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Picture of wingspar
I have Never posted anything like this in SF Ever, but a friend sent this to me today and I find it totally disgusting. How can a turd like Gruesome have so damn much power. I left Kalifornia in 1973 cause I saw the writing on the wall. This sent me into a bad mood as soon as I got this.

7 Reasons You Should Worry

With political observers increasingly doubtful that Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for President in 2024, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has positioned himself as the heir apparent. But if you thought Biden was bad, Newsom would be a nightmare.

It’s all the talk among Democrat political operatives right now: CA Gov. Gavin Newsom is running for President in 2024.

The proof is pretty overwhelming – from Newsom’s constant Twitter battles with Ron DeSantis, to the launch of a national tour and campaign committee, to his proposal for a gun-grabbing amendment to the US Constitution. Plus, being from California, Newsom is already well-connected to all the players in Democratic political circles. This includes Nancy Pelosi, who still is still the de-facto House Democratic Leader, and a lot of the big donors from Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

The quiet, under-the-radar support for Newsom among Democrat establishment players comes not from who he is, but more from who he isn’t.

They say Newsom isn’t the train wreck that Kamala Harris has proven to be – and he isn’t (in their view at least) the far-Left progressive loons that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are.

It makes perfect sense: Newsom is positioned as the consensus back-up candidate in case the national Democratic Party power barons decide to dump an ailing, increasingly unpopular, and scandal-plagued Joe Biden.

So if you are wondering what Gavin Newsom would do to America as President, look no further than the nightmare that California has become under his failed leadership.

1. Newsom Punishes Working Families with Higher Cost-of-Living

Hands down, California has the highest cost-of-living in the nation of any state – with California working families being forced to pay on average 42% more than their counterparts across the nation. Housing costs are over double the national average; electricity is 68% higher; gas is $1.50-2.50 per gallon more expensive; water rates are double to triple depending on where you live, etc. Despite massive state government subsidies, even California healthcare costs are 10% higher than the national average.

In San Francisco, if you make a whopping $243,652 a year you are still considered “middle class” - while in San Diego a $186,084 salary lands you in the “middle class.”

From housing to gas to healthcare and even bacon (yes, bacon), Newsom and California Democrats increase the cost of everything they touch through their high taxes and costly mandates and regulations.

2. Newsom Coddles Criminals While Turning His Back on Crime Victims

Crime is spiking in California – with homicides jumping 42% in 2021 and property crimes up 6% last year with smash-and-grabs becoming a routine experience in retail stores. And it should come as no surprise. Newsom backed Prop 47 to eliminate prosecution of a wide range of crimes, and he has used Prop 57 to release over 70,000 violent criminals onto California streets since he took office.

While he coddles criminals, Newsom refuses to defend crime victims – refusing to make rape of an unconscious person a “felony” and signing SB 145 into law to allow a sexual predator to avoid being placed on the sex offender registry even if they molest a child as young as 14.

3. Newsom Has Created a Massive Homelessness Crisis

Since 2018, Newsom has wasted over $25 billion on failed homeless programs that fund rich politically-connected developers to build government-subsidized housing units at a cost of $1 million each – or give vouchers to homeless individuals for motel rooms at a cost of $5500 per person per month!

Newsom also cut off funding from any homeless provider who dares to require mental health or substance abuse treatment for their clients – which studies show is the most effective way to get to the root cause and break the cycle of homelessness.

The result? While the national homelessness rate has gone down 10% since 2007, California’s homelessness rate has gone up 36%. California has filth on its streets and lives are being lost daily.

While President Hoover once promised “a chicken in every pot,” Newsom recently demanded each community “do its part” by accepting at least one homeless shelter in area.

4. Newsom Fails California Kids – and Smears Parents

California schools are a complete and utter mess – with two-thirds of students failing math proficiencies and a majority failing reading and writing proficiencies. Instead of fixing these problems, Newsom has a fetish for forcing schools to implement controversial sex-ed curriculum in early grades and racially divisive political propaganda. When parents object, he threatens their school districts with illegal fines and labels them “racists,” “homophobes,” and “extremists.”

