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LEOs and anyone who wears a vest to do you carry your BUG? Login/Join 
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I've been carrying a P320 Subcompact on my ankle at work for the last 5 years or so, and before that it was a G26. I shoot the P320 well, and I like the fact that it can use my duty gun mags if necessary. It is kind of large and heavy, but it has worked well for me over the years. Unfortunately, the doc is telling me that I have to take care of my feet because my circulation is going to degrade now that I'm diabetic. Basically wearing a velcro tourniquet around my calf with a 2lb gun in it is probably not conducive to good circulation, so things have gotta change.

I've seen some of the vest strap setups, but we wear outer carriers (the kind that look like a uniform shirt, but aren't), and I haven't been able to figure out how to make that work with those. To further complicate things, we're getting new vests and carriers in a month or so (should have them now but the uniform guy FUBARed the order like he always does) I'm not even 100% sure what I'll be working with. From what I hear, they're supposed to have moly loops along the bottom half, and more of a uniform look to the top.

I'd like to stick with the P320SC, if possible, since it's issued, but I also have a J-frame in .38 that I could use if I can't find a way to make the 320 work. Honestly, I'd feel safer carrying the J-Frame in most non-traditional locations than the 320 with it's light striker-fired trigger. It also doesn’t have to be vest carry, either...I just need to find a way to get it off my ankle.

If anybody has any ideas they'd care to share, I'd love to hear them. If you’re uncomfortable throwing “trade secrets” out on a public forum, my e-mail is also in my profile. Thanks in advance!
Posts: 9991 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Most ankle holsters need the tight elastic band to keep it from dropping down. I've found a way around it using the two-part ankle holster from Alien Gear. The first part wraps around the ankle - it has a pouch. The actual holster wraps around (and probably looser than the one you're using) and has a flat piece that sticks down into the pouch on the first part.

The only hitch - if you're wearing boots, the first part would be covered up. You might be able to make some device with a pouch that would attach to a boot.
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The Quiet Man
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Left hand pants pocket. Carried a 642 there for over a decade until my agency approved the p365 which took it's place. I'm so used to it that when I pocket carry off duty (not my primary method, but I'll toss something into my pocket for a quick run to the store or to work in the yard) I carry in my off side pocket. I shoot reasonably well left handed and transfer the weapon to my strong hand if I have time for a two handed grip.

Before we went to load bearing vests I kept it in the cargo pocket because the gear on my belt made it hard to get into the front pants pocket. Now that my gun belt is thinned out, it isn't a problem.

To be clear, pocket carry involves a holster. I don't just throw it in there to bang around. Nothing else goes in that pocket. Spend some time practicing drawing the weapon from the pocket in odd and uncomfortable positions. Practice dragging the holster off the gun in the pocket and what to do if it comes out with the weapon. I've never had that happen on an actual draw, but the one time you do it for real...
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For real?
Picture of Chowser
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used to be on my body armor under my uniform shirt for off hand draw. now with external carriers, I haven't figured out where to stick it. I used to carry a Glock 32 or 33 as my BUG since my duty weapon is the 31. Will probably get a 43 eventually and stick it somewhere on the carrier.

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Picture of Pyker
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Pocket carry, in a holster. Either a normal one for a pants pocket, or a larger flat one (like 5.11 used to sell) for a cargo pocket, to stop the pistol slopping around.
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Fighting the good fight
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Left side pocket carry.

Started with a S&W 642. Then a Kahr PM9.

Nowadays, if I were to go back to a uniform position, I'd carry my P365 in the same manner.
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Vest holster that utilized the vest straps. IIRC, it was made by Uncle Mikes.
This was for a snub revolver. I had the buttons on my shirt replaced with velcro so I could easily access it. For your uniform set up, I would say pocket carry is your best option.

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Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
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For those of you carrying in the do you access it under a duty belt? I've dropped from a 40 to a 36 waist in the past few months...I had to downsize stuff on my belt and literally every usable inch is still full. I've got so much stuff in the way of my hip pockets that it takes some serious gymnastics just to get my wallet out of there. I can't imagine trying to draw a gun. For reference, this is what access to my pocket looks like:

Cargo pocket could work...I'd have to adjust where I'm carrying some stuff because they're currently full of gloves, tourniquet, and cell phones, but I could probably find a way to make it work with the J-Frame. P320 would be pretty heavy.
Posts: 9991 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I had a buddy who had a cheap nylon holster modified to exactly fit his leg cargo pocket by sewing it to a leather backer that fit the pocket dimensions and kept the gun from flopping around loose. He wore it on the left leg so the patrol car console would not press on it.
There are some Kydex pocket "organizer" MOLLE panels that might work for that application. I forget who makes them. I saw some from Grayman Tactical but I dont see any for pocket size. CrossBreed holsters has some inserts that fit in purses that night work with Velcro/ Kydex holster to attach to the inserts.

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Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
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Those are some good ideas...especially using the left pocket to keep it from banging into the console. I wouldn't have thought of that until it started hitting it!

I found a nice looking crossbreed holster for that application, but it doesn't look like they make it for revolvers, or the P320. Honestly, I can probably make something myself that will work with stuff I have sitting around the house.
Posts: 9991 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fighting the good fight
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I guess I'm just built in a way/my pants are cut in a way that my uniform pants pockets clear my duty gear.

