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Long article by Paul Sperry

Former Feinstein staffer Dan Jones has kept funding Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele ever since Feb 2017.


Some cut and pastes:

Key Democratic operatives and private investigators who tried to derail Donald Trump’s campaign by claiming he was a tool of the Kremlin have rebooted their operation since his election with a multimillion-dollar stealth campaign to persuade major media outlets and lawmakers that the president should be impeached.

The effort has successfully placed a series of questionable stories alleging secret back channels and meetings between Trump associates and Russian spies, while influencing related investigations and reports from Congress.

The operation’s nerve center is a Washington-based nonprofit called The Democracy Integrity Project, or TDIP. Among other activities, it pumps out daily “research” briefings to prominent Washington journalists, as well as congressional staffers, to keep the Russia “collusion” narrative alive.

TDIP is led by Daniel J. Jones, a former FBI investigator, Clinton administration volunteer and top staffer to California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein. It employs the key opposition-research figures behind the salacious and unverified dossier: Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. Its financial backers include the actor/director Rob Reiner and billionaire activist George Soros.

The group also feeds information to FBI and congressional investigators, and then tells reporters that authorities are investigating those leads. The tactic adds credibility to TDIP’s pitches, luring big media outlets to bite on stories. It mirrors the strategy federal authorities themselves deployed to secure FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign: citing published news reports of investigative details their informants had leaked to the media to bolster their wiretap requests.

Five days a week, TDIP emails a newsletter to influential Democrats and prominent Beltway journalists under the heading “TDIP Research” – which summarizes the latest “collusion” news, and offers “points of interest” to inspire fresh stories regarding President Trump’s alleged ties to Moscow.

Recipients of the TDIP reports include staffers at the New York Times and Washington Post and investigative reporters at BuzzFeed, ProPublica and McClatchy, as well as news producers at CNN and MSNBC, according to a source familiar with the project's email distribution list. Democratic aides on Capitol Hill also subscribe to the newsletter.

The project’s work has been largely shrouded in mystery. But a months-long examination by RealClearInvestigations, drawn from documents and more than a dozen interviews, found that the organization is running an elaborate media-influence operation that includes driving and shaping daily coverage of the Russia collusion theory, as well as pushing stories about Trump in the national media that attempt to tie the president or his associates to the Kremlin.

Jones' project doesn’t just spin the news. Its more ambitious goal is to make news by essentially continuing the Clinton-funded investigation into alleged Trump/Russia ties that began in 2016, and then sharing findings with news outlets, congressional investigators and federal agents.

Simpson and Steele have a history of feeding the FBI and Congress unsubstantiated allegations and rumors, sending investigators down rabbit holes. They have also planted several anti-Trump stories in the media that have proved unverifiable, unfounded, or just plain false.

Simpson also appears to have been the source behind another discredited McClatchy story about Trump attorney Michael Cohen traveling to Prague during the campaign to hatch a plot with Kremlin officials to hack Clinton campaign emails.

Jones has also communicated with investigators for Sen. Mark Warner, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, hoping to spread more Trump-Russia conspiracy theories.

The Democracy Integrity Project can be traced back at least to December 2016, when Simpson and Jones made trips to California to raise money for their joint anti-Trump project.

Jones incorporated TDIP just 11 days after Trump took office in January 2017, and registered it as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit several months later. It enjoys that tax-exempt status because the group claimed in its mission statement to the IRS to be “non-partisan” and concerned only with protecting the integrity of elections from interference from foreign adversaries like Russia.

In addition to Soros, who has donated at least $1 million, liberal Hollywood activist Reiner also backs the project, according to the former Simpson colleague with direct knowledge of discussions with Reiner. In 2017, Reiner started the Committee to Investigate Russia with James Clapper and several other former Obama officials. Reiner has called for Trump’s impeachment, arguing repeatedly that the president has committed “treason against the United States.”

Though Jones is reported to have begun his opposition research project after Trump took office, Senate Judiciary Committee investigators suspect he may also have been involved in the Clinton campaign’s 2016 efforts to create the dossier and push its allegations to the FBI and media.
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Byron York published testimony given by FBI deputy assistant director Jonathan Moffa

Testimony was given in Aug 2018

Moffa worked with Peter Strzok

Republican lawyer: Had the FBI confirmed any of the claims in the dossier?