5. Newsom’s Assault on Consumer Choice and Self-Inflicted Energy Crisis

Gavin Newsom has embraced the most extreme proposals of radical Left-wing environmental groups that have spiked energy prices, put California at risk of habitual blackouts, and made life miserable for residents. Right after he banned the sale of gas-powered cars by 2045, Newsom directed state agencies to bring the ban of all natural gas appliances in homes. The cost to retrofit a home to replace gas appliances with electric appliances will run at least $30,000 per homeowner – a staggering amount.

Worse, California already has to import more than a third of its electricity from other states – with the latest projections putting the state 50-65% short on electricity by 2045!

6. Newsom is Arrogant, Hypocritical, and Corrupt

While these adjectives are a typical fit for many politicians, Gavin Newsom takes it to a whole new level. Newsom had an affair with an employee – who was also his best friend’s wife – and blames it all on a dubious bout of alcoholism. After Newsom shut down businesses and imposed mask mandates, he dined without a mask with lobbyists and gave his campaign backers special exemptions.

There’s a pattern of pay-to-play with Newsom. Newsom receives millions from state contractors and developers and rewards them with billions in state contracts and housing subsidies. Newsom even hits these same special interests up for donations to his wife’s 510c3 foundation – from which she has drawn more than a million dollars in compensation.

7. Two Million People Can’t Be Wrong

Since 2016, more than 2 million people have fled the state of California. Even with massive illegal immigration flows into the state, California has actually registered a net loss in population every year since 2014! Former Californians who fled the state have a multitude of reasons why they could not afford to – or stomach – living in the state anymore. Find one and ask them why they fled.

There’s More – Much More.

These are just a few of the many reasons Americans should be very, very worried about Gavin Newsom running for President.

Newsom has benefitted from California’s liberal media who refuse to hold him accountable for his failings and corruption.

That's why Reform California has launched a project to investigate and catalogue all of Newsom’s failings – and present them to the entire nation as a warning of what would happen to our country if he ever became President.

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Posts: 2505 | Location: Oregon | Registered: January 15, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Never underestimate the power of stupid people
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers
Never underestimate the power of stupid people with power

A quote from Dear Old Dad.

The problem with Gavin is all of the above. People like him actually think that drooling Joe and the ho are doing great work, and he can do it better. And stupid people will vote for him.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

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Edge seeking
Sharp blade!
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Who is waiting in the wings to finish off California if he departs as governor?

They have a slight problem if they don't abide the will of their voters, which they seem to do habitually. Traditionally kamala would be the candidate succeeding sleepy joe, and the racists in the party won't like it if they pull the plug on her too. Let alone nobody likes her, not even dims. Maybe she hasn't made enough America hating and economy destroying policy comments. Dims seem to like that.

Gavin seems the perfect candidate to step in a white knight when FJB finishes losing his mind, or suitable corruption is exposed that dims can't pinch their noses on election day. Not sure what that level is, eating babies on live TV?

If they lose blacks by pulling kamala for another old or middle aged white guy, they may have to go to former first lady.

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It’s my theory that most politicians are not chosen by voters… but are “run” by persons/groups who use politicians to siphon off public funds.

Once in office and creating money, these “run”politicians are too valuable to be allowed to “lose.” These politicians just need to get SOME legitimate votes… and political machines make sure that the politician makes it past 50.0%.

How else can you explain the awful persons who get re-elected time and time again and literally die in office despite reprehensible records ? 51% of voters can’t be THAT idiotic. Maybe 25% can be brain-dead… but not 51% year after year.

Social issues are just the shiny objects used by the political machines to give the veneer of plausible reasons for their moral superiority.

… and this happens on both sides.


Company, villainous company hath been the spoil of me.
Posts: 1605 | Location: Stamford, CT | Registered: July 14, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
Posts: 12786 | Registered: January 17, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Legalize the Constitution
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Joe Rogan is not a fan.

