In 1984 I was attending University. In my safe I has a Ruger Security Six, Ruger 10/22 rifle, 3" heavy barrel S&W model 10 and 4" pencil barrel S&W model 10.
I had no money so I couldn't afford much ammo. I had so few 38 Special and 357 mag ammo that I would occasionally clean each one with a cotton towel. I usually had couple boxes of 22lr ammo that I would buy at K-Mart for $0.99/box.
I was 9 years old,I was fantasizing about what America was like. Will my family and I ever make it there? What is snow like, Red delicious apples, M&M's? Eventually....thirteen long years later we did make it here, legally. Now comes the hard part...the American Dream...
I was 3 years old. 26 years later I did get my M1A Fully Loaded, and its a blast to shoot. It should be for $1600 This message has been edited. Last edited by: DOUROS81,
Posts: 2028 | Location: St.Louis County, Mo | Registered: December 12, 2003
That picture makes me miss my Nikon's.. I have a D70, but it is not the same...
Oh, 1984, I had been out of the Navy for 9 years, out of the National Guard for 4 years, and my oldest child was almost 2 years old.
Pardon me, but I have to go take a nap now...
----------------------------------- "All men should cultivate a fixed and firm determination, and vow that what they once undertake they will never give up."
I commented earlier, but neglected to mention that in 1984 I'd been retired from USAF for 4 years and working for Texas Instruments here in Dallas, Texas for most of that time.
Back to the OT, I borrowed a Nikon Coolscan V slide scanner from a friend and converted a lot of my slides. That unit does a much better job than the cheap one I had bought earlier, and the ability to control the improvements was very good. It was incredible how well it could bring out a usable picture from a slide that had faded to almost transparency.
Originally posted by snakeman48: I was 36, and bought my first Harley in 1984. A 1985 FXST. I now ride a 2003 FXST/D Deuce.
Interesting. I bought my first Harley in 1984, also--traded in a Yamaha 650 twin for a 1000cc Sportster. I had it modified to use a belt drive (had the only Sportster in the area with one). In 1989 I was in a bad accident and had to give up riding; the Sportster was fixed, though, and ended up being bought by a dealer from Holland (the Netherlands).
Originally posted by matthew03: Nice Springer! When I think of the pieces I let go over the years... I just cried on my keyboard. ha ha!
Me too, I sold my academy Beretta 92FS to another deputy for peanuts 12 years ago. He sold it to someone else and it's gone. I still kick myself for that mistake.
An eagle does not capture flies.
Posts: 1080 | Location: Between heaven and hell | Registered: March 24, 2004
In 1984 I was guarding nukes @ RAF Lakenheath, UK. Great photo! I lived in Lake Charles for years, my wife is from there, there used to be a great place to get po-boys over in Sulphur, Uncle Pie's I believe, dang those were good...
Posts: 58 | Location: LA | Registered: March 20, 2011