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I would like to hear your stories regarding neighbor confrontations. Login/Join 
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Why did you take your dog? Big Grin

I had a neighbor years back that had goats, chickens, etc. No big deal. Except that he would dump all their waste right on my property line in a makeshift compost pile. The spot he picked was directly across from my firepit. The smell was awful - but the horseflies/deer flies were even worse. I then learned he would use the compost for his garden. His garden failed miserably the following years 2 years. Cool

He eventually got caught cheating on his wife, got divorced and sold the house under distress.
Posts: 4988 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Graniteguy:
Why did you take your dog? Big Grin

He was sitting on my lap Big Grin. My version of a redneck women with a baby on her hip. Plus, he’s a sneaky bastard and has been a rolling stone the past week. I think there has been a female in heat running around.
Posts: 358 | Location: Bardstown, Ky | Registered: December 06, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of cparktd
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It's an ordnance here you can't blow grass clippings on the street. County wide. Nothing to do at all with storm drains.
It's a safety hazard, they can be slick as ice when driven on, espically for motorcycles.
We usually get reminders via social media yearly and a few warnings have been issued but I have not heard of an actual ticket being given.
I always blow off the street back into my yard with the mower... even if there are no visible clippings.
I actually had a neighbor stop and thank me for not leaving debris in the street after mowing! Turns out the former resident was an a-hole that always did.

Endeavor to persevere.
Posts: 4264 | Location: Middle Tennessee | Registered: February 07, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
paradox in a box
Picture of frayedends
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I have not read the entire thread. I have a few vodkas in me so take this with a grain of salt. Confrontations with neighbors never end well. If you can do anything to correct the situation without them knowing it was you it will be better. The revenge that neighbors can take can really fuck with your life. It is better to avoid confrontation. I am not the personality to avoid that but it never helped me when I did not avoid it.

These go to eleven.
Posts: 12605 | Location: Westminster, MA | Registered: November 14, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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No stories to share.

Something something 5th Amendment...
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of cparktd
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Had a new neighbor stop me one day and complain that the property line wasn't marked between us. I guess my don't give a shit, what does it matter reply annoyed him. The biggest problem he could muster was he didn't know where to stop mowing... so I pointed all the way across my yard to a tree on the opposite side and said when you get to that tree you can stop! (meaning he would be mowing my entire yard as well as his) He stomped away without another word. The next week he had a the lot line surveyed... it was exactly where I had been mowing to.

I had a grumpy old fart neighbor once come stomping at me from across his yard, red faced, all bowed up fist clinched and cussing at me like a sailor. I picked up an aluminum baseball bat from the front porch and laid it up on my shoulder and started toward him. He froze in his tracks just short of my property line. He calmed down real damn quick when he realized maybe his beef with me wasn't worth getting his skull bashed in. He then explained that some kids had vandalized a old dilapidated shed of his and he thought my grandsons might have been involved. They hadn't been hands on, but when I questioned them they admitted watching and were around when it happened. Some kids building a tree house had stolen one loose plank. I took the high road and just replaced the one broken plank for him.

And now the rest of the story... You like a happy ending? "Someone" called codes and they condemned the shed and he had to hire someone to demo it and haul it off. Big Grin

Endeavor to persevere.
Posts: 4264 | Location: Middle Tennessee | Registered: February 07, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Unmanned Writer
Picture of LS1 GTO
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Originally posted by crue-dell:
Originally posted by RichardC:
Have you considered calling Morgan & Morgan?
Ha, That would burn way too many calories.

Have you tried their Captain? Big Grin

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

"If dogs don't go to Heaven, I want to go where they go" Will Rogers

The definition of the words we used, carry a meaning of their own...

Posts: 14348 | Location: It was Lat: 33.xxxx Lon: 44.xxxx now it's CA :( | Registered: March 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Staring back
from the abyss
Picture of Gustofer
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Originally posted by vthoky:
I told my neighbor to shut his constantly-barking dog up.

Had to deal with that once years ago. I was working nights and the damned dogs barked all day long, keeping me awake. Owners/renters were druggies whose only response was, "FUCK YOU".

