Remember this movie from 1986? Also starring Mary Stuart Masterson, Crispin Glover, David Strathairn and Kiefer Sutherland (though pretty briefly). It's based on a true story about a ring of farm implement thieves in the 1970's in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states. I liked it when it first came out and liked it very much again after just re-watching it. If you're a Christopher Walken fan it's a must see, as he's great in every scene, though I couldn't tell if his accent was from Brooklyn or was Cajun. Not to mention, a Colt 1911 is figured prominently in the movie. Try to find this movie, as it's worth watching.
Posts: 5279 | Location: WI | Registered: July 02, 2006
It's a hard movie to watch the second time around because you know what's going to happen. I do love the opening scene- very simple but emotionally quite effective; it fits my film-as-a-meditation mold. Madonna's music will never be used to greater effect in any film other than this one. IIRC, Sean Penn and Madonna were married at the time.
Spot-on casting of Christopher Walken and Sean Penn. While I think that Penn's politics are those of a confused child, he really is a great actor. Walken is the Devil himself in this film.
^^^Yes, I always liked the song "Live to Tell" by Madonna and the music is used very effectively as the score throughout the film. And I agree that although Penn's political views are lunatic, he's an excellent actor and did a great job in this movie.
I liked how they used the lighting on Walken when he was at his diabolical best. And he showed his great comedic ability when he did his "laundry."
Posts: 5279 | Location: WI | Registered: July 02, 2006
While I think that Penn's politics are those of a confused child, he really is a great actor.
For me personally I never GOT Sean Penn. In the vast majority of his work I don’t see the character I see SEAN PENN. This has nothing to do with his politics or anything of the sort as an actors politics are generally neither here nor there with me as far as their craft goes, I just never personally saw him as a great actor.
I mean there is no accounting for taste and we all know what opinions are like so I am very likely wrong since most folks see him as an excellent actor.
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
Posts: 8116 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002
But as an Actor, he is stunning in too many roles to list. I feel this way about various actors and actresses. Streep comes to mind. She may be the greatest actor I have ever seen, but I want nothing to do with her off screen whatsoever and I think this is how you should look at any actor, athlete, etc.
What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
Posts: 13404 | Location: Down South | Registered: January 16, 2010
Originally posted by parabellum: Do you see him in The Falcon and the Snowman, Casualties of War, Carlito's Way, Dead Man Walking, Milk, The Professor and the Madman?
I’ve never seen Milk or the Professor and the Madman but yeah.....I kinda always see Sean Penn
Honestly I think Spicolli is the only time I don’t see Sean Penn.
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
Posts: 8116 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002