuster:
Remember Ross Perot? How many Clinton votes did he draw away?

When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth. - George Bernard Shaw
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Lawyers, Guns
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Why We Should Keep Lovin’ on RFK Jr.
By J. Robert Smith

Back in the 1950s, there was the Red Scare. Up until a couple of months ago, there was the “Kennedy Scare.” Corporate media was spinning that Robert Kennedy Jr. might swipe more votes from Donald Trump than creaky Joe Biden this autumn. That was never going to happen.

RFK Jr. is Donald Trump’s best chance to win the White House. A three-candidate race hurts Joe Biden. Okay, the state of nation matters, but with the electorate strongly polarized, the game is less about persuasion and mobilization than securing ballots. Independents count, but many are partisan leaners, so they aren’t truly independent-minded. Securing your side’s leaners is key in battleground states.

Why is Kennedy a factor? Elections and campaign analyst Jim Ellis (Ellis Insight) wrote, April 2:

[snip] while President Biden and former President Trump consistently find their approval ratings upside down in double digit point margins that are routinely closer to 20 rather than 10, Mr. Kennedy is always viewed as the more popular figure. Though his favorability index is only in slightly positive territory for the most part, generally from three to five percentage points, his standing is far superior to that of the two Presidents. [Italics added]

Ellis continued that national polls are indicators of candidate strengths and weaknesses, not election outcomes. Outcomes are state affairs.

Based on trends, Ellis declared:

[snip] we have several conclusions that appear to be correct. First, President Biden is improving his position against the field. Second, Mr. Trump appears in a long term stagnant position, and third, Mr. Kennedy is gaining enough support to be a factor in tipping the race from one candidate to the other.

If the analysis is correct, if Trump has hit his ceiling among voters, then eroding support among Biden’s base is critical. Of course, with plenty of the election season ahead, no one can possibly foresee everything that will impact the outcome.

Barring crazy developments, though, Kennedy isn’t winning the presidency. The nation is riveted on the Biden-Trump brouhaha. When has an independent or third-party candidate won the presidency, anyway? That makes Kennedy a spoiler, regardless his disavowal. Disaffected Democrats -- mostly progressives -- are his most likely voter pool. Fringe lefties Jill Stein and Cornell West are smaller-scale spoilers; their vote tallies ice the cake. But it’s Kennedy who has the visibility, dollars, and operational skill to peel away Democrats and their leaners.

Not all Democrat voters will hold their nose and vote Biden. Despite the media spin, real concerns linger about Biden’s age-related health issues. His pushing radical climate change measures and his handling of the economy aren’t winners with auto workers, for instance. Trump hatred and blind partisanship will keep most Democrats in Biden’s corner, but not all. Certainly not all independents who lean Democrat. Since battleground election margins are expected to be tight, “not all” is vital.

To make a difference in five, maybe six, swing states, a small percentage of voters need to break Kennedy’s way to give Trump the win. Recent polling suggesting that a growing number of young and minority voters (notably Blacks and Hispanics) are falling away from Biden. It’s too early to tell. If that becomes a trend into September-October, then optimism is warranted. Until then, narrow is the path to victory.

And, yes -- a thousand times over -- election rigging is the Democrats’ stock-in-trade. That certainly factors in, so Trump and Kennedy are at disadvantages. But with so many moving parts, who knows if Democrats are a lock to succeed with election fixes?

Critical to Kennedy is his securing ballot placement in swing states. His campaign’s efforts are underway. To help achieve ballot placement, Kennedy just nominated a nobody as his running mate -- well, a nobody to most voters.

Nicole Shannon is filthy rich and a no-bones progressive. As CNN noted, having a veep candidate is necessary to qualify for some state ballots. Kennedy could have selected a sober centrist for that. The Shannon pick signals where the Kennedy campaign is headed: leftward ho.

Shannon has been an on-and-off donor to Kennedy’s campaign. Now, she’ll open her checkbook wide to lend muscle to gain ballot access. She has standing in Silicon Valley and among corporate elite. As the New York Post reported, not only does Shannon have her wealth to draw on, she helps Kennedy’s campaign because she “retains deep ties to wealthy donors who could give his longshot campaign a boost.”

Bottom line, if Kennedy thought the best fishing was to his right, he’d choose a running mate to his right. Tulsi Gabbard claims she turned down RFK. Jr.’s offer to be his veep. Gabbard is no conservative. Skittish Republicans need to take note. Democrats are taking note. They’re working to undermine Kennedy’s efforts.

No denying that Kennedy’s positions on some major issues appeal to conservatives. He receives checkmarks for his stance on the border, government corruption, civil liberties, the working and middle classes, Big Pharma, growing corporate fascism, and ending forever wars. That’s an impressive list. But his agenda is seeded with poison pills.

The biggest poison pill is Kennedy’s buy-in on the manmade climate change delusion -- like, all in. Pursue a radical climate change agenda to its logical end and, Lord knows, not only would you kill off much of humanity, but survivors would be scratching out existences. It’s a world made for Klaus Schwab.

What about abortion, the slavery issue of our times? Nope. Kennedy’s Catholicism simply doesn’t inform his position on killing babies in wombs. Kennedy told Reuters (March 20) that “he thought every abortion was a ‘tragedy’ but that it should be a woman's right ‘throughout the pregnancy.’” That’s Joe Biden all over again.

Did Kennedy speak out against the Trans Day of Visibility observance, which very coincidentally coincided with Easter Sunday, the holiest day on the Christian calendar? Kennedy stayed out of the fight, though in a townhall meeting for News Nation (June 29, 2023), he declared his foursquare support for LGBTQ rights.

Kennedy is a cafeteria Catholic and a “cafeteria centrist.” Cultural issues are crucial to the nation’s future, as much as inflation, civil liberties, and war and peace. America is unraveling because of ongoing cultural debauchment. Progressivism is sliding toward a full capture by nihilism. RFK Jr.’s brand of progressivism won’t stop the slide.

Trump understands the advantages of Kennedy’s independent run. Trump’s game is to relentlessly contrast with Biden. His approach to Kennedy is simple enough: Help drive votes to him among disaffected Democrats and progressives. Sure, that’s easier said than done. Trump can’t look as if he’s trying to push votes Kennedy’s way. It’s shrewder for conservative dark money groups to do the work. Democrats have had no hesitancy interfering in GOP primaries. They want to boost Republicans whom they deem weaker. Why not help Kennedy take votes from Biden?

Perhaps RFK Jr. believes he has a shot at the presidency in 2024, but his eye may be on a different prize. Kennedy may want to deny Biden reelection as a first step in shaking loose the establishment’s hold on the Democrat Party. The fight then is about who shapes the party and leads Democrats moving forward. For Kennedy, 2024 may only be a prelude to 2028. In the meantime, Kennedy is Biden’s bane and Trump’s boon. You’ve got to love it.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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Peace through
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Truly pathetic, both in the fact that the DNC pulled this shit, and in the result of the effort.

The commies are worried.

Posts: 110940 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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RFK Jr. has qualified for Michigan's November ballot. He also has enough signatures to run in important states such as Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and also Utah, Hawaii. His Super PAC has received enough signatures in Arizona, Georgia, and South Carolina as well. A couple of weeks ago, RFK Jr told CNN he is confident he will be on the ballot in most of the states before November.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Wait, what?
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I love that the leftists are so terrified that they’re resorting to paying homeless people to hold signs that they probably couldn’t say what’s written without looking at them. Admitting that they were paid to be there is better advertisement for Kennedy than he could have hoped for.

“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
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