Seems like there are a fair number of classic wet-shave folks on SF, so I thought I would start a thread to share info, experiences, etc.
Just give a free form description of “Today’s Shave”. What products/hardware you used, method, whatever. Seems “The Lair” is the appropriate place as it is for those of us who take shaving to a “hobby” level.
If it catches on cool, if not then I am a total shave geek and it will just fade into history...
I’ll start...
I’ve been on vacation for the past two weeks and with the exception of Christmas Eve, haven’t shaved at all. Not a real serious beard grower so not much more than long stubble. Certainly nothing that would be mistaken for a beard. Definitely “scruffy” though.
Today I knocked one of my vacation “to do” off the list with an early start to clean out the shed, put away the Halloween and Christmas decorations and get everything nice and tidy for the next 10 months till it all has to come out again. Also did some fence repairs as the wind storms we’ve had loosened some boards.
After that, I cleaned up a bunch of long overdue fence/deck building remnants, old bed frame, and other trash that had been collecting behind the shed. Swung by my mother-in law’s to collect an old mattress/bedsping and with everything together, made two trips to the dump.
Got home and was sore, achy, and (as pointed out repeatedly by my wife) smelly. Time for a nice long hot shower. We have on-demand NG tankless water heater and there are few things as nice as the occasional one hour, near scalding shower. While in the shower I decided I’d have a well deserved good shave afterwards.
I did a three-pass shave, with/against/across the grain. Wiping my face with a hot towel between passes. After the final pass, wiped with a cold towel (tightens the skin) and then applied cold-water wetted Alum Bar.
After my face dried, another cold water cloth wipe down followed by Thayer’s Witch Hazel with Aloe. To finish it all off, after the witch hazel dried, Captain’s Choice Lime After Shave.
Nice and smooth, no nicks although I did notice the blade dragging a little so it went in the bin when I was done.
I’d like to hear other’s experiences. Don’t have to be as detailed as me, share as much or little as you like. Post pics if you wish.
Let’s see if this goes anywhere...This message has been edited. Last edited by: 911Boss,
What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???
January 05, 2019, 07:35 AM
I just recently (about six months ago) made the switch from disposable razors to a Merkur 38c, with Feather blades. I have used a brush and shaving soap all my life. I don't get fancy with all the accouterments like a stand, etc. But I have switched to Omega shaving soap/cream due to a recommendation here in another thread. I like it a lot. I am just getting into and used to multiple pass shaves.
When in doubt, mumble
January 05, 2019, 09:08 AM
GA Gator
Edwin Jager DE89L Astra Blade (new) Dr. John's Krampus shave soap Fine L'Orange Noir aftershave with a pea size drop of Feather Kanwa, aftershave gel.
------------------------------ Smart is not something you are but something you get.
Chi Chi, get the yayo
January 05, 2019, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by GA Gator:
...Fine L'Orange Noir aftershave with a pea size drop of Feather Kanwa, aftershave gel.
I had a sampler of Fine L’Orange. Really liked it as I lean towards citrus scented soaps and after shaves.
What does the gel bring to the party?
What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???
January 05, 2019, 06:36 PM
GA Gator
Originally posted by 911Boss:
Originally posted by GA Gator:
...Fine L'Orange Noir aftershave with a pea size drop of Feather Kanwa, aftershave gel.
I had a sampler of Fine L’Orange. Really liked it as I lean towards citrus scented soaps and after shaves.
What does the gel bring to the party?
Moisturizer, it's a witch hazel / aloe / glycerin/ unscented balm, I like a tiny amount during the winter during the dry weather months.
------------------------------ Smart is not something you are but something you get.
Chi Chi, get the yayo
January 05, 2019, 07:57 PM
I am still in the learning/experimenting phase. Using a Rockwell razor (insert 3). Today I used a Shark super stainless out of the 100 blade trial pack. Captain’s Choice Venture shave soap applied with an Edwin Jaagger badger brush. Love the soap, the brush is a bit on the large side but it’s only been since Christmas so I need to give it some more time. No blood today, so that’s good! Still working on technique. Shaves are almost as close as with my old Gillette Fusion multi-blade.
After shaving and rinsing, I use Origins Mega Mushroom lotion (more of a water), and after it has dried Pacific Shave Co Caffeinated After Shave moisturizer.
Just another schmuck in traffic - Billy Joel
January 05, 2019, 08:07 PM
I'm pretty new with a safety razor but today was a Merkur 34c with an Astra blade, TOBS sandalwood with an Omega badger brush, and finished with a little witch hazel.
January 15, 2019, 01:53 AM
Meant to post yesterday, got too busy...
Heading back into work after the weekend and wanted something with a little “zest”
Shaving creams & soap Taylors (Avacado, Rose) Trumpers (Coconut) Van Der Hagen (Luxury)
Scuttle/latherbowl/mugs Robert Becker's Feats of Clay small Lava Slate scuttle 3"x3"inner bowl, outer holds 12oz water Danish stainless gravy bowl 4.75" x 2.625" interior, 5 7/8" across exterior Old Spice milk glass mug: Ship Recovery - Salem 1794
Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club! USN (RET), COTEP #192
January 15, 2019, 03:50 PM
Yesterday's shave: Dirty Bird Pottery two piece scuttle EJ DE89L Feather DE blade Mitchell's Woolfat shave soap My trusty cheapie Royal Shave badger brush Witch Hazel Nivea Balm Badass Beard Wax
June 11, 2019, 11:49 PM
P220 Smudge
Today's shave, my first with a straight. New acquisition, and the best I can tell from what I'm finding online, anywhere from 1897 to 1937, but from the company that invented the hollow grind, so a neat piece with a barber's notch at that.
