May 01, 2019, 03:04 PM
wingsparSigForum Photo Contest Part IV: Show your 1911's
Wasn’t sure how this worked, so I looked up the rules and am posting them here for those like me that don’t know them.
Photos taken that month, Submitted the first 3 weeks/21 days. Voted on the last week of the month via a separate poll thread.
The winner wins bragging rights, and the ability to choose the firearm-related photo-topic for the following month.
So simple rules:
1 Photos must be your own.
2 Photos must be taken that month.
3 Use whatever post processing you wish.
4 One photo submission per month.I’ll start off with an example. This photo taken several years ago and will not count.
May 16, 2019, 02:24 PM
wingsparSome nice entries. On the 21st of this month, this contest will close and I will start a poll, so lets see some more photos entered.