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Can we talk a little about photo ID being required for voting? Login/Join 
Picture of vthoky
I didn't want to drift the Trump Presidency thread, but HighZonie's post on page 334 brought the question back to my mind.

Here's his link:

I heard last week about NC planning to require photo ID and the feds preparing to block the requirement, and I don't think I know enough about this.

Put very simply, my question is this: "what's the problem with requiring a photo ID?"

I have heard in the past that some claim it's discriminatory. I'd like an explanation on that, because at the moment I don't see how.

Are there other reasons people would fight against having to present photo ID? (Aside from the old saw about going to multiple districts to vote more than once....)

We require a photo ID for driving (driver's license), we require a photo ID for buying beer/wine/smokes, we require photo ID for a ton of activities. So why is voting different? What solid reason is there for not requiring a photo ID?

God bless America.
Posts: 13864 | Location: Frog Level Yacht Club | Registered: July 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Unmanned Writer
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But the disenfranchised poor folk don't know how to get one them there fancy voting IDs.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

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I am a little puzzled. Why would the feds be blocking an ID requirement for voting.

We have that ID here in Virginia, as least as far as I know. They ask for it every time I go to vote. Our driver's licenses have our photo on them.


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Voting is a right. The other activities you mentioned are privileges. Sadly, some rights require licenses....

I have no clue beyond some claim the inability to gain a photo ID. Every State I have lived in (at least 10), have offered ID for voting for free by simply going to DMV and requesting it.

That's all I got.
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Picture of vthoky
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Originally posted by LS1 GTO:
But the disenfranchised poor folk don't know how to get one them there fancy voting IDs.

I knew something like that would be stated in this discussion... it did when I had this discussion with family last week. Mom's example: "poor old Bessie, grew up on the farm and rarely left it. Has no need for a driver's license; Paw always drives if we go somewhere. Bessie never worked outside the home or off the farm, so never needed any photo ID."

I get that. There are people in my area who {sort of} match Bessie's description. But it's not like they can't ever go get an ID, or that they can't afford one. Non-driver ID's are freebie, I recall. And modern days are... well... modern. It's not like Bessie's got to hitch up a buggy and a team of horses to get to the big city, or risk breaking her arm cranking the old Model T over.

It's not as if elections come up spur-of-the-moment, either. You've got four solid years, typically, before the next one. Plenty of time to hitch a ride to town and get an ID.

My brother's argument was that people like Bessie who never leave the farm probably don't even vote in the first place. But that's taking the discussion down a different path. He went on to point out that even the Amish people he used to work with/around had photo IDs, despite needing very little of what "the city" had to offer.

God bless America.
Posts: 13864 | Location: Frog Level Yacht Club | Registered: July 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
quarter MOA visionary
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Put very simply, my question is this: "what's the problem with requiring a photo ID?"

Is simply a false notion that allows the Dems to claim victim points.
They know it.
You know it.
Everybody knows it.
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Cuz everyone who wants to look at my photo is a bigot. Duh! Wink
Your right, it's stupid.
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I travel for work and have to show a photo ID before any hotel lets me check in. I'd argue voting is way more important than a hotel stay. There are many ways to get photo ID's, if someone can't be bothered they shouldn't be able to vote.
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A Grateful American
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I value my right and responsibility to vote.
So much so, that I am pleased we have photo ID to vote in my area, and would that it be used everywhere, because I do not want anyone "stealing" another's vote, nor "stealing" the value of another's vote, without regard to the party/person anyone the vote is cast.

I am to go as far as making it (in principle or idealistic) a capital offense for "stealing/devaluing" votes, and vote fraud and such. I am that passionate.

I can see no reason to deny a photo ID requirement, but that does not mean there is not valid argument against it. I just have not thought of it, or heard of it. But am certainly open to being informed.

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Not a damned thing is holding anyone back from getting an ID. If they are of the age to get Social Security, they have to have it direct deposited into a bank. If they have a bank account they have ID. Those that are drawing some sort of disability meet the same requirements as the older folks. Have any kind of public utility in your have ID. Try getting a cell phone contract without one!

