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Good lord just turn in your firearms now you sissies Login/Join 
Picture of grumpy1
Disgusting reading on some other forums,etc about candy ass firearm owners cowering in their panties because of the anti gun protests yesterday and sure they are going to lose their guns within a year.

Get a fucking spine and stand up for your rights. Give up a couple Starbucks lattes for a few weeks and donate the savings to the NRA-ILA or other Second Amendment Rights organization. If you actually shoot any of your firearms then invite some that are not totally lost to go to the range. Understand exactly what the Second Amendment means and be able to verbally convey it and defend it. Or just turn in your firearms and shut up already.
Posts: 9990 | Location: Northern Illinois | Registered: March 20, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Speling Champ
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It’s more exciting to panic over the coming doomsday.
Posts: 1641 | Location: Utah | Registered: July 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of fatmanspencer
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I'll buy them, 10 cent to the dollar.

Used guns deserve a home too
Posts: 783 | Location: North Ga | Registered: August 06, 2016Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of grumpy1
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Originally posted by fatmanspencer:
I'll buy them, 10 cent to the dollar.

I think some would go for that deal about now. Smile
Posts: 9990 | Location: Northern Illinois | Registered: March 20, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
If you're gonna be a
bear, be a Grizzly!
Picture of Todd Huffman
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While I'm not in the doomsday crowd, I do believe we would be wise to listen to these kids and prepare for them to be part of the voting public during the next election.

This is a call to arms for all gun owners, and anyone else who values our freedoms we take so much for granted. We're going to have to work harder than ever to get the vote out this next election, and the next presidential election as well.

Here's to the sunny slopes of long ago.
Posts: 3682 | Location: Morganton, NC | Registered: December 31, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Well put Grumpy.
I'm gonna add a little story here but I'm not trying to hijack your thread Grumpy.
Yesterday was the "March for Your Lives" protest and my daughter and a few friends went to Cleveland to join in.
This had me torn more than a little. I taught my daughter how to shoot about 4-5 years ago and she had fun while learning. She also turned into a decent pistol shooter with the Rutgers I bought to train her with.
So we had a talk yesterday morning about her going to this protest. Could I have put my proverbial foot down and told her that she wasn't going? Yes but she's 18 and old enough to do things on her own.
Her big thing is getting the age limit raised to 21 to legally buy a rifle. Gun laws not gun bans as she put it.
I knew this could get heated and rather than fly off into a hateful rant, I sat down with her.
She's a smart kid, has a job and is responsible so she understands things better than some her age.
I talked about the right to free speech because that's what she was doing when she was going to the protest. Expressing her opinion. I will never dampen or silence anyone's right to free speech. It may be filled with hate, it may be filled with racism or it may go against everything I hold valuable to myself. You have that right and it was paid for in blood as most if the other rights were also. It's still paid for in blood, make no mistake.
So she went to Cleveland.
Back to your point Grumpy. I will never whine nor cower. I support the NRA with my dues even though I scratch my head sometimes watching them.
I support anyone who supports the Constitution of the United States. The whole thing, not just the 2nd amendment.
If/when the time comes for confiscation, it will not be pleasant from my end.
Stand up, get involved with your representatives or whatever you can do or just give up.

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
Posts: 3652 | Location: The armpit of Ohio | Registered: August 18, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'll donate and support, but it will be a cold day in hell before I give up my lattes.

The first 100 people to make it out alive...get to live.
Posts: 1277 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: April 16, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of grumpy1
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Originally posted by xwesler:
I'll donate and support, but it will be a cold day in hell before I give up my lattes.

