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Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
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These are awesome, thanks for sharing! Please keep posting them...there's some really interesting history here.
Posts: 9882 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here's some new photos for February.


BERKELEY, CAL. — PHOTO SHOWS: Miss Gladys Izant, 18-year-old freshman co-ed at the University of California, recently won the highest score at the shooting range on the University campus, where she defeated both the men and women students, thereby setting a new “high score record” for the University. She uses the regulation army rifle — Springfield 1903 model. Miss Izant is considered the crack rifle shot of the west. Feb 21 1927

Feb. 1945

Crowd waiting to see John Glenn, Washington DC, 2/26/62

John Glenn parade, Washington DC, 2/26/62

By Jacqueline Andre

Although the “germ” that causes it is more than 1,000 miles away, a disease known as “Beatlemania” showed a marked upsurge in Minneapolis Monday. And it looked as though both medical science and parents would be hard pressed to stamp out the malady.

Teen-age boys are growing their hair out and combing it down to their noses. Those in a hurry are donning “Beatle” wigs. Teen-age girls are hiding their eyes with “Beatle” bangs. And they’re all talking about a homely guy called “Ringo.”

The reasons for the sudden epidemic of “Beatlemania” are four singers who grew up in the slums of Liverpool, England – George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr.

Youthful interest in the rock ‘n’ roll group began several months ago, surged when they arrived in the United States last week and broke the top out of the thermometer Sunday night when the group appeared on the Ed Sullivan television show.

Shown – John Kroth, 12, of Garfield AV., wore “Beatle” wig. – FEB 11 1964

LOS ANGELES: Jack Webb (R) now producing, directing, and starring in Universal TV’s “Dragnet 1966” receives his old police revolver and badge 714 from Los Angeles Police Chief William H. Parker. In 1958 when Webb stopped production of his “Dragnet” series, he turned his revolver and badge over to Parker. In the new show, to be released over NBC-TV this fall, Webb will portray Joe Friday, the same character he made famous in his old show. 2/28/66

A FAMILY HOBBY - ST. LOUIS: “Women will never be as good in shooting as men,” says Mrs. Sallie Durbin who in 1968 defeated all male competitors and tied a world's record for women in the St. Louis state skeet shooting competition for .410 bore guns. She first saw shooting as an activity to divert her husband from go-kart racing. Sallie and her husband John hold several world skeet shooting records and recently held the world husband-wife team title. They praise the sport as a great family hobby. 2/4/1970
Posts: 520 | Registered: June 15, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of henryaz
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Originally posted by JSW:
John Glenn parade, Washington DC, 2/26/62

Thanks for posting these pics, and keep them coming. I love that '62 Lincoln Continental.

When in doubt, mumble
Posts: 10887 | Location: South Congress AZ | Registered: May 27, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gone but Together Again.
Dad & Uncle
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Thanks for yesterdays update!
Posts: 3896 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: November 24, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks guys! I will try to post more the first week of every month. Here’s another for February.


Mrs. Kathryn Gens of Liberty, Wisconsin, a city girl who became a farmer’s wife, was stopped by milk strike pickets as she drove a load of milk to a distributing plant in New London, Wisc. She drew a pistol, her police dog growled, and the pickets leaped aside to let her pass. She is shown above. 2-18-33
Posts: 520 | Registered: June 15, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here’s some for March.

Slate Pickers, Scranton, Penn., March 1904

Boston Police Detective Bureau MAR 1933

Long Island - March 1942

Ford company picnic Sat. 3/30/57

ADVANCE FOR SUNDAY, MARCH 17, WITH DETROIT GUNS STORY — LISTEN GIRLS — Instructor Lisa Rozner describes an automatic pistol to a group of woman attending a gun clinic at the Dearborn, Mich., police pistol range. The clinic is one of a number in the Detroit area training civilians — many of them women — in the use of firearms. Police officials say civilian interest in guns and gun training has increased significantly since the riots last July. March 14, 1968

PHILADELPHIA, MAR. 20 - Ready for trouble - Carl Potnick stocks shelves in his father's Philadelphia food market with a .38 caliber revolver strapped cowboy fashion to the outside of his butcher's apron, Friday. Potnick started wearing pistol after neighboring women's and children's apparel shop operator was slain in a holdup Thursday. March - 1971

ALI'S A “KILLER” - SAN MARCOS, TEX.: From busses to bullets, from “Love Story” to “The Getaway” - That's part of the Ali MacGraw film story. Steve McQueen teaches Ali how to handle a gun in San Marcos during filming of “The Getaway,” a National General Pictures Corp. release. Ali had to learn for a scene in which she “shoots” and “kills” Ben Johnson. 3/15/72

On one weekend each month, Marine reservists gather in Tampa to take on a staged military mission. They are part of the 4th Amphibian Assault Battalion of the 4th Marine Division. The Tampa unit draws its people from the southeastern United States, although most of its crew comes from the bay area. The vehicles reservists use are called LTVP-7A1 Assault Amphibian Vehicles. They are lightly armed and protected so they can carry Marine forces from ship to shore. The vehicles have a crew of three, and while they can carry up to 25, the preferred combat load is 18.

