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Bill Clinton
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SSG Colon: All my cheeldrins do you love me

Platoon:NO! We hate your fucking guts, we hope you fucking die!

Said at least once a day.

I was a little chunky, was one of the " fat boys" no sweets for me. A little fat Mexican DI, while in formation came up to me. He told me to squeal like a pig. I refused, my pride I guess. Five DI's were on me in a flash yelling at me to say something, threatening to kick my ass, I believed them. So I did it. From then on A DI would say " hit it Pvt" And I would stand up and squeal like a pig. Another fat boy had to say, " hungreeee, hungry Jack, take two biscuits and put one back you greedy mother fucker"

1987 Tank Hill. Ft. Jackson, SC

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The Main Thing Is
Not To Get Excited
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LS1 GTO said
Oh wait, that was the Marines. I bet them two mixed up sometimes. Big Grin

Yeah, your spelling's mixed up too.


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Nullus Anxietas
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I'd had 0 dark thirty duty at the company HQ. When I got back to the barracks it was still pitch dark. Figured: Get myself set and carefully lay on my bunk. Then I could just get up and go when the lights went on.

Next thing I hear is, low and sweet in my ear, "Darlin', would you like to get up now?"

Eyes swivel right and there's my DI. "GET YOUR ASS OUTTA THAT BUNK NOW!"

I think I landed at attention.

Turned out the rest of the platoon had made a point to get ready very, very quietly.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
"If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
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No double standards
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A friend in my reserve unit (who got me to enlist in the reserves) told a story from his basic (which came across as true). Seems there was a trainee who was quite accomplished in martial arts. The DI confronted him "do you think you can take me". The trainee did a shoulder level kick on a 2x4 in the barracks, broke it in half. The DI responded "as you were", then went on to harass the next trainee. I am inclined to believe it, our company clerk told us a DI in our company during the prior training cycle, did the same thing. Got his butt kicked and got demoted/reassigned.

My DI ordered everyone to shave off mustaches (we were the "new army", mustaches were allowed). The Chaplain, a Bird Colonel, overheard and "took care of things". We all laughed inside, not openly. I do remember dropping, doing 100 pushups, more than once.

All in all, I had little respect for the character of my Basic DI's. My AIT was at Fort Sam, combat medic. I have the highest respect for all the training cadre there, all of whom were Vietnam combat vets.

"Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. When it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it....While it lies there, it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save it"
- Judge Learned Hand, May 1944
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Short. Fat. Bald.

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Back in basic (Ft Jackson) I was one of about 5 trainees that rode a bus every Friday night off post to a local synagogue. One of the people that also attended the services was General Soloman, the Post Commander. As is turns out, we had a lot in common and he invited me to sedar. The invite came in the form of a letter carried down through the channels.

My drill sergeant pulled me out in front of the entire company and read the letter. You can imagine how sarcastic he sounded. I still have that letter and a great memory to go with it.

He looked like an accountant or a serial-killer type. Definitely one of the service industries.
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Last day of basic we were leaving for AIT one of the Drill Sergeants said Private if I ever see you again I'm going to kick your ass. About two years later I was in Bamberg Germany standing in line to see Blazing Saddles when I hear this voice behind me in line. I turned around and started talking to him about basic and while laughing reminded him what he had said his words were " O Lord and he's an MP" I turned to pay for my ticket and when I turned back he was gone. Shortly after that I was transferred to Ansbach Germany never saw him again.
Posts: 35 | Location: Springfield MO | Registered: January 10, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Telecom Ronin
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My lead DI had a very pronounced lisp so pretty much everything he said was funny, even when he got so mad that he broke the guidon was hard not to giggle.

I never had any major run ins with the DIs but one time I had to go on sick call. This involved walking into the DI office with all 3 sitting there and make the wearing lamb shanks and walking into to a lions den.

DI - what the fuck do you want private dewhorse?
Me- drill sgt private dewhorse requests to be put on sick call

this causes all 3 to perk up

DI- what the fuck is wrong with you?!

Me - my balls hurt drill sgt

DI- ah um ah <<head down>> alright pvt dewhorse sign out

i also had walking pneumonia and lost my voice...

DI - sound off pvt dewhorse
me - <<mouth moving but no sound coming out>>
DI - you dumb motherfucker.....cant even speak

this tickle them for about a week

good times
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Old Air Cavalryman
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DS Overstreet always used to yell out: 'Privates! I'm gonna nuke that ass!'

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying who shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, here am I, send me."

Posts: 7464 | Location: Georgia | Registered: February 19, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Originally posted by stoney180:
Last day of basic we were leaving for AIT one of the Drill Sergeants said Private if I ever see you again I'm going to kick your ass. About two years later I was in Bamberg Germany standing in line to see Blazing Saddles when I hear this voice behind me in line. I turned around and started talking to him about basic and while laughing reminded him what he had said his words were " O Lord and he's an MP" I turned to pay for my ticket and when I turned back he was gone. Shortly after that I was transferred to Ansbach Germany never saw him again.

I had a Drill Sergeant in AIT, a Ranger who had been involved in the Panama operation, the guy was hardcore and would run us to exhaustion. A SSG at the time.

