More time in the woods - Craig Lake State Park Michigan

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September 17, 2021, 02:26 AM
More time in the woods - Craig Lake State Park Michigan
Last weekend my 13 year-old son and I got to take a trip that we've been wanting to do for a while. It kinda came together at the last minute. I'd worked all week...the other night shift guy was off on vacation so I picked up some extra shifts, and we had very little prep time. We loaded two Kyaks, fishing gear, and our packs in the truck the day before. I ended up taking off early around midnight Thursday night, grabbed a few hours of sleep, and we hit the road at 7 am.

It took us about 10 hours to get there, but as always it's a beautiful drive up to the UP. I had to cross the Mac, which always scares the hell out of me (not a fan of heights or deep water...and I hate that tire-grabby grating in the center lane, but it sure beats being on the outside!), but we made it without incident.

We drove along Rt 2 on the north shore of Lake Michigan for a while, passed the area where my wife and I honeymooned 16 years ago, and where we used to vacation as a family before the people we rented from sold the cabin. It's still gorgeous.

We got to the park with a few hours till sunset. The 8-10 mile road getting back there is pretty sketchy. It's a logging road/snowmobile trail, and it's got some huge rocks and holes in it. There were places where I had to straddle washouts and pick my line to avoid punching a hole in my oil pan, but my 20 year-old RWD truck got it done.

(A better section of the road)

We finally made it to the parking lot, where they have self-registration envelopes (kinda expensive...IIRC I paid $57 for two nights because I had to pay the non-resident fee for a 3 day Michigan recreation passport, + 2 nights camping at $15/night). There were about 5 other vehicles there, and we saw a few other people, but it was far from crowded. We donned the packs and carried our kayaks about 1/4 mile down the trail to the lake.

We strapped everything onto the kayaks and paddled out onto the lake looking for a campsite, and found an awesome one about halfway up the lake. It was on top of a little cliff in a grove of pine trees. There was a campfire ring with a grate, and somebody had built a little counter/food prep area. The ground was soft, and there was a great view of the lake.

We got camp set up, then realized that we'd left half the food in the cooler in the truck. That involved paddling 3/4 of a mile back across the lake, walking 1/2 a mile to the truck and back, then paddling back to camp. We ate in the dark, but it was worth it to have the food. The view wasn't bad while we were cooking, either.

The weather was great...60s during the day and 40s at night...awesome sleeping weather. You could hear the loons call all night, too, which was just awesome. Amazingly for the UP, there were no bugs...I think I only saw one mosquito the whole trip! It was really windy on Saturday afternoon, and rained a little Saturday night, but we stayed dry in the tent.

Saturday was fishing day. I don't have any pictures because we were out on the water and I didn't want to risk my phone. In the morning we stayed on Craig Lake where we were camping. There are a bunch of pike in these lakes. I hooked up first, and promptly lost him, along with my lure. My son then proceeded to catch 3 Northerns, between 18 and 24 inches. Pike are catch and release in the park, so we let them go.

After lunch we portaged the Kayaks over to Crooked Lake. It's about 1/4 of a mile portage, and the trail is pretty good so it wasn't too difficult an endeavor. We fished Crooked Lake and I hooked into a huge least 36". The thing was big enough that it could have swallowed my whole arm. I got it to the boat and yelled for Noah to bring the tape measure, but he was fighting his own fish at the same time. I ended up letting mine go and paddled over to help him with his, which was a bit smaller at 28", but still would have been a keeper back home. Ultimately, we didn't set any records, but it wasn't a bad day's fishing for a couple of Indiana boys.

(A little shoreline fishing at camp)

We spent another night at camp, then packed up in the morning and drove 10 hours home. It was a lot of driving for basically one day on the lake, but it was a blast. My only regret is that it got thrown together so fast and we had so little time that I didn't get a chance to connect with SigForum's very own YooperSigs while we were up there. I imagine we'll be back at some point, so hopefully we can make that happen then!
September 17, 2021, 10:52 AM
Thanks for a view of paradise. Looks like a lot of fun and I want to go back already.


The butcher with the sharpest knife has the warmest heart.
September 17, 2021, 11:16 AM
Not a single monster fish pic?!?!? Eek Confused Eek
September 17, 2021, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by m499:
Not a single monster fish pic?!?!? Eek Confused Eek

Sadly, no. My son let his batteries die, and my phone was our only link to the outside world (and it would have been a hike to find service, even then), so I opted not to risk it out on the lake. I've been known to flip a kayak Big Grin.
September 17, 2021, 06:16 PM
Looks like an amazing time. Love the pics. Hope you get to spend more time there again.

Niech Zyje P-220

October 05, 2021, 04:21 PM
I took the same ride along US 2 yesterday as part of my job.

October 06, 2021, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Pal:
I took the same ride along US 2 yesterday as part of my job.


Not a bad day at work!
October 07, 2021, 04:58 PM
I enjoyed your pictures. Was that the Mackinac Bridge in #1?


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
October 07, 2021, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by flashguy:
I enjoyed your pictures. Was that the Mackinac Bridge in #1?


Thanks, glad you enjoyed them! Indeed it is. Longest suspension bridge in the Western Hemisphere.
October 12, 2021, 01:35 PM
If you get up this way again. I live a couple of miles away from the first roundabout you see on your way home. Try a cudaghi from Ralphs at the roundabout.
October 13, 2021, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by hvyhawler:
If you get up this way again. I live a couple of miles away from the first roundabout you see on your way home. Try a cudaghi from Ralphs at the roundabout.

Well, I had to look that up, and it looks amazing! Something to try next time! We actually stopped at a place in Epoufette on the way home where we used to go when we vacationed up there. Got some lake whitefish, fries, and coleslaw. I didn't manage to get a pasty this time, either, but we usually try to when we're up there. You guys sure eat good in the UP!
October 21, 2021, 05:56 AM
Originally posted by 92fstech:
Last weekend my 13 year-old son...

Awesome piece of ground right there....THE Ultimate Paradise! What a great place to wake up in a tent! Cool


If Some is Good, and More is Better.....then Too Much, is Just Enough !!
Trump 47....Make America Great Again!
"May Almighty God bless the United States of America" - parabellum 7/26/20
Live Free or Die!
October 22, 2021, 11:28 PM
Awesome piece of ground right there....THE Ultimate Paradise! What a great place to wake up in a tent!

It truly was! Gorgeous sunset, and the loons were awesome to listen to, with the occasional fish jumping in the lake. Even the light rain we had the second night was pretty soothing. I'm hoping we get to go back one of these days.