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Getting real tired of shortages... Login/Join 
Picture of bigdeal
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It all started with Crypto mining, and then when supplies just started to catch up, demand ran wild again with all the pandemic BS. Something tells me I'll be sticking with my Nvidia GTX 1080Ti Founder's Edition card for quite some time yet. No worries though, it more than does the job for me.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
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posting without pants
Picture of KevinCW
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Originally posted by DonDraper:
I got on the EVGA waiting list Sept of 2020 for an RTX 3080 (10G-P5-3897-KR) and was able to get it at the original retail price around February 2021. I still see the same part number on Ebay selling double what I paid (used) and sometimes 2.5 times what I paid for a used one. It's nuts. There is no end in sight for the GPU shortage, unless you want to pay the jacked up price for one.

I think if you have a Microcenter near you, that is your best bet. They have some kind of voucher system. Newegg has a lottery of sorts too.

I have one near me, but it appears they are putting any available cards into their own builds (that they sell).

I'm hoping there is somewhere out there that has a wait list I can get on. Of course had I known i would have gotten on one earlier..

I can't wait for the crypto market to take a huge dump and screw all these assholes.

Strive to live your life so when you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the floor, the devil says "Oh crap, he's up."
Posts: 33287 | Location: St. Louis MO | Registered: February 15, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posting without pants
Picture of KevinCW
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Originally posted by LS1 GTO:
Originally posted by KevinCW:
Originally posted by LS1 GTO:
Originally posted by KevinCW:
Originally posted by LS1 GTO:
Shortages happen to the unprepared.


With some things... but I'm unsure of how I could have possibly prepared for a shortage of something that didn't even exist before this pandemic nonsense.... The graphics card I'm trying to buy hadn't even been developed yet and wasn't available for sale....

Can’t have a shortage then. Wink

Remember Cabbage Patch Kids?

Demand is currently exceeding supply for a short (less than 7 years) demand item.

By the time supply can get to your level of consumerisem, demand will be focused on the next item.

Sure... but how could I have prepared for it?

How are you currently prepared fir that item not presented for sale yet?

Buy yesterday’s fir .25%. Wink

I'm not trying to be a jerk... but I am either missing a joke or not understanding what you are saying.

Strive to live your life so when you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the floor, the devil says "Oh crap, he's up."
Posts: 33287 | Location: St. Louis MO | Registered: February 15, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Unmanned Writer
Picture of LS1 GTO
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I am probably not explaining it correctly. I do business all day long and with this being an off week, I tend to see the solution better than explaining it.

A brand newly upgraded product comes out on 1 January. It replaces something, upgrades something, or …

Before the new product hits, the manufacture develops an estimate for how much demand there is. Bad estimates are nearly always when the product is over produced and never enough demand exists to pay off original debts.

What you are experiencing is the opposite problem - not being able to keep up with demand.

If in your case, last year’s model is satisfactory for your tasks, how much less will it cost than the one you cannot get now?

What happens when a different company releases a newer and faster card this Saturday? Demand will be high, very high if based on what i have interpreted so far. Will you need it? Can’t prep for something which doesn’t exist.

Can you live with an earlier generation card at 50% the price/speed of card you "need"?

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

"If dogs don't go to Heaven, I want to go where they go" Will Rogers

The definition of the words we used, carry a meaning of their own...

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Picture of xantom
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I'm in the same boat Kevin. I built a new rig in October of 2020. Initially I wanted a 3080. I have given up on that and at this point if I can't score a 3080 ti for a decent price I am going to wait for the 40 series to come out. I am running with a 1080ti now. 3080ti's can be had for around 2k but I am not willing to pay that so I'll wait it out I guess. I'd say at this point micro center is your best bet. They have consistently had cards but you are going to pay a premium.

Here are the links I check daily for video cards.

Make sure you understand the return policy before you try this.

"We've done four already, but now we're steady..."
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Savor the limelight
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Can you live with an earlier generation card at 50% the price/speed of card you "need"?

The answer is no. There’s a point where the performance differences are black or white.

As an analogy, both an F150 and F350 will tow a jet ski. Both will tow a small boat with the family in the truck. Both will tow a larger boat, but with the F150, some of the family will have to stay behind or drive separate. Only the F350 will tow the 15,000lb 5th wheel. There’s no making do with the F150.

