Horrible concerts

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October 27, 2018, 08:47 AM
Horrible concerts
Michael Bolton.
Worst show ever.

I was dating some girl and she wanted to see him.
This was in the mid 90s at Jones Beach Theater in Long Island, NY.

October 27, 2018, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by Chance:
Originally posted by lyman:
remembered another one,

first and only time (so far) I have walked out of a show

Real Big Fish, headliner,
English Beat, 'midliner'
and a variation of a local ska band as the opener,

local band was a variation of an older band that was called The Good Guys, basically some former member and other folks,

ska/kinda reggae type sound, really good group

English Beat, despite the fact that Dave Wakeling is the only original member,
were fantastic

real big fish, we made it thru 3 songs and punched the fukkit button, they were horrible, but then again, we were not college students ,,,,

walked out by the front bar to look at the merchandise on the way out and lo and behold Wakeling is hanging out,

got to have a great conversation with him, wife's shirt was signed, great time,

he told me he did the tour with RBF to get his music in front of a younger audience

Just as an FYI The English Beat released a new album in June. I love them.

I bought it when it was released!!

October 27, 2018, 09:07 AM
Bob Dylan

Saw him in a small venue in Charleston a couple of decades ago. He raced through his set so quickly that you couldn't understand a word. He really didn't want to be there

-.---.----.. -.---.----.. -.---.----..
It seems to me that any law that is not enforced and can't be enforced weakens all other laws.
October 27, 2018, 09:13 AM
Back in the '70s a Dead concert at Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, NJ. It was one of their concerts that was just plain boring. The drum solo started and we left. NRPS was the opening act and were very good.

I saw the Dead a few years later at the Capitol Theater, a private, "Fan Concert", they put on a signature show, terrific. I heard it replayed on Sirius not long ago, still great.


"Nature scares me" a quote by my friend Bob after a rough day at sea.
October 27, 2018, 09:25 AM
The Replacements.

Armored Saint opening for Metallica on the Ride the Lightning tour. Metallica good, AS bad.
October 27, 2018, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by UTsig:
Back in the '70s a Dead concert at Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, NJ. It was one of their concerts that was just plain boring. The drum solo started and we left. NRPS was the opening act and were very good.

I saw the Dead a few years later at the Capitol Theater, a private, "Fan Concert", they put on a signature show, terrific. I heard it replayed on Sirius not long ago, still great.

I remember the Dead playing in Roosevelt Stadium in the early 70's but I didn't go because I didn't like Jersey City, it was a jungle. It is getting to be a nice place near the water but is still dangerous to go there.

Living the Dream
October 27, 2018, 11:31 AM
Sig Sauer Kraut
I have to agree with Bob Dylan. I’m glad I got to see him live, but he didn’t seemed like he was alive. The first half I thought he was going to die on stage. The second half he seemed more alert but minimal acknowledgment of the crowd other than a half-assed thank you after each song.
October 27, 2018, 11:35 AM
Jefferson Airplane at the DC Shoreham circa 1969, just terrible vocals and instruments, sounded like they'd never played together before. Great light show though.

Opening act was Strawberry Alarm Clock, they really rocked, very tight and professional! Made the Airplane's abject failure so much more blatant.
October 27, 2018, 02:15 PM
Goo-Goo Dolls, they were the supposed big draw for the concert, with the Plain White Tees and Daughtry opening. My wife is a fan of the PWTs and we both like Chris Daughtry since he was on American Idol, so we got tickets and went. PWTs were unexpectedly great, Daughtry was sick, you could hear it in his voice between songs and he apologized for it, but it was still a great performance. The Goo-Goo Dolls were awful, they must use a LOT of Auto-tuning for their songs on the radio. We left before they finished playing.

Just recently went to a concert, Collective Souls were opening for 3 Doors Down, who I really wanted to see. Same thing happened, Collective Souls was great, their front man really drew you in between songs, had an engaging light /video show, played a very few new songs, which I really liked and I'm planning on picking up the new album. 3 Doors Down was not good. Their lightshow basically were like airport landing lights directed straight out into the audience. Nothing between songs, crappy performance, their hits were few and far between whatever other songs they were singing. Again, left as soon as I could.
October 27, 2018, 02:36 PM
Worst was KISS with Black and Blue opening. This is their sans makeup days. B&B opened and it sounded like a earthquake with some one yelling at you.

KISS came out and sounded the same exact way.

Unexpectedly good was Journey just last year. It was at The Wharf Amphitheater in Orange Beach. Outdoor concert. Brutally hot venue even at night. Schon said it was one of the hottest places he played. Mid 80s at 10:00 PM with humidity in the 90s.
My wife wanted to go so I said yeah let’s see the old farts play. We will forgive them for sounding like a Vegas has been act. They are old farts after all.
Boy was I wrong. They were tight, the sound system was great. Probably the tightest live act I have ever seen. As uncomfortable as it was, I would do it again.

It was so hot that 2 songs in to the headline act they ran out of waters. The band was taking turns changing clothes and they ran out. Not shirts, pants and everything was soaking in sweat.

TCB all the time...
October 29, 2018, 03:15 PM
O.A.R. couple of years ago in St Augustine.

Sound mix was terrible and the band could have cared less to be there.
October 29, 2018, 06:24 PM
I’ve seen The Rolling Stones twice, and I’m a big fan. The first time I was in the 12th row at the old Denver Coliseum. My friends and I camped in line overnight to get tickets on the floor right in front of the stage. Incredible show. The second time, however, not so good. It was my first—and last, stadium concert. They played in Fort Collins at CSU’s football stadium. It was a daytime show. Hot. Several acts proceeded the Stones and they weren’t good (or memorable, I don’t recall who they were). It was late afternoon before the Stones came on. They were obviously jacked up on something, or drunk, or both. We were hot and tired, they weren’t into it. Sound was awful. Miserable.