Moffa: "So, I like to talk about this in kind of a living sense," "Though, because the idea is, you're never — you're constantly evaluating that reporting, you're constantly looking at incoming intelligence streams and investigative results. It's not a snapshot in time thing where you would look at reporting and say, it is — we have nothing to refute this today."

"You have to constantly be sort of doing that,"

"And so, our analytic process in looking at this reporting and all reporting, really, is that more ongoing sense. So at the time, we are constantly re-evaluating, as time goes on, is the information here supported by facts we have elsewhere, or refuted by facts we have elsewhere?"

Republican lawyer: "I was just curious if you analyzed or verified every fact that was in these individual [dossier] reports as they're coming in."

Moffa: "Got it," "So I have answered that. We, in an ongoing way, were looking at those facts, and doing that research and analytic work to try to verify, refute, or corroborate."



Two years after Steele started giving the FBI the dossier material, and Moffa can't give a straight answer
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At some point this kind of subversive operation should be called for what it is.... treason.

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This is one of Andy McCarthy's best articles

It is a long article. Well worth a read.

I will just post the end of the article


In sum, we have endured a two-year ordeal in which the president of the United States was forced to govern under a cloud of suspicion — suspicion of being a traitor, of scheming with a foreign adversary to steal an election. This happened because the Obama administration — which opened the probe of the Trump campaign, and which opted to use foreign counterintelligence spying powers rather than give Trump a defensive briefing about suspected Russian infiltration of his campaign — methodically forced its suspicions about Trump into the public domain.

It is not just that FISA warrants were sought on the basis of the Steele dossier, an uncorroborated Clinton-campaign opposition-research screed that the Obama Justice Department and FBI well knew was being peddled to the media at the same time. There was a patently premeditated stream of intelligence leaks depicting a corrupt Trump-Russia arrangement

After Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election, Obama, after doing virtually nothing about Russian aggression for most of eight years, suddenly made a show of issuing sanctions, seizing Russian assets, and expelling Russian operatives. He then rushed the completion of an intelligence assessment that would ordinarily have taken months to complete, so that it would be issued on his watch; and presto: The public was told not only that Russia interfered in the campaign, but that Russia did so because Putin was trying to get Trump elected.

(Of course, the public was not told that Obama had known what Russia was doing during the campaign, but concluded it was too trivial to warrant a response; and the public was not reminded that, just days before the election — when Russia’s perfidy was well known to the Obama administration — both Obama and Hillary Clinton chastised Trump for daring to suggest that an American presidential election could be rigged.)

The intelligence assessment provided Obama’s intelligence agencies with a pretext to brief President-elect Trump on the Steele dossier. That, in turn, gave the media — previously skittish about the dossier’s sensational, unverified allegations — exactly the news hook they needed to publish it.

Weeks later, as the FBI continued relying on the unverified Steele dossier in FISA-warrant applications, the FBI director, in public testimony, not only disclosed the existence of a classified counterintelligence investigation but gratuitously added that Trump’s campaign was a subject of the probe and that an assessment would be made of whether any crimes were committed — signaling to the world that Trump was a suspect in what would be, if proved, one of the most heinous crimes in American history. Then, finally, more leaks to the media triggered the appointment of a special counsel in the absence of actual evidence that the president had committed a crime.

You want disclosure? Me too. But let’s see all of it. Not just Mueller’s report.

Let’see everything: all of the memoranda relevant to the opening of the investigation, all of the testimony at closed hearings, all of the FISA-warrant applications, all of Rosenstein’s scope memo. (A year ago, I surmised that scope memo is redacted because it relies on the Steele dossier — as did the FISA-warrant application Rosenstein had approved just a few weeks earlier; anyone want to bet me on that?)
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semi-reformed sailor
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I wonder if POTUS will release everything before the upcoming elections, to show the dems for what they are...??

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So what are the documents that should be released ?

Conservative TreeHouse put up a list today.

The Republican led congress of Sept 2018 asked for the declassification of:

- Carter Page FISA applications

- all Bruce Ohr FBI interview 302 reports. There are at least 12 of them known to exist.

- all exculpatory evidence against Carter Page presented to the Gang of 8, but not to the FISA Court

- The unredacted scope memo from Rosenstein to Mueller that stated what Mueller was to investigate. Here we are learning of Mueller's final report, and we don't even know what he was asked to investigate.