The difference between the 3080 and prior 2080 is the 3080 can drive a 4K screen at playable frame rates and the 2080 cannot.
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Shall Not Be Infringed
Picture of nhracecraft
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Originally posted by DonDraper:
I got on the EVGA waiting list Sept of 2020 for an RTX 3080 (10G-P5-3897-KR) and was able to get it at the original retail price around February 2021. I still see the same part number on Ebay selling double what I paid (used) and sometimes 2.5 times what I paid for a used one. It's nuts. There is no end in sight for the GPU shortage, unless you want to pay the jacked up price for one.

I think if you have a Microcenter near you, that is your best bet. They have some kind of voucher system. Newegg has a lottery of sorts too.

I got on the EVGA waiting list for the same card (3080 FTW3 Ultra Gaming) on December 25, 2020....and I'm still Waiting! I built a Gaming Rig with my son for his Christmas/January Birthday present and to this day, his $3000.00 PC sits idle in his room, unable to be used. Frown

I also got on the EVGA list for the 3080 Ti version of the same card the day after it was launched, and at this point, I'm probably more likely to get that one as there are probably less people in front of me.

One year later, the scammers are still scamming, and I am unwilling to pay ANYONE a 100% markup on a Graphics Card....DOUBLE the MSRP! Mad Mad


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
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Picture of Lt CHEG
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Good. Fed up is good. Shortages are the friends of the people who love this country. The more shortages we have, and of longer duration, the more people will get fed up. The more people get fed up, the sooner well get back to normal.

Not only do I agree with you Para, but I’ll go a bit further. I’m hoping that people get more and more fed up and start realizing that we need to make more “things” in this country, including some of the base materials that are used to make “things.” The whole “just in time” supply chain management strategy is seriously flawed and has done little to benefit the consumer, only the corporations. Now that the supply chain has completely fallen down I hope that the consumer uses some of their clout to demand something different. With the exception of disposable electronic type items (which also came with measurably lower quality) the consumer did not experience lower prices from the retailers’ lower costs of minimizing inventory. Over the last 20-30 years those at the top of corporations have received a disproportionate amount of the benefits from improved efficiency. Now the consumer and average person are awakening to what’s going on and are able to collectively exert some more influence. This influence is both financial and political and I hope that these shortages, etc. do continue so that the average folks continue to exert some of their own influence rather than just staying asleep and accepting the status quo.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Posts: 5592 | Location: Upstate NY | Registered: February 28, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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High end graphics cards have been selling for over MSRP since crypto mining took off and with the way it is trending I don't foresee GPU prices coming down anytime soon.

I recently did the build vs. buy analysis a couple months ago and my conclusion was that it was cheaper to buy a prebuilt unit vs. building one myself. Sure, I couldn't put together the exact components I wanted but the ones I got with my prebuilt system are quality. When it was all said and done I saved over $800 when factoring in the scalped value of GPUs on ebay and I didn't have to worry about parts not working. In fact, the computer I bought had a defective GPU and they replaced the entire computer 2nd day air on their dime. Here's the thread with the cost breakdowns (look at the bottom of pg 1):

This month I added another 1TB m.2 drive and another 16gb of RAM. I can't tell the difference other than the added HD space. I have been playing Division 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 at ultra settings in 4k and it handles everything just fine. If you haven't started buying components for your build I would recommend just buying a prebuilt unit. The Gladiator series from Newegg came installed with vanilla Windows 10. No bloatware or Dell/HP crappy software to run proprietary hardware on those systems.

ETA: Holy smokes prices went up. Granted mine was on sale for $1,699 a few months ago but now it's $2,349.

Still some savings vs. building it yourself but now it's more like $150 vs. $800+
Posts: 834 | Location: Southern NH | Registered: October 11, 2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of vthoky
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Originally posted by Lt CHEG:
I’m hoping that people get more and more fed up and start realizing that we need to make more “things” in this country, including some of the base materials that are used to make “things.” The whole “just in time” supply chain management strategy is seriously flawed and has done little to benefit the consumer, only the corporations.

As an engineer in the manufacturing world, I can say you're absolutely correct. Outsourcing is great for the bean counters, and JIT makes inventory managers happy. But the impracticalities in terms of actually getting things built and satisfying customer demand are seemingly innumerable.

