Why I *REALLY* Watch "Nikita" on NetFlix!!!

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May 03, 2017, 08:34 AM
Why I *REALLY* Watch "Nikita" on NetFlix!!!
I recently started watching "Nikita" on NetFlix, starting from the very first episode as I had only seen one or two of them over the past few years and didn't really remember anything about the show. I fell in love with the show, but one thing, or should I say *person*, really grabbed my interest more than the show itself! To say I am captivated, mesmerized, entranced and completely overwhelmed by her beauty would be an understatement!!!

Lyndsy Marie Fonseca: I'll let the photos speak for themselves... first a really cute one of her, then two with more "substance".

Bill R.
North Alabama

I just can't quit grinnin' from all of this winnin'!
May 03, 2017, 09:19 PM
She's easy on the eyes that's for sure


May 04, 2017, 09:47 AM
I think I need to watch that show Smile