If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.
Yesterday was my day to run into assholes all day.
Asshole # 1: Residential neighborhood, posted at 35 mph. Guy on an electric bike (probably not our own Stickman) comes out of a side street as if the stop sign on his street was not there, misses my car by inches, continues on his way. Totally absorbed in the phone that is clipped to a holder on the handlebar.
Asshole # 2: Express checkout at the grocery (10 items max). Woman has a loaded cart. I lost count somewhere around 30 items and she was still putting stuff on the conveyor.
Asshole # 3: Restaurant that does quite a bit of take-out business, as well as eat-in. Picked up some stuff to go, hobbled toward the exit with take-out bag in one hand, cane in the other. Encountered sort of a choke point between a table and a wall. Woman at the table had a knee scooter next to her. I said, fairly softly, "uh, you're blocking the aisle." She ignored that and kept shoveling food into her mouth as fast as she could scoop it off the plate. I tried to walk through, lost my balance while trying to avoid her scooter, I crashed into the wall opposite her table. Recovered, and continued out, while shaking my head. The guy with her jumped up from the table and started following me toward the door, berating me in a loud voice. They were both in their 60s. I am 6'3" and 200 lbs. The guy, who was wearing a USMC Veteran cap, was a bit taller than I am, and looked to be about 50 lbs. heavier. He had the appearance and demeanor of the schoolyard bully grown older. I kept going, thinking to myself, "I came in here with 17 rounds of .45 ACP. I hope I still have them all when I leave."
Not even going to discuss the clerk at the pharmacy who gave me a giant run-around when I made a relay call to ask whether my Rx meds were ready for pickup (I'm hearing impaired, so if I absolutely need to make a telephone call, I make an internet connection to a relay operator who speaks and listens to the other party, and types back and forth with me). Simple question, is my order ready for pickup? A one-word answer is sufficient: "yes" or "no."
הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
Posts: 31956 | Location: Central Florida, Orlando area | Registered: January 03, 2010
You had a lot better day than I have had over the last month. Nobody's fault but my own for not moving out of the area.
On the bright side, one of the people I worked for that took credit for all my work tried to kill his wife with a candlestick holder. Yes, he was a Marine...you have to wonder what has happened to this great country.
Posts: 12046 | Location: Herndon, VA | Registered: June 11, 2009
Not even going to discuss the clerk at the pharmacy who gave me a giant run-around when I made a relay call to ask whether my Rx meds were ready for pickup (I'm hearing impaired, so if I absolutely need to make a telephone call, I
VT are you using Publix for your scripts, if so download their Pharmacy App, you can create an account, load up your prescription numbers and then refill them from it, get notices they are ready by text, they are pretty good at it.
Posts: 25063 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008
Asshole # 2: Express checkout at the grocery (10 items max). Woman has a loaded cart. I lost count somewhere around 30 items and she was still putting stuff on the conveyor.
My pastor gave a pretty good sermon on Sunday about, and I'm paraphrasing, "love thy neighbor" including the assholes. He mentioned your example #2. The 10 commandments seem a whole lot easier. I can get by with not killing her, but noooooo! I have to love her.
Posts: 12388 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007
Asshole # 2: Express checkout at the grocery (10 items max). Woman has a loaded cart. I lost count somewhere around 30 items and she was still putting stuff on the conveyor.
My pastor gave a pretty good sermon on Sunday about, and I'm paraphrasing, "love thy neighbor" including the assholes. He mentioned your example #2.
Self-centered "neighbors" like this one do not need my love. They clearly love themselves. Any additional love would be superfluous and probably not even noticed.
הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
Posts: 31956 | Location: Central Florida, Orlando area | Registered: January 03, 2010