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wishing we
were congress
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I think there is a major typo in the letter below. In the first sentence, the text message date should be 2016 rather than 2017. The text describes transition team activities.

I don't think DoJ IG Horowitz has the authority to investigate CIA leaks. But IG of the Intel Community does.

Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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The Democrats have now picked up the drumbeat of "Lock up Barr!" WTF?

It shows just how frightened they are that the hammer is about to fall. As foolish and stupid as it might sound, they are actually trying to scare off Bill Barr, to make him believe that if he pursues an aggressive line they will turn the tables and have him locked up. Roll Eyes

Ridiculous? Yes-- but--

They are wildly desperate.

What cards do they have to play at this point?

As V.D. Hanson says in a recent article, they are terrified that lower level perps like James Baker and Nellie Ohr will rat out the higher level of perps such as Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, and that the higher level, in turn, will rat out Obama and Hillary.

I know, I know... we have lived a long time hearing "Now the traitors will finally pay!!" But I think the time has come at last. Barr is not Sessions. Trump is unlike any other president.

It's impossible to exaggerate just how high are the stakes.


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Festina Lente
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BREAKING: Trump Asserts Executive Privilege Over Unredacted Mueller Report – Democrats Hold Barr in Contempt

President Trump on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over the full, unredacted version of Mueller’s report and the House Dems voted to hold AG Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing to give Congress the full report and underlying grand jury material.

The Dem-controlled Judiciary Committee chaired by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), held a vote Wednesday morning and voted on party lines — 22 Dems to 12 Republicans.

The measure will then move to the full House for a vote later this month.

“The Attorney General has been transparent and accommodating throughout this process, including by releasing the no-collusion, no-conspiracy, no-obstruction Mueller Report to the public and offering to testify before the Committee. These attempts to work with the Committee have been flatly rejected. They didn’t like the results of the report, and now they want a redo,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

“Faced with Chairman Nadler’s blatant abuse of power, and at the Attorney General’s request, the President has no other option than to make a protective assertion of executive privilege,” she added.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler made his move to hold Barr in contempt on Monday.

“The attorney general’s failure to comply with our subpoena, after extensive accommodation efforts, leaves us no choice but to initiate contempt proceedings in order to enforce the subpoena and access the full, unredacted report,” Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said Monday.

“Attorney General Barr failed to comply with the committee’s request for these documents and thereby has hindered the committee’s constitutional, oversight, and legislative functions,” the contempt citation states.

Nadler gave the Justice Department a 9 AM Monday deadline to comply with the committee’s new offer, which includes allowing more members of Congress to look at a less-redacted version of Mueller’s report. Nadler also wants Barr to seek a court order to grant lawmakers the right to view the underlying grand jury material — Barr blocked the grand jury material from the public and Congress to protect innocent people who have not been indicted – and Barr held his ground.

Under special counsel rules, Attorney General Bill Barr didn’t even need to release Mueller’s report to the public or to Congress. The unredacted version of the report is in a SCIF [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] for certain lawmakers to view, however, only two lawmakers have actually viewed the less-redacted version of the report.

Nadler and the Dems want a copy of Mueller’s full, unredacted report so they can selectively leak damaging material to the public — the Dems can’t currently leak the material because the report is safely sitting in a SCIF.


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Don't Panic
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I wonder if we could get all the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates to sign an agreement asking the Justice Department to treat their campaigns exactly as Obama's Justice Department treated Trump's?

I'd just love to hear the screams, and see the attempted spins.
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Baroque Bloke
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Originally posted by justjoe:
The Democrats have now picked up the drumbeat of "Lock up Barr!" WTF?

It shows just how frightened they are that the hammer is about to fall. As foolish and stupid as it might sound, they are actually trying to scare off Bill Barr, to make him believe that if he pursues an aggressive line they will turn the tables and have him locked up. Roll Eyes

Their (the Dems and the MSM) purpose is to discredit Barr in the eyes of the American public. They know full well that they can’t frighten Barr off.

Serious about crackers
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Picture of fpuhan
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Amazing. Congress is holding the Attorney General in contempt for refusing to break a law Congress enacted.

(It is illegal for grand jury proceedings to be made public without the express consent of those testifying before the grand jury. See:

You can't truly call yourself "peaceful" unless you are capable of great violence. If you're not capable of great violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless.

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Picture of leavemebe
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Well, I hold virtually all of the Democrat and most of the Republican congress critters in deep contempt. I expect Barr and DJT to abide by the written law regarding the Mueller Report.