One day I'd finally had enough and called in a disturbing the peace complaint. The cop that showed up said he couldn't write them as they weren't barking when he showed up. Then he said, "You can't shoot them in the city limits, but uh...are you a bow hunter? (wink/nod)".

Well, I didn't take him up on that, but somehow or another the dogs did up and disappear one day shortly thereafter. I think they ended up at the animal shelter. I can't say who it was that took them there but the gate was pretty easy to open from the outside so it could have been anybody.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
Posts: 21220 | Location: Montana | Registered: November 01, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of wrightd
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For the last 13 years we had so-so neighbors that would toggle back and forth between nice and nasty, day to day depending on what was going on and how they felt about it that particular day/week etc. It was tiring really. But they recently sold out and a very nice family with young children moved in. They are outstanding people and neighbors. The husband is a military senior with one of those jobs that if he tells you exactly what he does one or more branches of said military would have to drone you ass in the middle of the night. Yea that kind of serious. I can tell we are gonna be great neighbors. After having all sorts of not so good neighbors in my lifetime it's a much welcome relief. I've noticed that some of the toughest military men you'll meet are some of the kindest human beings you'll ever know. My best friend is like that, a retired Marine Corps Master Sergeant, who did tons of up close and personal combat and Ma Deuce work in the Middle East. He told me one story I'll never forget, but I don't ask since I know there's lots of shit that goes with prolonged heavy combat that I will never understand, and don't personally rate to even ask about. I suppose there's some reverse psychology involved, because there are some types of jobs and military experience that's permanently life changing, and some that are just plain nasty dangerous. For other folks it's amazing how hateful people can be, just for no other apparent reason than for the hell of it, psychological sciences notwithstanding.

Lover of the US Constitution
Wile E. Coyote School of DIY Disaster
Posts: 9252 | Location: Nowhere the constitution is not honored | Registered: February 01, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
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Be happy it's just leaves and grass clippings. One of my neighbors let her dirtbag son and his girlfriend move in after he got out of federal prison on parole. He and the gf got into repeated verbal arguments out in front of the house in the street, and ultimately they got into a domestic that involved him punching her in the face and dragging her with a car. He went to jail, somehow didn't get his parole violated, and ultimately ended up back at the residence a few days later. They recently sold the house and are moving away...we are throwing a party.

There's a rental house on the opposite corner. It used to belomg to an old retired guy who was grumpy but super cool. I'd help him with yard work, he'd help me with my mower, and he'd shoot groundhogs in the front yard with a 12 kind of guy. Sadly, he died and it got bought by somebody who turned it into a rental. The first group of people that moved in had adult kids who'd fly up and down the street on crotch rockets all the time, would run from the cops, and had the occasional domestic out in the front yard. They also had a dog that they'd let run would crap in my yard and scare my kids. It actually bit my oldest son's shoe one day while he was riding his bike in our driveway, on our property. I tried to talk to the guy about it and he was an unapologetic asshole.

They finally moved away (thankfully before I had to shoot the dog), and another couple moved in. The screaming and cussing started again, and these people also burned barrels of trash like 5 feet from the property line, and all the smoke would blow into my house. They also wouldn't get it all the way burned, and critters would get into it and drag half burned diapers and other trash into my yard. I was about ready to call the department of environmental management on them when one night their house caught fire (fire dept claimed it was lightning, but my family didn't hear any loud thunder like one would from a strike that money is on embers from their smouldering trash pile blowing into the garage). Thankfully nobody was hurt, but they had to move out.

We've had about 4 months of peace and quiet with no trash smoke, dog crap, or dirty diapers in our yard. Sadly just the other day the owner started working on that place to repair the fire damage...I figure we'll be dealing with another set of dirtbags before too long.

Thankfully we have several really good neighbors on the other side, so it's not all bad.
Posts: 9897 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Not as lean, not as mean,
Still a Marine
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My neighbor's property is a 1/4 acre that was cut from our lot years before I bought it.