My peers and I talk about this occasionally. Remember about 30 years ago, when it was all about "vertical integration?" The intent there was to be able to control/manage your suppliers so as to know exactly what's happening in the supply chain and to be able to handle (or better: prevent!) disruptions. Somehow we got away from that (outsourcing for cheaper labor and materials), and ruined our ability to manage our supply chains. Short version: the more we depend on others, the more we live at others' whims.

God bless America.
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Picture of SIG4EVA
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You're best bet is buying a prebuilt system with the card. Dell or HP had a 3060ti system for $900 over Christmas. I did this to get my 1660 Super, and was able to sell the system for what it was worth. Evga has a queue system which I scored my 3060 on, but I think its closed until they catch up.

SIG556 Classic
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Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it"
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Picture of OttoSig
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If you aint over 6' I've been tired of ya!

11 years to retirement! Just waiting!
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I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not
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I am right there with you. And I don't see it getting better anytime soon. I try to stock up on all the items I use. But you can only be so prepared. last summer I spent 3 months and more money than I wanted just to get a AV receiver. Now they are stocked up everywhere. You just don't know what will be next!!!
Posts: 7819 | Location: Bismarck ND | Registered: February 19, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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How can we build stuff in this country when people won't work. I see shortages as the ongoing plan.
Posts: 1415 | Registered: November 07, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I Deal In Lead
Picture of Flash-LB
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Originally posted by oldbill123:
How can we build stuff in this country when people won't work. I see shortages as the ongoing plan.

A bigger problem is probably the working people getting a Union Wage and benefits and making the cost of products too high.
Posts: 10626 | Location: Gilbert Arizona | Registered: March 21, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I'd rather have luck
than skill any day
Picture of mjlennon
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Originally posted by PASig:
It’s my understanding that high end graphics cards are scarce due to bitcoin mining?
That used to be the case. NVDA earlier this year, derated the hash rates on their video cards because crypto miners were purchasing all they could produce; leaving none or hard to get for their core gaming customers. They introduced a CMP line of cards specifically for mining ethereum.
Posts: 1832 | Location: Fayetteville, Georgia | Registered: December 08, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Shall Not Be Infringed
Picture of nhracecraft
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Originally posted by nhracecraft:
Originally posted by DonDraper:
I got on the EVGA waiting list Sept of 2020 for an RTX 3080 (10G-P5-3897-KR) and was able to get it at the original retail price around February 2021. I still see the same part number on Ebay selling double what I paid (used) and sometimes 2.5 times what I paid for a used one. It's nuts. There is no end in sight for the GPU shortage, unless you want to pay the jacked up price for one.

I think if you have a Microcenter near you, that is your best bet. They have some kind of voucher system. Newegg has a lottery of sorts too.

I got on the EVGA waiting list for the same card (3080 FTW3 Ultra Gaming) on December 25, 2020....and I'm still Waiting! I built a Gaming Rig with my son for his Christmas/January Birthday present and to this day, his $3000.00 PC sits idle in his room, unable to be used. Frown

I also got on the EVGA list for the 3080 Ti version of the same card the day after it was launched, and at this point, I'm probably more likely to get that one as there are probably less people in front of me.

One year later, the scammers are still scamming, and I am unwilling to pay ANYONE a 100% markup on a Graphics Card....DOUBLE the MSRP! Mad Mad

Just got and email from EVGA Customer Support with the following subject line:

[Notice] EVGA Product Availability Update Notification – 12G-P5-3967-KR

It looks like my son is getting an EVGA RTX3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra Gaming Graphics Card....Direct Purchase Link from EVGA at MSRP! FINALLY!! Cool So Fucking Awesome!!! Cool


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
Trump 2024....Save America!
"May Almighty God bless the United States of America" - parabellum 7/26/20
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posting without pants
Picture of KevinCW
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Awesome! I wish I had known about the waitlist back then. Seems they arent doing it any more.

Strive to live your life so when you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the floor, the devil says "Oh crap, he's up."
Posts: 33287 | Location: St. Louis MO | Registered: February 15, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Dances With
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The medication Losartan has been on back order got awhile now.
Posts: 11894 | Registered: October 26, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Savor the limelight
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The Publix by us is limiting purchases of Gatorade to 2 bottles per visit.
Posts: 11126 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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