This is for a Zero 115 FMJ. Rather than using one of the OAL values in one of the many loading books I have, I went the route of doing the plunk test, seeing if the bullet could turn in the chamber, etc. Initially, it wasn't ejecting properly so I decreased OAL step by step until it seated properly, ejected and fit the mag all the way down. I ended-up with a OAL of 1.165". This, needless to say. is way longer than any reloading manual figure. I know that maximum OAL for 9mm is 1.169. Am I too near the max here. It appears to function correctly but am I running -up against something I may not be aware of.
FWIW, I've reloaded 9mm for a very long time. Within my humble experience, more issues are caused by loading shorter, than loading near or up to the 9mm's max overall length. I've experienced less reliability and/or pressure issues than with ammunition loaded shorter. And it isn't unusual that the OAL I loaded this or that bullet to is greater than the loading manual figure. I load to the longest OAL that will fully chamber, without running into the rifling leade, etc. I do keep OALs within the 9mm's 1.169" spec.
NRA Life
Posts: 1595 | Location: Under the Tonto Rim | Registered: August 18, 2003
As long as it runs in your gun, I'd say don't worry about it. Just keep in mind two things:
1. If there is any variance in the ogives of the bullets you are using, you could have issues bumping into the lands, as you're pretty close to your max length. But if you're confident in the quality of your components and that your loads are consistent across the board, you should be fine. If you really want to be sure, you can always use your barrel as a case gauge and plunk test every round.
2. Ammo loaded to that spec may work fine in your P210, but you may have issues in other guns with tighter throats. I've found that my CZ, Barsto 9mm P229 conversion barrel, and my FIL's Gen 5 Glock 19 all have very tight throats that necessitate either using a bullet with a very narrow ogive, or deeper seating to avoid sticking it in the lands. The same rounds worked fine in all my other guns. It's not an issue if you're only loading for that one gun, but something to keep in mind if you plan to use that ammo in anything else.
There's few things more annoying than taking one gun to the range, then having a bullet get jammed in the lands, having to force the slide open and then having a bullet stuck in your barrel and powder all over the internals.
Ultimately, I determined which of my guns had the tightest throats and develop every load so that it would run in that gun, and thus by extension all the others.
Posts: 9825 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006
Originally posted by 92fstech: Ultimately, I determined which of my guns had the tightest throats and develop every load so that it would run in that gun, and thus by extension all the others.
This without question. Develop a single load for all that you shoot. It will cut off any potential problems or last minute needs to spend time at the press.
Just my opinion.
Duty is the sublimest word in the English Language - Gen Robert E Lee.
I've also been reloading for a long time, over 60 years at this point, and never seen a problem with an OAL that's shorter than what the manuals say.
OTOH, I have seen a ton of problems with OALs that are the same as or longer than what the manuals say. I don't think a year goes by that someone I know runs up against this problem. The solution is always to shorten the OAL.
Thank you all for the replies. That being said, I'm through testing this Sig. I've spent enough time, valuable powder and primers that I'll take what I've got. I am satisfied that I've been through enough bullets, COLs and loads of different powders not to mention the purchase of a 1000 new Starlines, that I've covered enough of the gamut of possibilities. I think I victimized myself over the years into thinking that the P 210 was the ultimate and in the long run if you wanted a target 9mm without going to the custom built stage or buying the overseas model, that this was the way to go.And I still think it is an excellent pistol. The good groups, all shot from the bench through a red dot site at 25 yards, range from just over an inch to 2 inches if you throw out the occasional flyer which, I think, was from yours truly and not the gun. With that said, I have two nines one of which shoots better than the Sig-an STI 6" barrel and another, a CZ CTS, which can shoot as well as the Sig and both having better triggers than the Sig. (I have found that the Sig does have an excellent, smooth and light trigger but the pull is way too long and even from the bench may be the reason for not having a smaller group size or possibly fewer fliers.) With apologies to this group, I will be posting this to another group that I participate in since I'm a lousy keyboarder.