
| I agree with your post. Based off both personal experience as a know it all shithead, and current as a parent. My question though is: Is her failing a lack of ability or lack of effort. Cause one can come with some bit of sass, the other comes with a foot in the ass.
10 years to retirement! Just waiting! |
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| It ain't just limited to teenagers. I have a buddy in his 40's who's asked for my advice on getting into aviation. EVERY...EVERY...suggestion I've offered has been fought tooth and nail by him the ENTIRE way. And he wonders why it's taking him so long to build his hours. JSMH........
"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24 |
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| Yep, I've been there. Got sole custody of my daughter when she was 14. Right in the heat of girl drama and knowing everything. I made it through but I was wrong on everything according to her. She'll be 24 this year and is a completely different person now.
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
| Posts: 3652 | Location: The armpit of Ohio | Registered: August 18, 2013 |  

| quote: Originally posted by erj_pilot: It ain't just limited to teenagers. I have a buddy in his 40's who's asked for my advice on getting into aviation. EVERY...EVERY...suggestion I've offered has been fought tooth and nail by him the ENTIRE way. And he wonders why it's taking him so long to build his hours.
Isn't the short answer: Fly, and then fly some more? 
The Enemy's gate is down. |
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| Don’t worry, my parents grew out of their stupidity when I reached my early 20s, and boy was I thankful, because it was getting pretty old.
My son is 24, and I seem to slowly be growing out of my stupidity. Paybacks are a bitch! |
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| quote: Originally posted by armored: I notice that the stuff that they watch on TV supports this lifestyle for young people. It seems about every movie or TV show depicts the adults as stupid and clueless, also as adulterating, drug addicts or alcoholics. Only the young kids see the problems and are able to fix all the problems despite the foolish input from the adults. Don't forget the sit coms with the canned laughter that don't ever miss an opportunity to make Dad look like an idiot. Then Mommy rides in on the white horse and saves the day. Instead of father knows best, it's now father knows nothing.
I'm 71, I can't remember one show or movie from that time frame (50's and 60's) that did not depict the parents and adults as smart and well able to handle any situation.
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| I should have known that when my now 12 year old was about 4, he marched into the family room and announced that he was all grown up, and could do what he wanted, that I'd have my hands full someday. He's a sixth grader now and was having trouble in math. The local library has free tutoring after school. High school kids get extra credit for helping. His grades have vastly improved. PS, math is extremely important, especially if she wants to enter the STEM fields. |
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| My daughter is doing much better this week. Thanks everyone for the support. We were driving together and I was listening to the Migtown Podcast, and the host, Drexel made a comment that young women today lay in bed most of the day watching Netflix on their phones. My daughter actually said: "I do that." I think hearing that hit home with her, because she has been out of her room and with the family more this week. She also went to math tutoring and didn't complain.
Beagle lives matter. ______ (\ / @\_____ / ( ) /O / ( )______/ ///_____/
| Posts: 927 | Location: Panhandle of Florida | Registered: July 23, 2008 |  
Eye on the Silver Lining
| Great news! I’m sure you’ve seen this, but with my son’s sports, a lot of the dads tell me “inconsistent” is the normal right now- I suspect it wouldn’t be any different with homework.. and isn’t it interesting how once they get out of the sphere of school/media for a week (we are on break right now) they revert back to being a decent human being! Best of luck on her her continued progress.
"Trust, but verify."
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I Am The Walrus
| Friend of mine was active duty for over 20 years and deployed 7 times between Iraq and Afghanistan. His son grew up many years with out him at home. He had just returned from deployment and junior felt that he was grown. Dad told him to do something, junior said no and puffed his chest out and got imaginary lat syndrome. Junior was taller and bigger than dad at this point and felt he could get away with it. Dad grabbed junior by his throat and slammed him against the wall and held him there until he understood. That was probably 6-7 years ago and it hasn't happened since...
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| I had a friend back in Wilmington who had four early-teen and teenage daughters. He said sometimes he had to just walk outside and be wrong in the yard by himself. |
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quarter MOA visionary

| quote: Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL: I got straight Ds in Algebra. Has not affected my life one bit. Relationships are more important than math.
Methinks you are missing the point.  |
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