ERN Straight Cremo citrus & sage as a pre-shave Stirling Soap Company Lime shave soap Cheapshit synthetic brush from Amazon (Weak link in the process for sure) Alum bar Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel Nivea sensitive skin shave balm
I'm encouraged by the outcome. I was pretty nervous going in, but it turned out alright. It's not as close as my DE and SE shaves have been, but I didn't cut myself and there's no really visible hair, even less irritation than I've gotten with my Gem and Eveready SE's, so I call it a win. I'm trying to start off with alternating hands for each side of the face and I went further than I inititally felt comfortable with (was going to finish my neck with a DE), so I feel pretty good about it. Two passes: WTG, and I started to do XTG but I just wasn't feeling comfortable when I felt the razor start to catch the first time, so I re-lathered my cheek and went ATG and had better results. I thought the razor was good enough to go off the bat, but after this attempt, it's clear it needs to go to my local honemeister, Albert at Seattle Edge after I do a fair amount of polishing. It should have been gliding in a lot of spots that it started tugging and pulling, so that's that. I don't want to teach myself on a razor that isn't where it should be. I also need a proper strop. I used my belt and it seemed to work well enough, but the right tool for the job is a thing.
My last shave was four days ago with a 1955 Gillette Red Tip loaded a Feather blade. Same pre and post-shave routine with Stirling's Lemon Chill instead of lime. BBS and no irritation. A slim adjustable like the one in the OP is next on my hit list.
I recently found out about Florida Water, or Acqua Di Florida, an aftershave/cologne that's been in continuous production in the same formula in the US since 1808, and being a history geek, I went looking for it locally after seeing a shave reviewer on youtube mention that his wife found it at a Mexican mercado/tienda for $4 for 7oz. That's $2 cheaper than Amazon, so I went to the nearest mercado yesterday and, not seeing it, asked for it. The clerk, who had been all smiles, turned sour and said they didn't stock it. I clarified what I was looking for and asked if he knew what it was and he replied "jess, 'an we don' mess with that estuff!" I left confused, and did some more research. Apparently, it is used heavily by the Caribbean and Latin hoodoo crowd. One video I got all of a minute into was some black guy with skulls and smoking cigars starting off with "this is why you need to use Florida Water in all your spells." So, given all the boxes of saints candles in that mercado, I guess I offended his Catholic sensibilities. Amazon got my business and I'll see what it smells like and how it performs next Monday.
______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
June 17, 2019, 11:30 AM
Today, on my face and head -Edwin Jagger DE89 -Pol Silver Super Iridium blade (3rd use) -D.R. Harris Marlborough shave stick. -Finest Badger knot from in my homemade brush. -Georgetown Pottery scuttle to keep my brush warm between passes as I face/head lathered. -Floid "Vigoroso" aftershave.
June 20, 2019, 07:46 PM
P220 Smudge
Today's shave: -Late 40's-early 50's Gillette Tech fat handle gold plated. -Feather blade, fresh out of the pack. -Stirling Soap Co. Orange Chill -$8 Garbage Amazon synthetic brush advertised as "badger." -Alum bar -Florida Water aftershave.
Been experimenting with cold water shaves, and my face is liking it a lot better than hot. Much less irritation, fewer weepers and ingrowns. No nicks, no blood, the alum is just my precautionary measure anymore. I was able to do three days (Sun-Tues) in a row this week of two pass shaves without a problem before I got lazy and skipped a fourth day that I could have done. That's completely unheard of for me. I watched a video of a guy who use some ice water to dip his brush in and wet his face with, and while it might seem a bit much or even ridiculous, it's actually quite nice. I think I'll keep experimenting with this. May not be the best way for a straight, though.
Originally posted by bald1: Old Spice milk glass mug: Ship Recovery - Salem 1794
Ok, that is darn cool, sir. I dunno if you're following this thread anymore, but any chance we could get to see that?
Today, I debated between a few vintage Eveready boar brushes of different eras at an antique store. They might have been an upgrade, but I think I want a decent badger brush. I bought another straight instead. I think this one just needs a decent strop and I'm off and running. Three different grind types of straights now and while they'll all feel different, I'm beginning to get a feel for how it's supposed to work. There is a learning curve, but fellas, if you haven't tried it out of fear of slitting your throat, I'm here to tell ya: It can be done without bleeding.
______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
June 21, 2019, 06:29 AM
Good thread!
Bookmarked for future reading.
___________________________ All it all you got. ____________________________ For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know
June 21, 2019, 09:53 AM
I figured out something, only for myself, years ago....
Before I shave I wash the face with exfoliating soap. Type of razor and shaving cream becomes largely irrelevant now.
What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
June 21, 2019, 12:51 PM
I upgraded my Man Card yesterday: shaved with a straight razor without bleeding.
Very nice shave, almost a mediation session. I don't see myself shaving with the straight razor when I am working day shifts (not enough time, need extra time with SE to get it right and not bleeding to death). I will be shaving with the SE on my days off though.
June 21, 2019, 01:33 PM
P220 Smudge
Congrats, jbscody! Very nice razor.
Yeah, it’s definitely not something you want to rush. Go slow, mind your angle and pressure and enjoy yourself.
______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
First time shaving off a goatee with a straight. I was a bit nervous, but once the bulk was reduced, it went fine. One tiny, inconsequential nick in my mustache area on the very last strokes of the cleanup pass, but great otherwise. I got worse cuts learning to shave with a Gillette Sensor. The wedge really plows through everything. It would have been a bit more daunting a task with my extra hollow grind, I think.
______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
June 29, 2019, 07:52 PM
Been using a pre-shave and it does make a difference, especially with the straight razor. I also have been using this DIY aftershave mix:
I also have a second bottle with eucalyptus instead of peppermint.