November 20, 2019, 01:25 PM
AirmanJeffCoD Modern Warfare 2019, need info...
Originally posted by trickedtrix:
I'm not impressed with ground war. I'm very pleased with all the game modes offered. The nature of COD is campy, but I find the most enjoyment in multiplayer on the NVG and realism modes. If you don't play with a good headset you need one to truly excel at this game. Footstep whoring is the only way to play in its current state
You know, that is funny you should mention that. I forgot to bring up how it seemed like people just always knew my location and I couldn't figure out why. It makes sense now, thank you.
November 23, 2019, 09:54 AM
Oz_Shadow$38 today on Amazon
November 23, 2019, 11:18 AM
AirmanJeffUPDATE: Been playing every other mode and it's much much better. Glad I gave it a second chance.
October 25, 2024, 10:47 AM
Chowserdid not try campaign yet. did one match of multiplayer and everything i did during the beta did not transfer. i'm actually off the next six days so I will try to get into the campaign
October 25, 2024, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Chowser:
did not try campaign yet. did one match of multiplayer and everything i did during the beta did not transfer. i'm actually off the next six days so I will try to get into the campaign
It never does. That’s why I don’t bother with the beta. And in the past the beta will cause problems with the actual full release to the point you are uninstalling everything and reinstalling from scratch.
I’m off for a few weeks soon and I will grind it leveling up all the guns for Warzone integration in December. Not looking forward to it as it’s an ass whip. They removed map based zombies and went back to round based, which I’m no fan of. MWIII, you could load into zombies by yourself, take a base level gun from 0 to maxed out in 2 games. You can’t do that now.