My G26 and my new Ruger PC Carbine have been beating up my 9mm brass pretty badly. The Glock has been flattening out the case mouth (like the examples on the right in the photo), and the carbine has been doing the same thing, only little worse...almost kinking the case mouth, like the examples on the left in the photo.
The kicker is that the Glock 26 didn't used to do this...and it is now doing it with my reloads, as well as factory ammo. I tried several different mags with the same result, so it's not likely a mag issue. I can't speak to the carbine, as it's new and there's no history there.
Any idea what's causing this? Maybe a weak recoil spring? It's not a huge deal, as 9mm is plentiful and cheap, and most of them should size out anyway, but if it's indicative of a problem with the gun or my load, I'd like to correct it.
Posts: 9826 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006
Case is still warm/hot from combustion. It is pulled from the chamber and dragged along the interior of the slide until it clears the ejection port. Thus it gets a bit flattened.
No worries as it will size back out in the reloading process.
Duty is the sublimest word in the English Language - Gen Robert E Lee.
Originally posted by fredj338: It is not an issue but my Gen2 G26 doesn't do that to brass.
Mine (gen3) didn't used to, either, which is why I'm kind of annoyed with it. I reloaded some of that brass last night, and it all sized right out so it's not a problem, but it does leave me wondering what changed with my gun. Maybe the recoil spring is wearing out.
Posts: 9826 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006