House of Cards Season 5 will start on May 30th 2017 on Netflix. I thought season 4 was not as good as previous seasons. I hope season 5 will be better.
Living the Dream
Posts: 4052 | Location: New Jersey | Registered: December 06, 2010
Originally posted by rtquig: House of Cards Season 5 will start on May 30th 2017 on Netflix. I thought season 4 was not as good as previous seasons. I hope season 5 will be better.
I agree, both of them just got too vindictive and too far out there in season 4....I too feel seasons 1-3 were much better....
I thought 4 was over the top at the end. I guess they needed a cliff hanger. I'll be tuning in.
Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.
-D.H. Lawrence
Posts: 11524 | Location: Fort Worth, Texas | Registered: February 07, 2007
I finished it last night. Not bad. I still think the first couple of seasons were the best. I enjoyed seeing the interaction between Frank and Claire.
Was this the last season? I thought I heard somewhere that this was going to be the last season.
------------------------------ I'm a right wing, anti-illegal, pro-life, gun owning, straight, white, college educated, politically informed, conservative, Christian male. Liberals hate me.
Originally posted by AUTiger89: Do they keep refering to Doug Stemper as "Stanford"?
Yep, the first two, maybe stretch to three seasons were the best. The last one and this one (no quite finished it yet) seem to be getting more and more "out there" burning bridges as they go.
I also don't like the gay dalliances Francis is having. Nothing against gay, I just don't see what it adds to the story unless there is some blackmail in the future. Good grief, they've got enough skeletons in the wind.
Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.
-D.H. Lawrence
Posts: 11524 | Location: Fort Worth, Texas | Registered: February 07, 2007
Originally posted by Paragon: Who is watching this?
I'm not finished yet, but it looks as if they are playing fantasy with the Trump presidency. Exploring some options.
I haven't seen anything that really offends me, not like Designated Survivor.
My wife is. In and out of headpgones while I work. I noticed the CNN people are actually there and were actors. Now I understand whats going on with the media.
What man is a man that does not make the world better. -Balian of Ibelin
I finished it last night. An entire season devoted to an election? I kept thinking "well something's got to happen at some point". And nothing ever did except an absurd and immensely improbable single plot hook that could have been a single episode.
I want that time spent watching that season back. Beyond boring.
-- When you rest your steak and your whiskey upon the table you have made, you feel pretty goddamn tall for keeping those treats off the ground.
Posts: 2167 | Location: Arizona | Registered: July 08, 2009
Originally posted by billr: I finished it last night. An entire season devoted to an election? I kept thinking "well something's got to happen at some point". And nothing ever did except an absurd and immensely improbable single plot hook that could have been a single episode.
I want that time spent watching that season back. Beyond boring.
I'm about 5 episodes in. That driving urge to watch the next episode is less this year, and it is mostly out of an urge to get something interesting, after the episode we just watched left us flat.
I think the show has jumped the shark. The plot is just too far out there. I'll probably watch the season to see how it comes out, though.
I thought two murders committed personally by Underwood were close to the line in terms of credibility, but the shenanigans of the Underwoods in the last two years have exceeded my capacity to suspend disbelief.
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Posts: 53502 | Location: Texas | Registered: February 10, 2004
Originally posted by jhe888: I think the show has jumped the shark. The plot is just too far out there. I'll probably watch the season to see how it comes out, though.
I thought two murders committed personally by Underwood were close to the line in terms of credibility, but the shenanigans of the Underwoods in the last two years have exceeded my capacity to suspend disbelief.
My feelings exactly. Beyond the two murders, we are to believe that Francis preplanned the entire thing leading to his forced resignation and subsequent installment of Clair as POTUS so he could lurk behind the curtain and pull the strings. Or maybe he just said that to save some face with Clair. Either way, it's a stretch.
Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.
-D.H. Lawrence
Posts: 11524 | Location: Fort Worth, Texas | Registered: February 07, 2007
I'm almost finished with this season and I've found it to be quite enjoyable. The Underwoods are almost too evil for me to revile in their ultimate downfall....almost!
"I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken."
Posts: 10299 | Location: The Free State of Arizona | Registered: June 13, 2007
Don't watch if you are planning on watching this season. Whole season in 2 minutes.
------------------------------ I'm a right wing, anti-illegal, pro-life, gun owning, straight, white, college educated, politically informed, conservative, Christian male. Liberals hate me.
I just finished the season and didn't take it quite as bad as some of you. Watching House of Cards to me is a fantasy anyway, so I'm not looking for totally realistic, but rather entertainment. I enjoyed it and look forward to next season. The lack of pardon makes me very curious of course and I'm interested in how Francis responds.
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