"It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled." Unknown observer of human behavior.
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Glorious SPAM!
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Two things. First, the republicans better learn to play hard ball or they will lose every time against the left. How long did the republicans threaten Rosenstein with contempt? What, two years? Long enough for him to run out the clock and hand over nothing. Second this contempt motion has nothing to do with contempt. The left knows this. It's all about appearance. From this day fourth anything Barr does to try and bring the rule of law back will be called revenge. There could be video of a leftist handing secrets to Iran and any investigation, indictment, anythjng, will just be called revenge for being found in contempt.

People need to wake up. The left does not obey rules, they do not follow tradition; elections are meaningles to them, the law is meaningless to them. They WILL NOT STOP until they are in complete control of this country and every person in it.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of HighZonie
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Originally posted by mbinky:
Two things. First, the republicans better learn to play hard ball or they will lose every time against the left. How long did the republicans threaten Rosenstein with contempt? What, two years? Long enough for him to run out the clock and hand over nothing. Second this contempt motion has nothing to do with contempt. The left knows this. It's all about appearance. From this day fourth anything Barr does to try and bring the rule of law back will be called revenge. There could be video of a leftist handing secrets to Iran and any investigation, indictment, anythjng, will just be called revenge for being found in contempt.

People need to wake up. The left does not obey rules, they do not follow tradition; elections are meaningles to them, the law is meaningless to them. They WILL NOT STOP until they are in complete control of this country and every person in it.

^^^ This is absolutely correct. It is a little hard to fathom that it is possible, but it is entirely true. Every word.

THIS SHOULD BE CARVED IN STONE: People need to wake up. The left does not obey rules, they do not follow tradition; elections are meaningles to them, the law is meaningless to them. They WILL NOT STOP until they are in complete control of this country and every person in it.

* Diligentia Vis Celeritis *
"Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy."
- Sun Tsu - The Art of War

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Be not wise in
thine own eyes
Picture of kimber1911
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It’s not guilt or innocence, it’s the seriousness of the accusation.

The Democrats are running up the numbers.
Trump obstructed Congress 895 times with xxxxx
Trump claimed Executive Privilege xxxxx times
Trump refused to turn over xxxxx documents
It is rumored Trump was near the punch bowl with a Red Solo cup.

With all this evidence of obstructing Congress, it can only mean he is guilty.

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”
Pres. Select, Joe Biden

“Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021
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Picture of sjtill
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In the Trump presidency III thread I just posted excerpts of an article by John Solomon from The Hill

Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
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Originally posted by HighZonie:
Originally posted by mbinky:
Two things. First, the republicans better learn to play hard ball or they will lose every time against the left. How long did the republicans threaten Rosenstein with contempt? What, two years? Long enough for him to run out the clock and hand over nothing. Second this contempt motion has nothing to do with contempt. The left knows this. It's all about appearance. From this day fourth anything Barr does to try and bring the rule of law back will be called revenge. There could be video of a leftist handing secrets to Iran and any investigation, indictment, anythjng, will just be called revenge for being found in contempt.

People need to wake up. The left does not obey rules, they do not follow tradition; elections are meaningles to them, the law is meaningless to them. They WILL NOT STOP until they are in complete control of this country and every person in it.

^^^ This is absolutely correct. It is a little hard to fathom that it is possible, but it is entirely true. Every word.

THIS SHOULD BE CARVED IN STONE: People need to wake up. The left does not obey rules, they do not follow tradition; elections are meaningles to them, the law is meaningless to them. They WILL NOT STOP until they are in complete control of this country and every person in it.

I agree with every bit of this. The problem though is those that can counter this don’t seem to me to have the gazelle intensity nor tenacity to fight back, so playing hard ball is a stretch when none of them seem to have an A game. They need to go on offense and hit them head on with everything they have, from the front and flanking on the sides, put them all on defense from every angle, start with releasing more information on pending indictments and dial the heat up. Horowitz report, Barr getting to the bottom of how it all started, why Mueller report should be questioned more about what was NOT in the report than what was IN the report and also nailing Clinton and her many obvious criminal actions including her emails, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr... the list can go on... so many targets yet so few have been targeted.

After watching the Barr spectacle, if anyone expects anything to be fair and balanced from the left, to believe in compromise and a willingness to be bipartisan, they are fools on a fools errand. As Barr said more eloquently than I am now, they are using the justice system as a polictical weapon. Kavanaugh is proof of this as well. Time to throw down and clean it up legally with everything they can muster, anything should be on the table to succeed.
Posts: 513 | Location: SEMO | Registered: September 13, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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"Nads" Nadler says we are having a constitutional crisis.