New neighbor moved in last year and has dogs, they bark, but I don't mind so much. My wife gets irritated by it though. Fast-forward a month, and my wife is noticing a very heavy dog crap odor that was overpowering the lilacs that border our neighbors fence.
As she was showing me, I noticed numerous piles that were spread around the area. My wife lost it, and wanted to pile it all up on the new neighbors front porch. I suggested a knock on the door, but as the neighbor was out, we decided on a note to start with.

As my wife was bringing the note over, the neighbor returned home. Once we explained that she was tossing her dog's crap over her fence onto our property, she got a bit defensive. I calmly showed her the stakes for the property line, and her defensive demeanor changed to a defeated one. It seems that when she bought the property she had assumed the lot behind her fence was hers, but I explained that it was ours. (That misunderstanding of hers might explain why she paid 10% over the asking price, but that's not my problem).

What shocked me most, is after all was done, the neighbor came out with a bag and began picking up all the crap she had flung over. We actually helped her, and told her of the animal waste area at the transfer station. The neighbor now bags and brings it there, and we haven't had any issues since.

I shall respect you until you open your mouth, from that point on, you must earn it yourself.
Posts: 3415 | Location: Southern Maine | Registered: February 10, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Texas Proud
Picture of texassierra
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I'm surrounded by shitty neighbors. Guy behind me has a dog that barks anytime I or other neighbors enter our backyard. I had a verbal confrontation with the owner at the beginning of the summer.

Asswipe across the street frequently has parties playing their crappy south of the border music that funnels directly towards my house from their garage. I've had to call the PD on them several times.

The 29 year old kid next door lives with his grandmother and two uncles who all have health problems. I've had issues with him obstructing my driveway with his vehicle. Several months ago I heard unusual noises coming from the street side and when I stepped out to see what was going on I found him using a landscape brick to bust every window out of his uncle's vehicle parked on the street. I call the PD and reported this and he was also attempting to instigate fights with other neighbors. Four local PD showed up and he came a whisper away from getting hit with a 40mm rubber projectile to the back before decided to comply. He was taken for a mental evaluation. Same kid was arrested last week for public intoxication. The last few days I've seen him pacing up and down the middle of the street directly in front of their house for hours. Fun times I tell ya!

NRA Life Patron
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Back when I lived in a really undesirable neighborhood a woman who lived in a single-wide across the street, who I didn't know, let her son move in after he was released from prison after serving five years for molesting a child.

I was the investigating/arresting officer. We didn't have any problems; his parole officer and I knew each other and the PO lived on the next street over.

I liked to sit on my front porch with my Benelli M1 Super 90. That may have contributed to a general air of tranquility in the 'hood.
Posts: 632 | Registered: June 11, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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Many moons ago when Mrs df and I were in married student housing, we had a neighbor that didn't like that I could fit 3 vehicles on our assigned parking pads. This neighbor began parking her vehicle such that she blocked ingress and egress to one of my pads. I took pictures of her car and how she blocked my access.

I went to the campus housing authority and asked him a few short questions. Among them were, "Is there a limit to the vehicles I can have on my pads if they fit and do not block others? Am I afforded unfettered ingress and egress to my pads?" I knew the answers to these questions but wanted his attention to this matter focused. He answered in my favor.

At that point I showed him the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against her that I had taken and asked if I could be accommodated according to his recognition of my rental agreement. The next morning he and the maintenance manager knocked on my and her doors. We all met at the end of our pad approaches wherein he described to her that she was in violation of her agreement. He had the maintenance guy paint a no park zone where our approaches intersected and stated from now on anyone even slightly over the yellow lines at any time would get a parking infraction.

That neighbor, in her anger, disclosed that she had a sub-renter who needed more parking. OOPSIE! No sub-renters allowed. Broken rental agreement. You are now evicted.