- The 2 page Electronic Communication from CIA (Brennan) to the FBI (Comey) that originated the counterintelligence operation on 31 July 2016

- all unredacted text messages between Strzok and Lisa Page. Now we know there are texts between Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe

CTH notes the April 2017 FISC report by Judge Collyer should also be released in unredacted form. This report will reveal what FBI contractors were inappropriately accessing the NSA database.
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Baroque Bloke
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Now that the Mueller report has been delivered, the Dems are gung-ho for DOJ document releases, so these ought to be released too.

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seemed appropriate to post this here also

From AG Barr letter sent today:

Christopher Steele, you are the lowest of scum.

I hope justice finds you, and you meet a painful fate.
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Hold Fast
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Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet . . .

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Partial dichotomy
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Commentary: Senator John McCain’s Key Role in Fueling the Post-Election Trump-Russia Hysteria

In his 2018 book, The Restless Wave, the late Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) wondered aloud why he was sought out and given the infamous Steele dossier shortly after the 2016 presidential election.

After suggesting that anyone who questioned his role in handling the political document was indulging in “conspiracy theories,” McCain offered his explanation: “The answer is too obvious for the paranoid to credit. I am known internationally to be a persistent critic of Vladimir Putin’s regime and I have been a long while.”

It is true that McCain was an outspoken critic of Putin. But the big problem with McCain’s defense is that by the time he wrote those words—presumably the end of 2017, since the book was published in late May 2018—it already was public knowledge that the dossier had been authored and distributed by political pimps funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. When McCain was writing his book, many of the culprits were in serious legal jeopardy.

The article continues....

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Baroque Bloke
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Graham ought to hire sdy as a consultant!

“Sen. Lindsey Graham is vowing to get answers on the origins of the infamous and unverified Golden Showers dossier used to obtain a FISA warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

'Whether or not it's illegal I don't yet know. So I'm going to get answers to this. If no one else cares, it seems to be Republicans do,' Graham said Monday at a press conference in the U.S. Capitol building.

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee outlined a bevy of investigations he plans to start in the wake of the findings from special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russia's role in the 2016 election…”

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REPs are pushing for the 2 page Electronic Communication from CIA (Brennan) to the FBI (Comey) that originated the counterintelligence operation on 31 July 2016

That should help identify who triggered the false evidence.

A few other misc comments:

1. Why did UK and Australia ask Donald Trump not to declassify the Carter Page FISA warrant ?

How would they know what is in it ?

2. Geo Papadopoulos has a book coming out. (tomorrow ?) His tweets have been giving hints to boost sales. He has said that CIA/FBI spies on the Trump campaign included Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, Alexander Downer, and Charles Tawil.

3. McClatchy published stories that there was evidence that Michael Cohen was in Prague as the dossier stated. Daily Caller says McClatchy still stands by their story even now after the Mueller summary.
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1. Why did UK and Australia ask Donald Trump not to declassify the Carter Page FISA warrant ?

How would they know what is in it ?

Whatever the real answer is, I suspect the answer we'll get (if any) will boil down to: "Some random arsehole in the organization made a mistake, realized it was a mistake, and 'fessed up to his/her/its superiors. We were just trying to avoid the embarrassment associated with that isolated mistake." OTOH, that's probably the most plausible explanation - there's little (if any) profit to be had in screwing with a newly-seated President.
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from Papadopoulos' book:

Andrew Goldstein was one of Mueller's prosecutors.

"Robert Mueller is a war hero. No amount of political pressure you might have will stop this from getting to you"

THIS is how the Mueller goon team operated.
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It's the first time Steele has been seen since Trump was cleared of colluding with the Russian state.

Christopher Steele fled when asked by mainstream journalists for comment on the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe in the US.

Tracked down by Mail Online to his local train station in Surrey 26th March, reporters snapped him emerging from a car — driven by his wife — and joining a queue to board a train headed for London.

They duly approached the Orbis Intelligence chief and asked whether he stood by the allegations of his ‘dodgy dossier' in light of Mueller's investigation totally exonerating the President, his family and staff of all charges of colluding with Russia — he "looked stunned", blurting "I have nothing to say to you" before clasping his briefcase and dashing back to the car which a mere two minutes earlier had dropped him off at the station.

En route, he was said to have "waved frantically to attract his wife's attention", presumably to ensure she didn't drive off again without him, before jumping into the passenger seat. He allegedly "stared rigidly ahead" as his wife Katherine sped away.