LOL, and thanks for supporting!
Posts: 9990 | Location: Northern Illinois | Registered: March 20, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of grumpy1
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Originally posted by joatmonv:
Well put Grumpy.
I'm gonna add a little story here but I'm not trying to hijack your thread Grumpy.
Yesterday was the "March for Your Lives" protest and my daughter and a few friends went to Cleveland to join in.
This had me torn more than a little. I taught my daughter how to shoot about 4-5 years ago and she had fun while learning. She also turned into a decent pistol shooter with the Rutgers I bought to train her with.
So we had a talk yesterday morning about her going to this protest. Could I have put my proverbial foot down and told her that she wasn't going? Yes but she's 18 and old enough to do things on her own.
Her big thing is getting the age limit raised to 21 to legally buy a rifle. Gun laws not gun bans as she put it.
I knew this could get heated and rather than fly off into a hateful rant, I sat down with her.
She's a smart kid, has a job and is responsible so she understands things better than some her age.
I talked about the right to free speech because that's what she was doing when she was going to the protest. Expressing her opinion. I will never dampen or silence anyone's right to free speech. It may be filled with hate, it may be filled with racism or it may go against everything I hold valuable to myself. You have that right and it was paid for in blood as most if the other rights were also. It's still paid for in blood, make no mistake.
So she went to Cleveland.
Back to your point Grumpy. I will never whine nor cower. I support the NRA with my dues even though I scratch my head sometimes watching them.
I support anyone who supports the Constitution of the United States. The whole thing, not just the 2nd amendment.
If/when the time comes for confiscation, it will not be pleasant from my end.
Stand up, get involved with your representatives or whatever you can do or just give up.

Great story about your daughter. Glad you have introduced her to shooting, had the conversation with her, and let her go. Hopefully she learned something yesterday about what was really going on around her that may help her better appreciate her Second Amendment Rights.
Posts: 9990 | Location: Northern Illinois | Registered: March 20, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I can only believe these gun owners should have never had firearms in the 1st place.

I also will stand in line to relieve them of their arms.
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lead slingin'
Parrot Head
Picture of Modern Day Savage
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Originally posted by joatmonv:
Well put Grumpy.
I'm gonna add a little story here but I'm not trying to hijack your thread Grumpy.
Yesterday was the "March for Your Lives" protest and my daughter and a few friends went to Cleveland to join in.
This had me torn more than a little. I taught my daughter how to shoot about 4-5 years ago and she had fun while learning. She also turned into a decent pistol shooter with the Rutgers I bought to train her with.
So we had a talk yesterday morning about her going to this protest. Could I have put my proverbial foot down and told her that she wasn't going? Yes but she's 18 and old enough to do things on her own.
Her big thing is getting the age limit raised to 21 to legally buy a rifle. Gun laws not gun bans as she put it.
I knew this could get heated and rather than fly off into a hateful rant, I sat down with her.
She's a smart kid, has a job and is responsible so she understands things better than some her age.
I talked about the right to free speech because that's what she was doing when she was going to the protest. Expressing her opinion. I will never dampen or silence anyone's right to free speech. It may be filled with hate, it may be filled with racism or it may go against everything I hold valuable to myself. You have that right and it was paid for in blood as most if the other rights were also. It's still paid for in blood, make no mistake.
So she went to Cleveland.
Back to your point Grumpy. I will never whine nor cower. I support the NRA with my dues even though I scratch my head sometimes watching them.
I support anyone who supports the Constitution of the United States. The whole thing, not just the 2nd amendment.
If/when the time comes for confiscation, it will not be pleasant from my end.
Stand up, get involved with your representatives or whatever you can do or just give up.

I'm in agreement with your general approach. I would never advocate for or support silencing those who hold a differing opinion than my own. Living in a relatively free country requires a certain amount of tolerance for views opposing our own...

...but it should also encourage a vigorous debate in an effort to establish fact based solutions, rather than forming emotionally based non-solutions, that simply make one "feel good" about the illusion of a solution.

I'm curious, when discussing the issue with your daughter, did you inform her about the history of gun control in the U.S.? (NFA, GCA, FOPA, 1989 import ban, 1994 AW say nothing of State and Local laws). Any discussion of previous gun control laws should also point out how patently ineffective they were while placing onerous limitations on those law-abiding citizens who have done nothing to warrant the loss of their rights. Gun control laws have incrementally eroded Constitutionally recognized freedoms for incremental loss of rights that have failed to reduce violence. Your daughter only knows what she knows over her 18 years of life...but the problem of violence, gun related or otherwise, as well as the attempts to reduce them through one series of laws after another have been going on for much longer.