It would present an issue with, for example, jeans pockets that are more horizontal and requiring drawing straight up. But drawing from a pocket holster works just fine with the more vertical slash pockets on my 5.11 uniform pants.

I do know a few guys who carry in their lower cargo pockets, though. I never liked having a bunch of weight down there. It swings/flops around too much. I don't carry anything heavier than gloves, fabric leg restraints, and my wallet in my cargo pockets.
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Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
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I never liked having a bunch of weight down there. It swings/flops around too much. I don't carry anything heavier than gloves, fabric leg restraints, and my wallet in my cargo pockets.

I 100% agree with that. The P320 would drive me nuts. An airweight J-frame with a properly fit backing panel I could get away with, but definitely nothing bigger.

I did some playing around with different setups tonight, and think I found something that will work. I raided my holster bin and found an old nylon IWB holster with a reversible belt clip. I put that on upside down, and clipped it to the bottom of the the soft trauma plate, just to keep the holster in place. This all then went inside the front zipper pocket of the carrier. I had to move my bodycam from the center to the right chest pocket, but it'll work.

It'll accomodate the P320, but the J-frame prints less and is lighter and safer, so I think that's what I'm going to go least until we get our new carriers and then I'll have to figure it all out again.

Thanks for the ideas, gave me the inspiration I needed to figure out a solution, and more options to keep in mind if have have to change it all up again in a few months.
Posts: 9991 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Road Dog
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When we went to BDUs around ‘05 I started carrying my back up in my support (left) side cargo pocket in a desantis nemesis holster. Even though I’m admin I still carry either my G42 or LCP in that pocket in a nemesis.
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Picture of Steve in PA
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Prior to going to an outer carrier, I wear one that looks like a uniform shirt.....I would carry a S&W 642 in a vest holster. Very easy to get to, no one knew it was there, etc.

My outer carried has a large pocket closed by velcro, I just haven't gotten around to find a good way to secure the gun inside. Large pocket.

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Well, I was feeling industrious on my days off, so I made up a kydex holster and secured it in the front vest pocket with some Velcro. It's more secure and provides even better security for the trigger than the nylon holster. It prints a little, but not too bad. Now I'm beginning to think I need to pick up a DAO J-Frame so the draw is more snag-free...any excuse to buy another gun Big Grin.
Posts: 9991 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Eagle1
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I recently switched from a J frame to a 365SAS. I ankle carry and actually really like the extra rounds I get with the 365 now. Use a nylon uncle mikes ankle holster.

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Wait, what?
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Now that we’ve been in external carriers for a few years, mine rides inside on my strong side belly area in a nylon slip style holster Velcro’d in place. The carrier itself has a zipper front so it’s actually the fastest I’ve ever had access to my bug in years of carrying them. I carry strong side because I’ve found I can get at it faster with either hand than I could get it weak handed with a traditional cross draw that favors my strong hand.

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What am I doing-
Uniform, if I'm carrying a BUG, my primary is a G-21, BUG is a G-30. Primary is in a duty holster at the 3:00 position, the BUG is 4:00 in a pancake holster.

Plain Clothes, sometimes the same as above depending on what I'm doing. If not, it's a S&W 340pd inside my belt at the 1:30/2:00 (appendix carry). Winter- the 340pd in in my right jacket pocket.

I've got friends that have a small single stack 9mm / .380 in a sewed in holster on the inside of their weak side vest, just inside the opening at the armpit. That works great for them.

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Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
Picture of 92fstech
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What am I doing-
Uniform, if I'm carrying a BUG, my primary is a G-21, BUG is a G-30. Primary is in a duty holster at the 3:00 position, the BUG is 4:00 in a pancake holster.

So you've got 2 guns out in the open on your duty belt, one behind the other? I don't think I've got enough room on my belt to make it work (I used to, but I've lost a bunch of weight since I got sick), even if our SOP allowed it. I'm intrigued by the concept, though....don't think I've ever seen that before.

Velcro seems to be a pretty common trend, and I have to admit it works pretty well. This is what I came up with, at least until we get our new carriers in and I have to re-design it:

Posts: 9991 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Do No Harm,
Do Know Harm
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Originally posted by CPD SIG:
What am I doing-
Uniform, if I'm carrying a BUG, my primary is a G-21, BUG is a G-30. Primary is in a duty holster at the 3:00 position, the BUG is 4:00 in a pancake holster.

Plain Clothes, sometimes the same as above depending on what I'm doing. If not, it's a S&W 340pd inside my belt at the 1:30/2:00 (appendix carry). Winter- the 340pd in in my right jacket pocket.

I've got friends that have a small single stack 9mm / .380 in a sewed in holster on the inside of their weak side vest, just inside the opening at the armpit. That works great for them.

I’m trying to picture your 3:00/4:00 setup. You mean the two guns beside each other, both for strong hand draw?

If I could carry two full-sized duty guns, one on each hip, I probably would Big Grin

As it is, I’m in the “365 weak pocket in a Nemesis” camp. I can get it out as fast as my primary usually.

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