Steele repeatedly stood by its various bizarre assertions, claiming at least 70 — 90 percent of its content was accurate. Steele conversely said the notorious 'golden showers' allegation, which suggested Trump hated then-President Barack Obama so much when he stayed in the Presidential suite of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow in 2013 he employed "a number of prostitutes" to urinate on the bed used by the Obamas on an earlier visit, had a mere 50/50 chance of being true.

It's not merely in the US could find himself in hot water in the near future. In the UK, a defamation case brought by Russian entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev will commence in London sometime between mid-October and mid-December.

A similar case brought by Gubarev in the US failed, as under federal law the dossier being used as the basis of an FBI investigation was sufficient to prevent reporting of its contents being judged libellous — but no such defence exists under British law.

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In May 2018, BBC published a story that lawyer Michael Cohen had received a secret payment of $400k from the Ukrainian president.

The payment was arranged by intermediaries acting for Ukraine's leader, Petro Poroshenko, the sources said, though Mr Cohen was not registered as a representative of Ukraine as required by US law.

Mr Cohen denies the allegation.

Mr Cohen was brought in, he said, because Ukraine's registered lobbyists and embassy in Washington DC could get Mr Poroshenko little more than a brief photo-op with Mr Trump. Mr Poroshenko needed something that could be portrayed as "talks".

There was also support for the account from a lawyer in the US who has uncovered details of Mr Cohen's finances, Michael Avenatti .

Avenatti said that Suspicious Activity Reports filed by Mr Cohen's bank to the US Treasury showed he had received money from "Ukrainian interests".


fast forward to today:


The BBC apologized to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and will pay him damages over a false report that he paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to meet with President Donald Trump.

The inaccurate article was published in May 2018 and claimed that Poroshenko paid $400,000 to former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in order to extend a brief 2017 meeting with the U.S. president.

“We apologize to Mr. Poroshenko for any distress caused and have agreed to pay him damages, legal costs and have participated in a joint statement in open court,” BBC said on its website Thursday

In its correction, BBC also claims they never intended to make the accusation that Poroshenko had paid to extend the meeting.


except the title of the 2018 BBC story was

"Trump lawyer 'paid by Ukraine' to arrange White House talks"
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a few odd things about Nellie Ohr testimony to congress

She says she only met Christopher Steele one time while she worked for Fusion GPS.

That one time was 30 July 2016 at a breakfast meeting in Wash DC

(one day before the FBI counterintel op was opened on 31 July 2016)

She was "surprised" to find out that Steele also worked for Fusion GPS at that breakfast mtg. She didn't know that before the mtg.

Sounds very odd, but hey, who knows ?


She testified she got a Ham radio license "well before" her employment at Fusion GPS.

but Techno Fog did a FOIA and found her HAM license application. It was dated 23 May 2016.

She had been working for Fusion since 2015.

She claimed spouse privilege where she would not answer any questions about exchanges she had only w her husband.

Her lawyer wouldn't let her answer a question if she gave her husband a flash drive w her Fusion work on it.

She was asked if her Fusion work was "opposition research". She replied that she was not sure how opposition research was defined. Her work was "research".

She also testified that she did not recognize any of her research in the dossier.
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One of the better explanations I've seen.

The end of the Special Counsel’s investigation into the non-existent conspiracy between Trump and the Russians has created an army of “Mueller Truthers,” demanding additional investigations. But Republicans are also demanding to know more, specifically how the FBI came to look into collusion, and what that tells us about the tension between America’s political and intelligence worlds. In Rudy Giuliani’s words “Why did this ever start in the first place?”

The primordial ooze for all things Russia began in spring 2016 when the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, through a company called Fusion GPS, hired former MI6 intelligence agent Christopher Steele to compile a report (“the dossier”) on whatever ties to Russia he could find for Donald Trump.

Steele’s assignment was not to investigate impartially, but to gather dirt aggressively – opposition research, or oppo. He assembled second and third hand stories, then used anonymous sources and Internet chum to purported reveal Trump people roaming about Europe asking various Russians for help, promising sanctions relief, and trading influence for financial deals. Steele also claimed the existence of a “pee tape,” kompromat Putin used to control Trump.

