Standing at the urinal, minding your own business, and the guy to your left just starts talking to you.
I love any excuse to post a Letterkenny clip! NSFW ~ Language
___________________________ All it all you got. ____________________________ For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know
September 18, 2021, 03:44 PM
Were you embarrassed when he turned down your offer to a sword fight.
September 18, 2021, 07:10 PM
Yeah been there. Siting on the throne at a rest stop and a guy comes into the stall next to me. A few seconds after he sits down I hear... "So, where are you going?" I don't say anything. It's followed by two more questions I refused to answer. The fourth thing he said made it clear he was on the phone. Almost!
_____________________________________________________ Sliced bread, the greatest thing since the 1911.
September 18, 2021, 11:57 PM
There are hilarious YouTube videos on urinal etiquette. One rule to remember is never turn to the guy beside you and say, "nice watch".
September 19, 2021, 06:32 PM
I turn my torso while the stream is still full to ask "You speaking to me?"
At the worst, I piss on the guy's feet. At best, I piss all over him.
Nice is overrated
"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government." Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
September 19, 2021, 10:10 PM
As long as they don't say "nice dick" I'm ok.
------------------------------------- Always the pall bearer, never the corpse.
September 20, 2021, 03:08 PM
A couple guys (in their mid 30s at least) in my Company recently did something so wrong yet cracked me up.
We are attending training (Military...which probably explains it all) and they went to the toilet after chow.
They start joking with each other and realize the fellow between them is totally quiet....not even a giggle.
So they start cheering him on;
Soldier one - come on dude you can do it Soldier Two - just relax and let it free Soldier one - don't push too hard, you'll get hemroids (sp) Soldier two - don't worry just breath will come.
They kept this up for a solid 5 minutes, now any of you that may have experienced a men's military bathroom would have expected a solid "fuck off you assholes"....nothing
When they told me I had a giggle but then advised them it could have been one of the younger soldiers, we have many with no prior service that have not experienced how bad the barracks...let alone a field shit can be..
Probably traumatized some poor E-nothin'
Men are such assholes...especially when they put on a uniform