Originally posted by Aglifter:
And there are subspecies, though I think the Aboriginals of Australia are almost all that’s left of one.
There are no existent subspecies; taxinomy inference by definition is that subspecies indicates more than one. Not only is there no plural sub species to Homo Sapiens, but no singular subspecies, which is to say in plain English: there is no such thing as race.
Having lived in Australia for several years and having lived among the aboriginals, I can tell you that they're quite possibly the oldest society or ethnicity known, on earth, but they are no subspecies. They are Homo Sapiens. That they are a darker color, have different colors, different features, does not make them a race; they are not. They are not a subspecies of Homo Sapiens. There is no existent human subspecies.
Maisel ponders the question of subspeciation in an interesting essay of psychological differences:
https://www.psychologytoday.co...o-sapiens-subspeciesTechnically, you could say we ARE the subspecies of Homo Sapiens, after all, as we are Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Homo Sapients, the parent, has two subspecies, one of which is extinct. Homo Sapiens Idaltu (extinct), and Homo Sapiens Sapiens (us). There is nothing beyond. There is no subspeciation beyond: we are it. To suggest otherwise is to misunderstand science and to perpetuate one of the most damning and damaging lies of modern times: racism.
With racism comes issues of superiority, and it doesn't matter which group claims it.
We assign value to life, and it doesn't matter which life. Yes, black lives matter. Of course they do. As does every other color, credo, religion, ethnicity, nationality, and so on. None of them equate to race; there is no race, and the suggestion otherwise is, by definition, racism, or the perpetuating of the false idea of race.
As race is a false idea, I'm sick to death of it as an excuse. The race card has no place in a conversation between intelligent people, regardless of their side of the aisle or the discussion.
We can go back not so long ago to the blow up at Ferguson, a race riot over a black man killed when he assaulted a police officer in his car, after robbing a liquor store (and was shot by the officer). Black Lives Matter was born (it started in principle with Martin/Zimmerman, but took off in Ferguson). No question that everyone should be treated equally and fairly, but during the period of those riots, a number of white men were shot by police, and nobody said anything about that. At its core, while it appears to suggest equality, Black Lives Matter is racist.