Democrats just don't want the voting roles checked for accuracy. Every time there is an election, I have a serious doubt about the real outcome because of this. There's just too many opportunities for some bad actors to do things that may sway things one way or another. Just look at how many ballots are "found" in the back of someones car or some other unsecured location.

No thanks, I've already got a penguin.
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Originally posted by ffips:
Voting is a right. The other activities you mentioned are privileges. Sadly, some rights require licenses....

I have no clue beyond some claim the inability to gain a photo ID. Every State I have lived in (at least 10), have offered ID for voting for free by simply going to DMV and requesting it.

That's all I got.

15th Amendment prohibits the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude', and then there's the 19th, which prohibits the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex.

In many states, despite what's spelled out in the 2nd Amendment, a ID/DL is necessary requirement to purchase/own a firearm. It seems like some states require ID for some things but, abhor the idea of requiring an ID for something else.
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Picture of TSE
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Most other countries in the world manage to require ID for voting without anyone complaining that is disenfranchises anyone. In fact some very poor and relatively backwards countries like India manage to do it on a huge scale. If there is a problem obtaining ID then that problem should be addressed. The voting process must be seen to be fair, and allowing anyone to vote without their proving that they are eligible and voting only once casts serious doubts on the fairness of the system.

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Originally posted by vthoky:
I have heard in the past that some claim it's discriminatory. I'd like an explanation on that, because at the moment I don't see how.

Because the ones using this excuse are the ones who always pull out the race card. Of course it is not racist. But Democrats use the charge of racism in almost every single voter issue out there, yet their actions on voter ID is racist.

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Originally posted by LS1 GTO:
But the disenfranchised poor folk don't know how to get one them there fancy voting IDs.

Here in Florida you need a voters registration card (does not have ID). If the poor can get that, they can get a FL I.D. (with picture). Everything else you do requires a picture ID from flying, to buying beer and cigarettes if you're younger, to entering the courthouse, etc.

The democrats don't want it, because it makes it easier to get fraudulent votes.
Posts: 21408 | Registered: June 12, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by vthoky:
I have heard in the past that some claim it's discriminatory. I'd like an explanation on that, because at the moment I don't see how.

There is past history however, legislation has addressed this and we're many generations removed from those times. Nevertheless, the Democrats continue to pick at old wounds and refuse to allow those scars to heal. The passage of the 24th Amendment, which prohibited a poll tax was one of the major issues post Civil War/Jim Crow-era, that certain states in the South utilized, to marginalize African-American populations despite passage of the 15th Amendment.
Posts: 15055 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of PowerSurge
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Requiring a picture ID practically eliminates the possibility of people voting more than once and the demoncrats know it. It’s as simple as that. So they say you’re a racist SOB if you support the requirement.

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my little corner of VA requires me to present a photo ID when I vote,

I offered up my voter registration card and was told thanks, but we need to see your ID,,

I have no problem with that at all,

did find it odd they had sent me a new voter registration card and did not want to see it,

Originally posted by Elk Hunter:
I am a little puzzled. Why would the feds be blocking an ID requirement for voting.

We have that ID here in Virginia, as least as far as I know. They ask for it every time I go to vote. Our driver's licenses have our photo on them.
Posts: 10575 | Location: Beach VA,not VA Beach | Registered: July 17, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by vthoky:

Put very simply, my question is this: "what's the problem with requiring a photo ID?"



Proverbs 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Posts: 8940 | Location: Florida | Registered: September 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of vthoky
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This discussion is going the way I thought it would... because there doesn't seem to be a good reason to NOT require photo ID for voting.

So. On what grounds do the feds want to block NC's effort to require photo ID? Where's the good reason?

God bless America.
Posts: 13864 | Location: Frog Level Yacht Club | Registered: July 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'm a poll worker, we are not allowed to ask for ID unless if the poll sign in requests it. Regardless, all day, just about everyone hands us their ID.

Many times, it makes it easier with hard to spell names, or names that have one or more hyphens.

Our poll sign in are tablets now that scan the barcode on Driver ID. Great time saver!

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