JRE, Harris and Newsome

despite them
Posts: 13329 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: January 10, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Newsome is the American version of Justin Trudeau.

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He’s also very ‘slick’ like Willie was. That alone will put a fair percentage in his court.

Yes, CA is a mess, doesn’t matter to many.
Posts: 6212 | Location: WI | Registered: February 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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YooperSigs for the win!

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I asked myself if I was crazy, and we all said no.
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew.

Sort of, no.
What relation that's there, is by marriage, as his aunt married Pelosi's brother-in-law, which ended in divorce when Newcome was a child. So relation by marriage, VERY distant and not by blood.
This idea there's some nepotistic angle needs to end. I dislike both of them with the intensity of a white hot sun but, let's focus on substance.
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Newsome is actually a potentially dangerous opponent. Despite what we (especially those in CA) know of Newsome, he presents a slick image; and I increasingly think that some way will be found to get rid of Biden before the election. That would of course leave Kamala as president barring an arkicide; but that would not prevent Newsome from running, and he would certainly win over Harris in open primaries.
Without Biden's increasing burden of baggage, he would likely win over Trump. If people would hold their nose to vote for Biden, they would imagine smelling roses and vote for Governor Gruesome.

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Lawyers, Guns
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Newsome is actually a potentially dangerous opponent.

Without Biden's increasing burden of baggage, he would likely win over Trump. If people would hold their nose to vote for Biden, they would imagine smelling roses and vote for Governor Gruesome.

Probably true.
I'd rather run against Biden than Newsom.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
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No More
Mr. Nice Guy
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Voters really are that stupid. Rush Limbaugh coined the term "Arousal Gap" in the mid 1990's about Bill Clinton. Polls found that women loved him, and believed he would take better care of them than their own husbands would.

Most elections seem to be nothing more advanced than high school student council elections. Whomever is most likable gets the votes.
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Get Off My Lawn
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I'll be the odd one and say Newsom will never see the White House. Too much baggage, there are Democrats outside of CA who simply do not like the guy at all. And in a fair honest race, he would stand zero chance against Trump. Zero.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Legalize the Constitution
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Originally posted by oddball:
I'll be the odd one and say Newsom will never see the White House.


I guess I missed the part where most of us thought he was a formidable candidate. Just because a couple of people thought he might be dangerous…?

despite them
Posts: 13329 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: January 10, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Oriental Redneck
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Newsom is getting nowhere near the WH in 2024.


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quarter MOA visionary
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They are all bad - really bad.
You might make a case that RFK isn't in that camp but still ....
Posts: 22985 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: June 11, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by CPD SIG:
Never underestimate the power of stupid people
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers
Never underestimate the power of stupid people with power

A quote from Dear Old Dad.

The problem with Gavin is all of the above. People like him actually think that drooling Joe and the ho are doing great work, and he can do it better. And stupid people will vote for him.

Dear Old Dad was a very wise man.
Posts: 7582 | Registered: October 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Uppity Helot
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For all of the items listed in OP’s post show me that Newsome is very likely the democrat heir apparent. Everything in that list Wingspar posted, hurts average Americans, erodes the middle class, destabilizes society and is bad news except for the most well heeled of coastal elites. These are the policies the democrats cannot push and advocate for strongly enough, and Newsome is a relatively young and telegenic figurehead to ram them down middle America’s throat. Wheter or not they will be successful is a separate discussion but I think Newsome will be the dem’s new front man.
Posts: 3172 | Location: Manheim, PA | Registered: September 04, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It’s been an open secret for a while now. Gavin has an entire campaign structure set up so as soon as dementia Joe is finished off he will run. He won’t run by himself getting rid of Joe big he’ll be ready. The ‘mainstream’ media is finally picking up on the corruption. Joe can’t last another year plus. The trick is how to get rid of Kamala a woman of color.
Posts: 4803 | Location: Florida Panhandle  | Registered: November 23, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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