Originally posted by vthoky:
That was the entire content of the message. No question mark, no greeting, just three simple words.
Of course, I know the best course of action is to not respond.
However... it's SO much more fun to think of potential responses.
* Santa Claus
* Yo mama
* Some slacker you randomly decided to text
* Your worst nightmare
* Why are you texting my 12-year-old daughter?
* ____ Biden (Joe, Hunter, Beau, whatever)
* Jen "Circle-back" Psaki
* Talibanman
* Epstein. I'm not really dead.
* Ferris Bueller
* Goose Coonman (very tempting, just because it's funnny)
* George Washington, FDR, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, any number of other Presidents
* Texas Pete / Johnny Appleseed / Buffalo Bill
* Uncle Ben / Aunt Jemima
* 42
* I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you?
* Your neighbor. Are you okay?
* Have you hit your head??
It's a great opportunity to be a smarty-pants for a moment.
Whatcha got?