Posts: 9343 | Registered: September 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of HighZonie
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"Nads" Nadler

"Nads" Nadler Big Grin

* Diligentia Vis Celeritis *
"Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy."
- Sun Tsu - The Art of War

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Posts: 2900 | Location: Arizona Highlands - Pine Tree Country | Registered: March 25, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of HighZonie
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Originally posted by sjtill:
In the Trump presidency III thread I just posted excerpts of an article by John Solomon from The Hill

Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election

Excellent! Solomon has real breaking news.
Note to self: Go to >> >> THE HILL and Read John Solomon's OP daily.

* Diligentia Vis Celeritis *
"Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy."
- Sun Tsu - The Art of War

"Fast is Fine, but Accuracy is Everything" - Wyatt Earp

Posts: 2900 | Location: Arizona Highlands - Pine Tree Country | Registered: March 25, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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something weird going on in the Senate Intel Comm (once again)

chmn Burr (R) has subpoenaed D trump Jr

Burr has continually let Mark Warner (D) lead him around like a dog on a leash.

DT Jr testified before to the Sen Intel Comm under an agreement he would testify as long as they wanted, but he would only testify once.

Mitch McConnell has said the Mueller investigation is over.

Burr is getting some criticism from other REPs.

Breitbart News reached out to every single Republican member of the committee to ask them if they think Burr should chairman the panel or be removed by McConnell for his rogue subpoena of Trump, Jr., as many in the Trump universe are pushing for now, and not one would publicly side with Burr.

Staff in many of these Senate GOP offices asked to speak anonymously about their bosses’ displeasure with Burr’s actions. But not a single one would go on the record to defend Burr. Several also said their bosses had sought out McConnell to intervene and stop Burr immediately.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of HighZonie
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Memo to Burr:

Don't let the door hit your A$$ on the way out!

* Diligentia Vis Celeritis *
"Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy."
- Sun Tsu - The Art of War

"Fast is Fine, but Accuracy is Everything" - Wyatt Earp

Posts: 2900 | Location: Arizona Highlands - Pine Tree Country | Registered: March 25, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is coming out guns-a-blazing in response to committee chairman Sen. Richard Burr’s decision to issue a rogue subpoena of President Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr. Cornyn, who until after the midterm elections served as the number two-ranking Republican in the U.S. Senate as the Majority Whip, now is calling on Burr, a North Carolina Republican, to cease once and for all the committee’s investigation into the Russia hoax.

“My understanding is that Donald Trump Jr. has cooperated with the committee extensively,” Cornyn said on Thursday in comments to reporters, including CNN’s Manu Raju, according to a transcript of the senator’s remarks that Cornyn’s office provided to Breitbart News.

“My understanding is also that committee staff asked him to come back in to wrap up that investigation. I’m going to talk to the chairman and the other members of the committee and find out exactly where we are,” Cornyn said, adding:

But I just think after the Mueller investigation has concluded after two years, dozens of lawyers and others, FBI agents, investigating this, we know everything we already know about Russian collusion and there was none. So I think the rationale of keeping the investigation of the Intelligence Committee open is wearing kind of thin.

Burr has said the Sen Intel Comm may take until this summer to write their report.

Burr should be removed from the chairman position.

When the Republicans held the House and Senate, the Senate Judiciary Comm, House Intel Comm, and House Judiciary Comm all did great jobs in revealing the conspiracy to take down President Trump.

On the other hand, the Sen Intel Comm under Burr just kept dragging things out, and Mark Warner constantly insinuated he knew "secret" things that were bad for Donald Trump.


diff topic:

Congressman Doug Collins (R) just said he will be releasing the private testimony of up to 53-people as early as next week on Twitter.

Collins is responsible for making public the transcripts of testimony by Strzok, Page, Ohr & others.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of HighZonie
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Trump Surprise News Conference Today

You Tube Video >>

* Diligentia Vis Celeritis *
"Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy."
- Sun Tsu - The Art of War

"Fast is Fine, but Accuracy is Everything" - Wyatt Earp

Posts: 2900 | Location: Arizona Highlands - Pine Tree Country | Registered: March 25, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
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On the other hand, the Sen Intel Comm under Burr just kept dragging things out, and Mark Warner constantly insinuated he knew "secret" things that were bad for Donald Trump.

McConnell absolutely needs to remove Burr from the chair. He doesn't run the committee, Warner does. Make Tom Cotton the chairman.
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