Creating the dossier was only half of Steele’s assignment. The real work was to insert the dossier into American media and intelligence organizations to prevent Trump from winning the election. While only a so-so fiction writer, Steele proved to be a master at running his information op against America.

In July 2016 Steele met with over a dozen reporters to promote his dossier, with little success. It could not be corroborated. Steele succeeded mightily, however, in pushing his information deep into the FBI via three simultaneous channels, including the State Department, and via Senator John McCain, who was pitched by a former British ambassador retired to work now for Christopher Steele’s own firm.

But the most productive channel into the FBI was Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr. Ohr’s wife Nellie worked for Fusion GPS, the front company for Steele, having previously done contract work for the CIA. Nellie passed the dossier to her husband, along with her own paid oppo research, so that he could use his credibility at DOJ to hand-carry the work into the FBI. Bruce Ohr, despite acknowledging it broke all rules of protocol and evidence handling, did just that on July 30, 2016. He stressed to then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe the material was uncorroborated and had been compiled by Christopher Steele, who wanted it used to stop Trump.

The dossier landed in welcoming hands. The FBI immediately opened an unprecedented investigation called Crossfire Hurricane into the Trump campaign. It sent agents to London to meet Australian ambassador Alexander Downer, who claimed to have evidence George Papadopoulos, one of Trump’s junior-level advisers, was talking to Russians about Hillary’s emails. The FBI’s timing of the new investigation into Trump – only days after they closed their investigation into Clinton’s email server – can be considered a coincidence by those of good heart.

Peter Strzok, the senior FBI agent managing the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, and Lisa Page, a lawyer on his team (the two were also lovers), purposefully kept investigation details from political appointees at DOJ to the extent that only five people actually knew the full measure of what was going on, ostensibly to prevent leaks.

In fact, the point seems to have been to avoid oversight, given how weak the evidence was supporting something as grave as the Republican nominee committing treason. If you are looking behind the headlines for why Trump fired Andrew McCabe, besides his personal sympathies for Hillary, look there. Strzok and Page appear to have had an agenda of their own. In a text they wrote “Page: ‘[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Strzok: ‘No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.’”

With a wave of a hand the dossier the FBI was warned was partisan bunk was transformed into evidence. Steele himself morphed from paid opposition researcher to paid clandestine source for the FBI, with the fact that he had recently retired from a foreign intelligence service, British or not, ignored. It was all just an excuse anyway to unleash the vast intelligence machine against Trump, the imagined Manchurian Candidate.

Papadopoulos, the man in London, as a linchpin was also preposterous. He was a kid on the edges of the campaign, who “bumped into” a shady Russian professor who just happened to dangle the most explosive thing ever, Hillary’s emails. Papadopoulos then met the Aussie ambassador to Britain, Alex Downer. Papadopoulos gets drunk, tells the tale, which then falls whole into the FBI’s lap. Ambassador Downer, by the way, had previously arranged a $25 million donation to the Clinton Foundation. Papadopoulos was introduced to Downer by an Australian intelligence agent who knew him through her boyfriend, stationed at the Israeli embassy as a “political officer.”

Carter Page’s case was more of the same. Page, as a key actor in the Steele dossier, wold serve as an early excuse to get FISA surveillance eyes and ears on the Trump campaign. The FBI had a paid CIA asset, University of Cambridge professor and American citizen Stefan A. Halper, contact Page and dangle questions about access to Clinton emails.

Halper had earlier been trying separately to entrap Papadopoulos (the professor offered the inexperienced campaign aide $3,000 and an all-expenses-paid trip to London to write a white paper about energy), and also met with Trump campaign co-chair Sam Clovis in late August, offering his services as an adviser. Clovis declined. Ultimately both Papadopoulos and Page also rebuffed Halper, though both would later encounter a young woman in London claiming to be Halper’s assistant who tried to reinterest the boys.

Though to obtain multiple FISA warrants the FBI characterized him as an “agent of a foreign power,” Carter Page was never charged with anything. Halper dropped off the media’s radar, but is almost certainly a U.S. intelligence asset. He had earlier worked with British intelligence to pay for Michael Flynn to visit the UK. Halper’s main U.S.-based funding source is an internal Pentagon think tank. The Washington Post reported Halper had in the past worked for CIA directly. Halper was implicated in a 1980s spying scandal in which CIA officials gave inside information on the Carter administration to the GOP. Halper also married into a senior CIA official’s family.

