Torchy's Tacos.

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August 06, 2022, 07:42 PM
Torchy's Tacos.
First time there. I was minding my own business enjoying my meal. My wife ordered their sweet corn side. So, good. Half way through this thing I run into sometime so hot it took me out of action for about 15 minutes. It wasn't a build up situation. One spoon full and I felt like I was on that hot wings show. I've reviewed the menu and it has some red pepper listed. That wasn't it I can handle that with no problem.

Any ideas on what it might of been?

OH, Bonnie McMurray!
August 06, 2022, 08:27 PM
iron chef
Habanero... Ghost pepper? Confused
August 06, 2022, 10:05 PM
Their Diablo sauce has habanero in it. Perhaps they put some of that in there.

With the turnover places are experiencing making things per published list isn’t a given.

Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity

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