Good to see, when I was about his age our Bassett wandered off, as they are prone to do, that night it snowed hard, got really cold and she never came home, we tried but didn't find her.
Next day she limped home broken leg, not sure where she stayed or what happened but I can relate..
We thought we'd lost her..
Posts: 25007 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008
That'd be me and I'm 58 yrs old. We've had the two cats 3 yrs but I'm the only one who 'Sweetie Kitty' will let hold her. Had't had pets since I left home in ''s a bond.
Texting.......easier than calling.
Posts: 1381 | Location: P.C., FL - the emerald coast | Registered: September 15, 2000
"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe "If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Been there. Probably his age too. I was amazed to see my parents giving ol' LeRoy (Bad bad LeRoy Brown, the baddest cat in the whole dang town) hot dogs. That's when I knew they were as happy for his return as I was.
I know better than to even watch. I'm a follower of several Boxer groups and some of those posts really get to me. The thought of losing one of our boys is chilling.
We had an old Tom that disappeared and we thought he was gone for good. Then about a year later he returns up at Thanksgiving. A little skittish but we got him inside and he spent the Winter. By Spring he left and never saw him again. He must have been 14-15 y/o at that point. Never understood it.