Did you discuss with your daughter the legal age in which a minor becomes a legal adult, and assumes both the full set of Constitutionally recognized rights as well as the responsibilities/ consequences associated with these rights. Drivers Licences, Pilots licenses, professional certifications, the right to purchase tobacco, the right to purchase marijuana, the right to purchase alcohol, the right to enter into legal contracts such as obtaining a Credit Card or buying a home, the legal age to work, the legal age to join the U.S. military etc...

If your daughter supports raising the age to buy a long gun, perhaps you could discuss with her the history of why 18 yr olds were allowed to buy long guns, and perhaps steer the conversation towards raising the age in which a minor becomes an adult from 18 to 21. Raise the age in which a minor can do any of the above to 21.

Would she be in favor of raising the legal age for adults to 21 and prevent anyone younger from, say, entering into a cell phone contract, getting a job, voting or driving?

Perhaps pointing out the irrational approach of those who support new gun control laws. Discussing the failures of the Federal, State, and Local government authorities to enforce laws and public policies already in place to prevent or reduce gun violence...and yet these same gun control supporters are demanding and depending on these unreliable authorities to implement yet further reductions on our rights.

I realize that most of the gun control sycophants are lost to reason, and saturated in emotionalism.

However, from the way you describe your daughter, it sounds like she might be reasonably persuaded to see the patent failure of solving the gun violence issue with more laws.

It is not a gun problem, never has been, and never will be. It is a PEOPLE problem, and needs to be dealt with at the PEOPLE level.
Posts: 7324 | Location: the Centennial state | Registered: August 21, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of jbcummings
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I just got through building 2 evil ARs with my 15 year old grandsons. My wife gently reminded me that the 2 that are 6-8 know about this and are already talking about what their builds will be like when they get that age and I should probably start collecting the parts while they’re still available not to mention cheap. If you haven’t looked in the last couple of weeks, there’s a definite shortage from folks like Aero Precision and others. The younger kids may have to deal with “DHOGG” custom lowers. Smile

Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for thou art crunchy and taste good with catsup.
Posts: 4311 | Location: DFW | Registered: May 21, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
That rug really tied
the room together.
Picture of bubbatime
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To the gentleman above with daughter: Perhaps offer to bring daughter and her friends to the gun range. Layout an AR15, a mini 14 (wood stock preferred), and a Ruger 10/22 (or Marlin 60)

Ask them which rifle should be banned? (Scary black one, of course) Allow them to shoot them all. Perhaps the light will come on, when you advise that an "assault rifle" ban, bans the other two rifles as well. They all function the same, the mini can do the same damage, but the idiots want to ban the scary black one based on looks. The ban captures the vast majority of guns, to include the non scary looking ones that they would probably say are ok to own, at the beginning of the demonstration.

Often times a very small man can cast a very large shadow
Posts: 6725 | Location: Floriduh | Registered: October 16, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Dollars to doughnuts these punks won't vote. Most won't even register to vote. It will pass. I do hope, however, everyone took Para's sage advice and stocked up when it was quiet, and cheap.
Posts: 17376 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: October 15, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
E Plebmnista; Norcom, Forcom, Perfectumum.
Picture of OneWheelDrive
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Originally posted by joatmonv:
Well put Grumpy.
I'm gonna add a little story here but I'm not trying to hijack your thread Grumpy.
Yesterday was the "March for Your Lives" protest and my daughter and a few friends went to Cleveland to join in.
This had me torn more than a little. I taught my daughter how to shoot about 4-5 years ago and she had fun while learning. She also turned into a decent pistol shooter with the Rutgers I bought to train her with.
So we had a talk yesterday morning about her going to this protest. Could I have put my proverbial foot down and told her that she wasn't going? Yes but she's 18 and old enough to do things on her own.
Her big thing is getting the age limit raised to 21 to legally buy a rifle. Gun laws not gun bans as she put it.
I knew this could get heated and rather than fly off into a hateful rant, I sat down with her.
She's a smart kid, has a job and is responsible so she understands things better than some her age.
I talked about the right to free speech because that's what she was doing when she was going to the protest. Expressing her opinion. I will never dampen or silence anyone's right to free speech. It may be filled with hate, it may be filled with racism or it may go against everything I hold valuable to myself. You have that right and it was paid for in blood as most if the other rights were also. It's still paid for in blood, make no mistake.
So she went to Cleveland.
Back to your point Grumpy. I will never whine nor cower. I support the NRA with my dues even though I scratch my head sometimes watching them.
I support anyone who supports the Constitution of the United States. The whole thing, not just the 2nd amendment.
If/when the time comes for confiscation, it will not be pleasant from my end.
Stand up, get involved with your representatives or whatever you can do or just give up.