SHOWN: Lance Cpl. J.R. Bartolus in camouflage. MAR 9 '88
Posts: 520 | Registered: June 15, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bookers Bourbon
and a good cigar
Picture of Johnny 3eagles
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Thanks again for posting these great pictures. Great job and appreciate the effort.

If you're goin' through hell, keep on going.
Don't slow down. If you're scared don't show it.
You might get out before the devil even knows you're there.

Posts: 7541 | Location: Arkansas  | Registered: November 06, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of SSgt USMC/Vet
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Thank you JSW for the pictures, I very much enjoyed them.
Posts: 1979 | Location: Northern Virginia/Buggs Island, Boydton Va. | Registered: July 13, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here's some for April

April 6, 1918, Third Liberty Loan drive, Cleveland O.

PLANE LANDS ATOP CAR IN STREET. Three men narrowly missed death recently when a huge De Haviland army biplane made a forced landing atop an automobile in a Los Angeles street. One of the flyers received a broken shoulder and the other a few scratches while the driver of the car escaped unharmed. 4-29-29

Lincoln H.S. Girls Archery Team, April 1941

NOT TO BE PUBLISHED PRIOR TO SUNDAY, APRIL 16 1944 - MARINE DEVIL DOGS - Once again dogs are proving to be man's best friend. They are taking part in the war in the Southwest Pacific and have proven themselves to be heroes under all circumstances. The dog platoon at Bougainville was the first full platoon of dogs to be used in combat by any of our armed forces during this war. These canines are enlisted in the Marine Corps in the Marine Devil Dogs and are given several months of grueling training under simulated battle conditions. This schooling, they put to good use when in actual combat. They live, as Marines do, in foxholes, in jungles and on limited rations, and like all true Marines, fall to their task with great eagerness. Several of the dogs have been commended by the Marine Corps Commandant for their outstanding work in combat.

NIPPED BY A NIP ---- Jack, a three year old Belgian Shepherd, was donated for war service to the Marine Corps by his owner Joseph Verhseghe, Floral Park, New York, and has been commended by the Commandant of the Marine Corps for "outstanding performance against the enemy" while on Bougainville. Jack was in the line of duty carrying a message back from the company on a road block, and was wounded in the back by a Jap sniper. Even though wounded he carried the message through. He is pictured here with one of his handlers, Private First Class Finley, Elmira, New York. ---- Photographer PFC P. Scheer

FIVE JAPS TO HIS CREDIT - PHILIPPINES -- Probably the youngest and proudest guerilla fighter in the Philippines, Ponciano "Sabu" Arida of Santo Maria, Laguna Province, Luzon, has five dead Japs to his credit. The eleven-year-old patriot, who fought the Japs throughout the three-year enemy occupation of the islands, is now working with a unit of the 43rd Division. -- ARMY RADIO TELEPHOTO 4/19/45

(April 5) SKATEBOARDING BECOMES NATION’S NEWEST MANIA – Two young devotees of the newest American sport – skateboarding – show their style at a Covina, Calif., recreation center. Danny Bearer, left, does a simple warmup as George Trafton shows a headstand. Manufacturers of skateboards can’t keep up with demand. They liken its mushrooming popularity to the hula hoop craze of the last decade. 1965

RIOTS CHICAGO - APRIL - 1968 - Private policeman standing behind gate in front of a store he was hired to protect. He said he stood guard all night with his .38 cal. pistol in hand and chased away several attempts by people to loot store.

MORONG, PHILIPPINES: The Montagnards, the fiercely independent tribesmen of Vietnam’s Central Highlands who fought the communists in the jungles of Cambodia and Vietnam, recently decided to abandon their struggle and seek new lives in the U.S. In this April, 1969 photo, a Montagnard tribesman heads for his guard post at Tieu-Altar, South Vietnam with his baby strapped to his back. Sept 1 1986

LADY LEATHERNECKS – QUANTICO, VA.: The gear that Lt. Donna Manning is wearing during combat training at the U.S. Marine Corps base at Quantico recently isn’t exactly tailored to measure. The Marine Corps has no intention of putting women on the front lines or even in any of the combat arms specialties – infantry, artillery, tanks or planes. “Everyone equates this training with combat,” says Col. C.D. Dean, Basic School commanding officer, “but I look at it in terms of practical experience in leadership.” 4-29-77

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Posts: 520 | Registered: June 15, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Great stuff, once again.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48146 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
A man's got to know
his limitations
Picture of hberttmank
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Some good photos in this thread! They didn't use much muzzle or trigger control back in those days.