It is clear the FBI was desperately trying to infiltrate Halper into the Trump campaign as part of a full-blown intel op, recruiting against Trump’s vulnerable junior staff. Even though the recruitment failed, the bits and pieces learned in the process were good enough for government work. At issue was that Steele’s dossier formed a key argument in favor of a FISA warrant to spy on Trump personnel. The dossier was corroborated in part in the warrant application by citing news reports that later turned out to be themselves based on the Steele dossier. In intelligence work, this is known as cross-contamination, a risky amateur error the FBI seems to have taken a chance on hoping the FISA judge would not know enough to question it. The gamble worked.

The FBI needed something as backup, so their investigation into Trump, now focused on the FISA surveillance, could be said not to have rested entirely on the dubious Steele dossier. Surveillance, intended and incidental, would eventually include Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Carter Page, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, Michael Cohen, and likely Trump himself.

Had Hillary won the story would have ended there, in fact, likely would never have come to light. But with Trump’s victory, the dossier had one more job to do: prep the public for all to come.

There has been no discussion as to why, in possession of information the FBI seemed to believe showed the Russians were running a global full-court press to themselves recruit inside Trump’s inner circle, Trump was never offered a defensive briefing. Such a warning – hey, you are in danger – is common inside government. But in Trump’s case it never happened. Instead, in echo of the dark Hoover years, the FBI used its information to try and take down Trump, not protect him.

Though the dossier had already been widely shared inside the media, the State Department, and the intelligence community, it was only on January 6, 2017 Comey briefed it to president-elect Trump. No one really knows what was said in that meeting, but we do know after holding the dossier since summer 2016, only four days after the Trump-Comey meeting Buzzfeed published the document and the world learned about the pee tape. Many believe someone in the intel community gave “permission” to the media, signaling Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, et al, would begin making public statements the dossier “could be true.”

John Brennan was a regular on television and other media claiming over two years there was evidence of contacts between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, pimping off his time as CIA director to suggest he had inside information. He went as far as testifying before Congress in May 2017 that there was evidence of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign figures, though now says he might have been given “bad information.”

After that, no item that could link the words Trump and Russia was too small to add to the pile of pseudo-evidence.

It would be easy to dismiss all this as a wacky conspiracy theory if it wasn’t in fact the counter-explanation to the even wackier, disproved theory Donald Trump was a Russian asset. It is possible to see Russiagate as a political assassination attempt, using law enforcement as the weapon. Someone might do well to double-check if Christopher Steele was in Dealey Plaza during the Kennedy assassination.

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James Comey has been on media tour recently. Spreading his version of events to reporters who buy into his BS.

an interview w CNN:

Comey is asked what he would say to Trump supports who say the investigation should never have happened.

His response:

“First, take a look in the mirror and ask what happened to Bob Mueller and the FBI being corrupt and evil and a nest of deep state traitors that they reached a conclusion that the president is happy with. Just don’t move in front of that. Your president tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI and that matters. Take a look in the mirror and ask what you have learned from that experience.

Second, you would have fired all of us if we didn’t investigate what we learned in the summer of 2016 when we got smoke, not fire, but smoke that Americans might have assisted the Russian effort. We had to investigate, that and no serious person could think otherwise, and it was done in a serious way, and it reached a serious result, and now we all ought to get transparency on.”


"ask what you have learned from that experience."

For me, the "burning down", ripping up, and punishing the FBI/DoJ conspirators has hardly begun. Comey tried to overturn a presidential election and his actions interfered in that election a million times more than anything the Russians did.

"We had to investigate"

But you didn't investigate. You took the Steele dossier and initiated a full blown counterintelligence operation on the Republican presidential campaign and the Republican presidential candidate.

You ruined lives and bankrupted people in a sadistic and fanatical attempt to get people to say things against Donald Trump.

You lied continuously to President Trump that he wasn't the target. But you never warned Donald Trump from the spring of 2016 to his election and beyond that you thought people in his campaign were Russian agents. You didn't just think that, you certified that to a FISA court.

James Comey has ruined the FBI reputation and it may not be restored in a decade or more.
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happened across this looking for some other things

It is the formal description of a FISA Title I for electronic surveillance of a U.S. person.

Carter Page was under a FISA Title I warrant and 3 extensions that covered a year time period.

Note that for each extension, the FBI had to have a "separate finding of probable cause"

Carter Page was never charged w anything .

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