April 06, 2020, 03:41 PM
barry1967We haven’t had an EDC thread in a while!
Ok, I remember that.
Originally posted by SigM4:
Originally posted by Dusty78:
Because it’s an HK. It’s an old joke. In a promotional magazine ad years ago HK had the round in backwards in the mag and it has been a running joke ever since.
Originally posted by barry1967:
Why does is look like your first round in the extra mag is in backwards?
I’m a man of culture after all.
April 27, 2020, 07:35 PM
ifithituTo be honest I have a rotation of edc,but I do carry my p365 90 percent of the time.
April 29, 2020, 05:42 PM
terraSome Old school, back when the phones were bigger than the sidearm..
And Current setup
May 09, 2020, 03:07 PM
ChowserEvery time I get a new HK, I always do a photo with a mag loaded like that (top right). It's kind of a tradition now.
May 20, 2020, 02:05 PM
BennerP220Nice, Z06! What flashlight is that?
May 20, 2020, 03:13 PM
Z06Lumintop AA 2.0 - best under $20 single AA I've found
May 20, 2020, 08:05 PM
BennerP220Thank you. I just ordered one off amazon.
Originally posted by Z06:
Lumintop AA 2.0 - best under $20 single AA I've found
May 21, 2020, 09:20 AM
ruger357I need to post my gear. I really like the spyderco Embassy.
Enjoying this thread. Thanks.
May 24, 2020, 07:48 PM
BennerP220Please do!
Originally posted by ruger357:
I need to post my gear. I really like the spyderco Embassy.
Enjoying this thread. Thanks.
May 28, 2020, 03:46 PM
RHINOWSONo pimp-daddy glamor shots of safe queens here. G19.4 FDE with Ameriglos, OEM (-) connector, G17 smooth trigger, and OEM extended slide stop / magazine release, plus some beat up Talon grips and Surefire XC1B. OEM Mag with Federal HST 147gr +P and a 17rd G17 reload (still on the belt).
I don't carry both knives - the Japanese Al Mar is in shorts / summer because it is considerably lighter in the pockets than the Emerson - pity they were bought out and are making all new Al Mars in China.

The Emerson just came back from sharpening at their shop - try as I might, I cannot get the knack for sharpening the chisel grind very well. I usually send it back once a year and for the $20 it costs including shipping, it's well worth it.
Surefire E1B Backup and Original Titan. Worn hard, put away wet - still working fine.