"But, as luck would have it, he stood up. He caught that chunk of lead." Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock
"If there's one thing this last week has taught me, it's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it." Clarence Worley
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Bookers Bourbon
and a good cigar
Picture of Johnny 3eagles
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Excellent historical photos again! Looking forward to May already.

If you're goin' through hell, keep on going.
Don't slow down. If you're scared don't show it.
You might get out before the devil even knows you're there.

Posts: 7541 | Location: Arkansas  | Registered: November 06, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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John, thanks for a fascinating new batch of photos. Many predate me, but some others hark back to my own childhood, such as the skateboarding one. Please keep them coming!

When in doubt, mumble
Posts: 10887 | Location: South Congress AZ | Registered: May 27, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here are some more for May

NEW YORK DESPERADO CAPTURED: NEW YORK CITY - After supplying police one of the toughest battles in the annals of gun play, Francis “Two-Gun” Crowley, sought for the murder of a Nassau County policeman, was captured early this evening in an apartment house in West Ninetieth Street near West End Ave. Crowley was severely wounded in the battle and taken to Bellevue hospital. Included in his capture was Helen Walsh, alleged companion of his when the policeman was slain, and Rudolph Durlinger, Ossining, N.Y. truckman whom police have been searching for in connection with the recent murder of Virginia Brannen, dance hall hostess.

Photo shows Helen Walsh in custody of plainclothesmen after the shooting and capture of Crowley. 5/7/31


On the screen, many a lad does feats of derring-do with pistols. Off the screen, Clark Gable has proven he can do things with pistols in scoring some high shooting records at the Hotel Del Monte, where he rested before starting work on his new picture “Cain and Mabel”. He's shown on the Del Monte Gun Club grounds. In addition to pistol work, he's a good trapshooter and fine fisherman. 5-2-36

UNOFFICIAL … BUT ENTHUSIASTIC – CHICAGO, ILL … This little ocean of American flags seemed to spring from nowhere when Father Gallagher told his pupils at St. Columbkille school in Chicago that the war in Europe was over and that the long-awaited V-E Day was here. Similar scenes prevailed in many big cities when the unofficial announcement of Germany’s unconditional surrender hit the headlines. Lack of confirmation from official sources failed to dampen the enthusiasm. 5/7/45

May 51

William Armstrong (The Boy Scout instructor) giving tips at the YMCA Boy Scout safety clinic. (Another will be held next Saturday 6/3) The YMCA believes every boy should know the fundamentals of gun safety. 5/27/67

ADVANCE FOR SUNDAY MAY 31, 1970, WITH UPI STORY BY JAMES PURDY - OKLAHOMA CITY: Tim Holt, hero of 140 western movies, checks out six-guns used during 22-year career. The pistols were used by his father, Jack Holt, a “good guy” in the Saturday thrillers before him. Holt, 52, now a radio sales manager in Oklahoma City, thinks the movie industry is missing a financial bet by not bringing back the traditional knight in white Stetson who rarely drank anything stiffer than sarsaparilla. 5/31/70

NEWPORT NEWS, VA. May 13 – NIMITZ CHRISTENED – A crowd of 4,000 witnessed the flotation launching of the U.S.S. Nimitz, the nation’s second nuclear attack aircraft carrier, here Saturday. 5/14/72
Posts: 520 | Registered: June 15, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bookers Bourbon
and a good cigar
Picture of Johnny 3eagles
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Great photos again.

Crap, I'm older than historyFrown

If you're goin' through hell, keep on going.
Don't slow down. If you're scared don't show it.
You might get out before the devil even knows you're there.

Posts: 7541 | Location: Arkansas  | Registered: November 06, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by JSW:
NEWPORT NEWS, VA. May 13 – NIMITZ CHRISTENED – A crowd of 4,000 witnessed the flotation launching of the U.S.S. Nimitz, the nation’s second nuclear attack aircraft carrier, here Saturday. 5/14/72

I was present at the launch of the George Washington, CVN-73, in 1990. It is truly an amazing experience, overwhelming the size of the thing before launch. Also interesting was the way the construction was modular. Each module could be turned any way to permit welding and fitting in the optimal position, and then each module was assembled to the final ship under the gantry crane.
Looking forward to each new month's pic, JSW.

When in doubt, mumble
Posts: 10887 | Location: South Congress AZ | Registered: May 27, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Something to look forward to every month! Smile


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48146 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Here’s a bonus for upcoming Memorial Day. Don't know the gun but with this forum I’m sure someone will quickly come along and ID it.

FSB Dave May ’68
Posts: 520 | Registered: June 15, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Thank you
Very little
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Looks like the top one in this image of PAVN Weapons.. PPS 42 Russian Submachine gun


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