Ask her if she would be OK with limiting the 1st Amendment to people 21 or older. No protest for her as she's not responsible enough.

Ultron: "You're unbearably naive."
Vision: "Well, I was born yesterday."
Posts: 4844 | Location: St. Louis, Mo | Registered: March 23, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by joatmonv:
...She's a smart kid, has a job and is responsible so she understands things better than some her age

Ask her if smart phones should be banned, since texting and driving has killed more people than school shootings. Also ask her if (insert her model of car) should be banned since a drunk driver killed someone with one in (insert distant city).

Make her think harder about the proposed "gun safety" legislation.
Posts: 16170 | Location: Eastern Iowa | Registered: May 21, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by Sigmund:
Originally posted by joatmonv:
...She's a smart kid, has a job and is responsible so she understands things better than some her age

Ask her if smart phones should be banned, since texting and driving has killed more people than school shootings. Also ask her if (insert her model of car) should be banned since a drunk driver killed someone with one in (insert distant city).

Make her think harder about the proposed "gun safety" legislation.

Or pointy objects, trucks, blunt instruments, stairs, rocks, sugar, air planes, fertilizers, etc.

There's a million things to kill someone with or shorten your life.

Ever wonder why you've never seen a gun on trial for murder?


Sic Semper Tyrannis
Posts: 21424 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Modern Day Savage:
Originally posted by joatmonv:
Well put Grumpy.
I'm gonna add a little story here but I'm not trying to hijack your thread Grumpy.
Yesterday was the "March for Your Lives" protest and my daughter and a few friends went to Cleveland to join in.
This had me torn more than a little. I taught my daughter how to shoot about 4-5 years ago and she had fun while learning. She also turned into a decent pistol shooter with the Rutgers I bought to train her with.
So we had a talk yesterday morning about her going to this protest. Could I have put my proverbial foot down and told her that she wasn't going? Yes but she's 18 and old enough to do things on her own.
Her big thing is getting the age limit raised to 21 to legally buy a rifle. Gun laws not gun bans as she put it.
I knew this could get heated and rather than fly off into a hateful rant, I sat down with her.
She's a smart kid, has a job and is responsible so she understands things better than some her age.
I talked about the right to free speech because that's what she was doing when she was going to the protest. Expressing her opinion. I will never dampen or silence anyone's right to free speech. It may be filled with hate, it may be filled with racism or it may go against everything I hold valuable to myself. You have that right and it was paid for in blood as most if the other rights were also. It's still paid for in blood, make no mistake.
So she went to Cleveland.
Back to your point Grumpy. I will never whine nor cower. I support the NRA with my dues even though I scratch my head sometimes watching them.
I support anyone who supports the Constitution of the United States. The whole thing, not just the 2nd amendment.
If/when the time comes for confiscation, it will not be pleasant from my end.
Stand up, get involved with your representatives or whatever you can do or just give up.

I'm in agreement with your general approach. I would never advocate for or support silencing those who hold a differing opinion than my own. Living in a relatively free country requires a certain amount of tolerance for views opposing our own...

...but it should also encourage a vigorous debate in an effort to establish fact based solutions, rather than forming emotionally based non-solutions, that simply make one "feel good" about the illusion of a solution.