I note that a few have listed Bob Dylan as a “horrible concert.” I was fortunate to have seen the Reunion Tour with The Band. Tremendous show! You’re right about one thing, he’s not much for chatting up the audience. The only thing he said was, “Nice to be in the Rockies.” Nothing else. Great show though, lots of electrified version of songs from “Blood on the Tracks,” and of course The Band

despite them
October 29, 2018, 06:49 PM
Well one of the best and one of the worst if you count the opening band. At the Fox years I mean decades ago Yipes was opening for The Knack. We bad people booed Yipes off the stage. The Knack came out 40 minutes later and played one of the best sets I have watched live. VI
October 29, 2018, 07:16 PM
My worst was a couple years ago when Van Halen was doing a reunion tour with David Lee Roth.

Dave was terrible he talked all the songs and sounded bad. Very disappointed.

I wish it would have been Sammy or even just an instrumental would have been better.
October 30, 2018, 07:20 AM
Phish, VA Beach area, late 90s. I've seen some bad shows in my day, but this was the only concert I've ever had to walk out of. Technically proficient and talented musicians. But absolutely zero charisma, stage presence, mojo, dynamics. Like watching a poor imitation of the Grateful Dead with all soul and emotion removed.
October 30, 2018, 11:24 AM
Pale Horse
Originally posted by slosig:
Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
The Counting Crows circa 2006. That Sideshow Bob look-alike douche lead singer just wouldn't shut up about his politics. I've hated their music ever since.

The Goo Goo Dolls had opened for them and were really good though.

Damn, has it been that long ago? I was thinking it was just two or three years ago. The Goo Goo Dolls were great. It would have been a better show if the Counting Crows had never showed and I used to really like their music.

Several years ago I was in Ohio listening to the radio and a DJ told a story about THE Counting Crows that always makes me laugh. He said he’d just started at the station fresh out of college and was sent to do an interview of the band after they played a local show. He said that he opened the spot by saying something like “I’m here with The Counting Crows” when the lead singer cut him off and said that the bands name is Counting Crows, not THE Counting Crows and that they had decided that if the interviewer said THE then they were never going to play in that city again. The DJ said he basically shit himself, realizing that he’d just made a massive mistake this early in his career. He said he was silent for a second then figured his only chance was to double down so he told the band that it was fine, they were probably a one-hit wonder anyway and wouldn’t be doing any more major tours and he walked out. When he got back he said that he figured he was getting fired but his boss thought it was hilarious. At the time I heard him the guy had his own morning show so I guess it worked out.

“Everybody wants a Sig in the sheets but a Glock on the streets.” -bionic218 04-02-2014
November 03, 2018, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by 64dodge:
Originally posted by shovelhead:
Bob Seger pre Silver Bullet Band days, 1973. He was on the same bill with Iggy and the Stooges.

Seger was bad, really bad. To the point that I walked out and returned when Iggy came on stage.

Two years later I went to the Michigan Palace, the old Michigan Theater now a parking garage in downtown Detroit. Seger was the headliner, I got talked into going, that took a lot of talking. This was just ahead of the concert that Live Bullet was recorded at, Cobo Hall.

He had back what he lost a couple years before!

Very interesting. In '81, the Stones, Santana and Iggy played the Pontiac Silverdome. The Stones and Santana were awesome. Iggy opened and he was so bad he was booed off the stage about 15 minutes into his set. I had never seen that happen to an act and have never seen it since. Believe me, it was justified. He was absolutely awful. I guess anyone can have an off night.

First time I saw Iggy was at Farmington High School, Farmington Michigan, late November or early December 1970.

One day Iggy posters were at the school, Student Council IIRC fundraiser. Mitch Ryder and Detroit together with a local band, The Coming again if memory serves me right.

I was pretty bucks down, second Senior year, family turmoil so I had to scrape money together to go until a young lady asked me to go, her treat. How could I say no? So off we went in my 64 Ford as I had detonated the transmission in my 66 Pontiac 2+2 a month or so before.

Bands were great, Iggy was stoned out of his mind. Still entertaining, especially at the end as he was dragged off the gym floor by two Farmington DPS officers. Student Council really got reamed out over that debacle, I found it to be very entertaining, guess they should have had more than the "goody goody" types to advise them how great of an idea this was......

As a P.S.several years ago on Retronaut somebody posted photos of that concert including Iggy flailing on the floor. As we were really close to that I wondered if either my date or myself could be found. She was not but my ugly mug long hair and all can be seen in several of the photos. The memories!

————————--Ignorance is a powerful tool if applied at the right time, even, usually, surpassing knowledge(E.J.Potter, A.K.A. The Michigan Madman)
November 03, 2018, 08:23 AM
Styx Mr. Robato tour was awful. Just painful.

Marilyn Manson we just saw was probably 2nd worse concert, he just phoned it in with a bunch of stupid shenanigans. A few years ago put on a much better show without the stupid posturing stuff. Basically seemed like he had to keep up with the time, make political and go over the top on angst/anti social. Guess if you keep having to top yourself and society eventually goes beyond stupid. Ok, but then music was poorly done, band was not driving the beat and delivery had no energy.

I don’t mind if the band has different views or is up for some theatrics, but a)Music is bad (short set too) b)theatrics go beyond ridiculous...

Jumped the shark

“Forigive your enemy, but remember the bastard’s name.”

-Scottish proverb