So, with patience and the Socratic method, one can leverage his interests.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
Posts: 30270 | Location: Norris Lake, TN | Registered: May 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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We've only lived here since 1995. Had a really trashy neighbor next door. Then he went to the lockup for a while (until he transferred to the big house). So his ex moved to FL to live with her father. The house sold but the buyer never moved in. That was 17 years ago. Yeah, the place is a dump, but an empty dump. The city has a guy that mows unkempt yards. This one has qualified for years now. They add his fee to the tax bill. Fun times. No one lives there these days. Its been condemned, really had its certificate of habitability cancelled. No one can move in because Duke Energy got tired of no one paying their exorbitant bills. They cut the wires, rolled them up on a truck, and left. No heat, no water, no power.

My wife had told me to deal with it. Its better than having lousy neighbors. My only vandalism has been to take a rake and lift their wires into the gutter so I don't need to see them hanging.

At some point I'm going down to speak to the city's department of "Code Un-enforcement". If they tear the dump down, I'll buy the empty lot. Or split it with the guy on the other side. They offered it for sale, at twice what its worth.

So yeah, they're lousy neighbors. But why fight? I'm pretty sure I've got him out gunned. But they don't live around here, only own unkempt property. The city doesn't give a shit so why should I?

Unhappy ammo seeker
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Picture of Prefontaine
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One neighbor never had a fence installed. There are a few houses like this in the neighborhood. The guy is very odd, like you talked to him and think some kind of mental problem. But he has some coding type job and makes enough to pay the mortgage.

So one day he asks me if I think he should install a fence because he’s thinking about it. If he does this just means more privacy for me but honestly the house should have had one years ago for HIM, not for me. Whole back of his house faces the alley and everyone else has a fence.

So fast forward a few weeks and I see contractors out there working. I just got home from work. Something told me to check the sprinkler system, and sure enough they busted mine. Both zones on that side of the house are completely shot. I have his number and call him and say WTF? He says that “they” tried to knock on my door but nobody was home. Then he did the same. No phone call, no note on the door, fuck all. He then says “it was on my property line.” I know a little bit about sprinklers. When they install them, they install them between the homes. They aren’t looking at your plot. The sprinklers were here before I bought the house so is what it is. I’m pissed because as soon as they busted PVC he should have stopped and got a hold of me immediately. He rang my bell, I was at work, so he says fuck it basically and tells them to continue. Again no note, no phone call.

So I call my sprinkler guy. I keep him on the Rolodex for just this sort of thing. He digs, investigates, and then breaks the bad news. Had these idiot contractors stopped he could have cut in some horseshoe type PVC connectors but instead, they kept going and fucked it all up. Busted the pvc all the way down the house, basically 1/4 of my sprinkler system. To get it up and running, a grand as it needs a whole new trench and new PVC all the way down the house, ironically exactly where this fucker put the fence in. I’m pissed. I asked my guy, who I’ve known for years and trust, what it would have cost had they stopped. “Couple hundred if that”. So first thing I do is cancel a vacation I was about to go on in 2 weeks. Then I call the neighbor. Glad I called him because if I would have walked over there I would have punched him right in the got damn throat. I explain to him, this is a grand of work, basically 1/4 of my entire sprinkler system has to be replaced and why when his contractors busted PVC, didn’t they stop. That’s when he says “They did, but you weren’t home, I walked over there and rang your doorbell. I want it done and couldn’t wait”. Then goes on to tell me they could not wait either. I reply that yeah they would have waited, because they don’t get paid until the job is done. Your bullshit just axed my vacation and cost me $1000. He then says, again I’m glad I’m on the phone and not at his door as I would have been arrested… “If a thousand dollars is a problem I can LOAN you the money”. No offer to pay half, or anything else, no apology, instead he says he can “loan” me the money. I was pissed and explained to him, principles, being neighborly. It’s not like I put in the got damn sprinkler system myself. All these houses in my neighborhood, the PVC was not put in with a plot, PVC is run right in between the houses. In fact, he has some sprinkler heads and PVC in my front yard, over on my property the dumb mother fucker.

The next day I mow. I mow the entire yard, but left a big F U that you can’t see from the street. I did it this way so it faced his house, his sidewalk up to his house and he is one of those people that comes home from work, and the first thing they do is go check the mail. It hadn’t been 2 hours and the mother fucker calls me “I saw what you did with the grass” and I’m like so. Ain’t no crime, didn’t “step” onto his property neither. It’s in my yard. No full on cuss words, just a big F and a big U side by side. He was pissed.