I'm curious, when discussing the issue with your daughter, did you inform her about the history of gun control in the U.S.? (NFA, GCA, FOPA, 1989 import ban, 1994 AW say nothing of State and Local laws). Any discussion of previous gun control laws should also point out how patently ineffective they were while placing onerous limitations on those law-abiding citizens who have done nothing to warrant the loss of their rights. Gun control laws have incrementally eroded Constitutionally recognized freedoms for incremental loss of rights that have failed to reduce violence. Your daughter only knows what she knows over her 18 years of life...but the problem of violence, gun related or otherwise, as well as the attempts to reduce them through one series of laws after another have been going on for much longer.

Did you discuss with your daughter the legal age in which a minor becomes a legal adult, and assumes both the full set of Constitutionally recognized rights as well as the responsibilities/ consequences associated with these rights. Drivers Licences, Pilots licenses, professional certifications, the right to purchase tobacco, the right to purchase marijuana, the right to purchase alcohol, the right to enter into legal contracts such as obtaining a Credit Card or buying a home, the legal age to work, the legal age to join the U.S. military etc...

If your daughter supports raising the age to buy a long gun, perhaps you could discuss with her the history of why 18 yr olds were allowed to buy long guns, and perhaps steer the conversation towards raising the age in which a minor becomes an adult from 18 to 21. Raise the age in which a minor can do any of the above to 21.

Would she be in favor of raising the legal age for adults to 21 and prevent anyone younger from, say, entering into a cell phone contract, getting a job, voting or driving?

Perhaps pointing out the irrational approach of those who support new gun control laws. Discussing the failures of the Federal, State, and Local government authorities to enforce laws and public policies already in place to prevent or reduce gun violence...and yet these same gun control supporters are demanding and depending on these unreliable authorities to implement yet further reductions on our rights.

I realize that most of the gun control sycophants are lost to reason, and saturated in emotionalism.

However, from the way you describe your daughter, it sounds like she might be reasonably persuaded to see the patent failure of solving the gun violence issue with more laws.

It is not a gun problem, never has been, and never will be. It is a PEOPLE problem, and needs to be dealt with at the PEOPLE level.

We went over a lot of things including all of the amendments. I pointed out that women didn't have a right to vote at one time.
Talked about the 1st amendment and how she has the right to express herself. Also told her that her opinion is just that, her opinion. Because someone might have a different opinion than hers doesn't make them wrong, just different.
Also talked about the 17 year old in Maryland that was killed by the school resource officer. He wasn't legal to own a handgun and I'm sure it wasn't his unless he stole it or bought it off the street.
I did tell her it's a people problem and the same high school she goes to is the one I went to. I had a 22 rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun in my truck to go hunting after school some days. No one batted an eye at it.
She at least will listen to opposing views instead of blowing up and screaming. I will continue to talk to her, not to change her mind but to offer up alternatives she might not see. She will change her mind or not.

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
Posts: 3652 | Location: The armpit of Ohio | Registered: August 18, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Sigmund:
Originally posted by joatmonv:
...She's a smart kid, has a job and is responsible so she understands things better than some her age

Ask her if smart phones should be banned, since texting and driving has killed more people than school shootings. Also ask her if (insert her model of car) should be banned since a drunk driver killed someone with one in (insert distant city).

Make her think harder about the proposed "gun safety" legislation.

I talked to her about drunk driving and how many people are killed per year due to it.
She told me that that doesn't affect her. I told her that it will sooner or later and you'll lose someone you know to it eventually. Cold fact but it's true.
She knows about the whole cell phone thing and only has 2 years driving experience under her belt. I asked her to pay attention next time she drives to work and to look at how many people she sees texting or on their cell phone as they're driving.

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
Posts: 3652 | Location: The armpit of Ohio | Registered: August 18, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of lkdr1989
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This is my favorite essay on gun control people:
Raging Against Self Defense: A psychiatrist Examines The Anti-Gun Mentality

Originally posted by joatmonv:
I talked to her about drunk driving and how many people are killed per year due to it.
She told me that that doesn't affect her. I told her that it will sooner or later and you'll lose someone you know to it eventually. Cold fact but it's true.
She knows about the whole cell phone thing and only has 2 years driving experience under her belt. I asked her to pay attention next time she drives to work and to look at how many people she sees texting or on their cell phone as they're driving.

...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 NASV
Posts: 4459 | Location: Valley, Oregon | Registered: June 03, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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