A couple years later I run into him in Germany and he was now a Warrant officer. Guy was actually pretty nice outside the AIT environment which for me being at Fort Jackson at the time (1991) was like going through Basic twice.

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My DI never said anything funny, or smiled, ever.
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3° that never cooled
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Too long ago. I don't remember what our wiry little Drill Sergeant said. But, I do remember for sure that all our names had been changed to, "Shit Bird"Wink

NRA Life
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Three on, one off
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At Parris Island, with sand fleas in full force: "You better leave my bugs alone and let them eat."
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Bought a 239 magazine for $10, got banned for free.
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I took basic at Fort Polk,LA in the spring of 67. E-2-1. 95% of the company was Nat. Guard and most were from Porto Rico and pretended they did not understand English. We had a black DI for 2 days. He gave up. Next thing we knew we had a DI named Jose Lopez and that ended that. He was a great DI. Quite an experience for a boy from TN first time away from home. Long story short-I stayed in the Guard for 40 years-20 full time. Only thing I can remember a DI saying was "you better hurry up". There has to be a special place in Heaven for soldiers. JM2CW BTW still have my yearbook.
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Vee-HICK-el (something to ride in)
Grew-in (as in “Kick him in the grew-in.”)

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No double standards
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Originally posted by black1970:
I took basic at Fort Polk,LA in the spring of 67. E-2-1...

Ft Polk, E-2-2 (or echo-twice-twice) 1970.

"Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. When it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it....While it lies there, it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save it"
- Judge Learned Hand, May 1944
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Puddle Pirate
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Originally posted by amc:
The whole company was in formation waiting to enter the mess hall. One recruit turns his head slightly to look at the seagull that landed in the grass beside him.
Out of nowhere 3 Company Commanders (Coastie DI) converge on him in an instant.
CC 1 - what the fuck are you looking at!?
CC 2 - Do you think that bird is pretty!?
CC 3 - What's the matter, do you need a FRIEND!?
CC 1 - how about you spend your lunch with your new friend.

Recruit spends the next 30 minutes marching outside the mess hall shouting "here pretty bird, be my friend pretty bird".
It was hard to eat listening to him and not burst out laughing.

Love being able to picture this.

We finally sat down with our grub, heard some sort of commotion while being served, no shits given cause it was normal. Those closest to the windows can't help seeing in their peripheral some poor recruit inches from the window, jumping around and flapping their arms. Every so often one of the CCs sitting at the shark table would catch one of us watching and tell the victim to join their shipmate outside and they'd figure out what to do. We were totally confused until we formed up outside. By the time I made it out there were a half dozen blokes from various companies flapping and yelling "DON'T LOOK OUT THE WINDOW SHIPMATE!!!". Rotten trick, very effective. Very funny. There were a good few of us scattered around beating face for totally losing our shit.

And the classic random guy jumping out of formation while marching, pointing skyward and freaking out, "HOLY SHIT LOOK, AN AIRPLANE! GUYS, GUYS, GUYS, GUYS, IT'S FLYING, WOW!!". Wonder what landed them that duty. Wink

“You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.” -Al Capone

"Happiness is red and free."
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I'm not even sure what it means, and I damn sure wasn't going to ask, but whenever someone in basic would ask a "What if..." question, the instructor would reply with: "What if worms had machine guns? Birds wouldn't fuck with them."

For some reason that still sticks in my head after 30 years.
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I was at Ft. Benning for basic and AIT on station training. We had finished basic and our DI said we could go to the exchange to buy necessities and have two beers and only two. As he said this he had a evil twinkle in his eyes. My reaction was it is a trap. I purchase underwear, a hotdog and coke and waited for the hammer to fall. Sure enough about half of the platoon was drunk. Some apparently though two beers referred to pitchers and not mugs. May in Georgia 95 degrees and 95 humidity, time for close order drill. The hardest part was to keep from laughing at recruits who could barely walk let alone march attempt this extra training. Plus the joy of bladder pressure because they neglected to go to the latrine while we had the chance. Overseeing this our gleeful DI was actually smiling.
Posts: 1757 | Location: El Paso, Texas | Registered: January 05, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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While in USAF Basic our DI overheard one of us recruits "wishing" for something. Maybe for Basic to be over or some such. He stood nose to nose with the recruit and said, "Wish in one hand and shit in the other! See which one fills up first!" It was very hard for the barracks to stifle the guffaws for fear of getting more of the same.

Their job Is To Save Your Ass,
Not Kiss It

The muzzle end of a .45 pretty much says "go away" in any language - Clint Smith
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No, not like
Bill Clinton
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About 3/4's of the way through basic, a DI said we could march, one squad at a time to the mini PX and get whatever we wanted. Of course we all loaded up on our favorite junk food we hadn't had in a long time. After everyone got back and stuffing their faces, the senior DI walked through the barracks and wanted to know WHAT IN THE HELL WE WERE DOING?

We were all made to throw our contraband in two footlockers, get in our dress greens and form up. Two guys were tasked with digging a hole and we had a proper funeral for our booty. It stayed there the rest of basic. Assholes

Posts: 5538 | Location: GA | Registered: September 23, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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