I mowed it away the next day, it was just principle to me. Don’t tell me you will loan me money when you pull shit like this. I would never do this to a neighbor, ever. The work would stop until I could get a hold of the homeowner and we’d work something out. My neighbor on the other side of me, anytime either of us is going to have work done, trucks out front, anything, we let each other know. To this day I don’t speak to this piece of shit that did this. At some point I’m going to xeriscape. And when I do, his PVC and sprinkler heads are fucked because I’m going to tell them to do it since it’s on my “plot” and property. I honestly don’t care whose sprinkler heads are technically on my property but this mother fucker has it coming and it will happen. When it’s all rocks laid down, no more grass, he is going to call. At that point I’m going to offer to loan him the money and see how he likes it in return. He can’t mow F U into his lawn because he doesn’t mow his own yard, never has. The dumbass runs his sprinklers are on a timer and it must be old as shit because it’ll be during 20 mph winds and the things will run. It’ll be raining and they run, or damn near freezing and they run. He’s a got damn moron. Book smart but no street smarts at all.

I have a pic of the F U too buried somewhere on the phone. I took a pic.

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
Posts: 13405 | Location: Down South | Registered: January 16, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sourdough44
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Haven’t had neighbor problems in years. Hopefully it stays that way for a while.

As a kid a neighbor down the road a few houses always had bear hounds, they were like crickets at night, but louder. Their barking & yapping was almost constant, nighttime music to sleep by. For some reason it was all O.K. back then.
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Not really from Vienna
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The only neighbor I’ve had to visit with about a problem is the place two houses down. That lady collects yapping doglets. Two of the little bastards escaped from her chickenwire fence, scampered down the block, and attempted to bite my ankles because I was mowing my yard. They didn’t succeed in their project because I was wearing heavy pull on work boots.

This gal has probably 6 or 8 of these little pooches and they bark at everything, all the time. Everyone in the neighborhood is pissed off about it. Animal control won’t do anything about it.
Posts: 27356 | Location: SW of Hovey, Texas | Registered: January 30, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of vthoky
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Originally posted by Gustofer:
The cop that showed up said he couldn't write them as they weren't barking when he showed up. Then he said, "You can't shoot them in the city limits, but uh...are you a bow hunter? (wink/nod)".

I wouldn't take it out on the dogs, but if I could get one of those shock collar gadgets onto my neighbor I'd wear that danged button out!! Big Grin

I know the local police have been there at least once over it. Some days I want to call and ask them to send an officer over to my house for iced tea on the porch -- and a good earful of hounds-and-shepherd -- stacking up for a second visit.

God bless America.
Posts: 14395 | Location: Virginia | Registered: July 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of wrightd
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Originally posted by texassierra:
I'm surrounded by shitty neighbors. Guy behind me has a dog that barks anytime I or other neighbors enter our backyard. I had a verbal confrontation with the owner at the beginning of the summer.

Asswipe across the street frequently has parties playing their crappy south of the border music that funnels directly towards my house from their garage. I've had to call the PD on them several times.

The 29 year old kid next door lives with his grandmother and two uncles who all have health problems. I've had issues with him obstructing my driveway with his vehicle. Several months ago I heard unusual noises coming from the street side and when I stepped out to see what was going on I found him using a landscape brick to bust every window out of his uncle's vehicle parked on the street. I call the PD and reported this and he was also attempting to instigate fights with other neighbors. Four local PD showed up and he came a whisper away from getting hit with a 40mm rubber projectile to the back before decided to comply. He was taken for a mental evaluation. Same kid was arrested last week for public intoxication. The last few days I've seen him pacing up and down the middle of the street directly in front of their house for hours. Fun times I tell ya!

Geez o petes. Good lord.

Lover of the US Constitution
Wile E. Coyote School of DIY Disaster
Posts: 9252 | Location: Nowhere the constitution is not honored | Registered: February 01, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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