November 16, 2020, 09:29 PM
heavydHelp with 22 long rifles for lefties
What are the best rifles that meet the following requirements? The Savage Rascal is break action and compact. I can not seem to find anything. Thank you for the help.
- 22 long rifle
- Left-handed
- Bolt action
- Threaded barrel
November 16, 2020, 10:06 PM
SIGfourmeCZ is bringing back their left hand bolt 22 in 2021. My buddy is waiting for one. He bought a Bergera semiauto to satisfy his immediate need for a 22. The Bergera is a high end 10/22. Impressed with the quality and performance.
November 19, 2020, 10:03 AM
captain127I believe savage makes a number of left hand variants and though an inexpensive “economy “ type rifle they tend to shoot far better than the price point suggests. They have some weak points ( extraction issues with some ammo, weak magazines that are fragile) but a fair choice for left hand.
In the upscale market Anschutz does make some excellent ( and expensive) left handed rifles also
November 19, 2020, 09:49 PM
Lefty SigCZ452 .22 and .17HMR here. Find a used one, you won't be disappointed. Not aware of any threaded barrels though. The 455 was never available in lefty, but if they are going to start making lefty rimfires again that's great news. You can't do better for twice the price or more.
Browning made some lefty T-Bolts a few years ago. Again, not aware of any threaded barrels.
As stated above Savage has some decent accurate options but they are kinda rough.
November 20, 2020, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by SIGfourme:
CZ is bringing back their left hand bolt 22 in 2021. My buddy is waiting for one. He bought a Bergera semiauto to satisfy his immediate need for a 22. The Bergera is a high end 10/22. Impressed with the quality and performance.
Oh that is good news! I wanted a 452 american, but was too slow. I have a 452 Lux that I had threaded. It's super quiet with that long barrel!
November 20, 2020, 12:11 PM
nilsjohanTikka t1x is now available for lefties
November 20, 2020, 02:00 PM
IronworkerI have a couple of left handed Browning T Bolts that I am very happy with.
November 20, 2020, 02:47 PM
HoundogTough to beat a CZ452. Bought one a number of years ago (I think when Obama was first elected and ammo prices did their "a Dem. is going to be President" spike. Within a month of seeing me shoot it on the range 3 other guys in my gun club had one.

They are pretty cheap, well made and very accurate.
November 20, 2020, 08:06 PM
I was looking for the same thing as a suppressor host. I ended up getting a Savage MkII FV SR. I wish it were a lefty, but it's light enough I can hold it to my shoulder with my left hand on the grip/trigger and cycle the bolt with my right hand, making it pretty easy to get a second shot off at those damn groundhogs.
Pretty happy I didn't pony up for a nice Cz or something heavy. I can't stand a right handed bolt gun.