February 23, 2025, 09:02 AM
ZacsquatchTale of two Sabre's- Stepped back into the 308 AR world
I have wanted another large-frame AR for a while, and the Sabre-10A1 16" pushed me over the edge last year.
Originally I had a Sig tango 1-8 on it, and after getting good enough results in accuracy, I decided it deserved better glass. I have put over 300rds through it, with many being my 168-175 handloads, and the rest just 147-150gr ball. The gas block adjustments left something to be desired, as it was hard to feel the clicks with a foot long hex key, but I managed to get it gassed right so it doesn't kill the brass with ejector smears, dent necks, and does a good job to fling them at 2 o'clock about 10 feet. I did however switch the radian raptor=lt it came with for a Geissele charging handle, because the gas out of the radian was atrocious. Speaking of gasses, I set this up to run with my Griffin Recce 7 can, and it does a great job with recoil and suppression. Being a bearded individual, I switched to a magpul UBR-2 that retains the factory A5 length buffer system.
This has been a solid 1.5-2 MOA gun, even though I have gotten several sub-moa groups, they are the exception and not the norm. For the price, I am smitten. I have not taken pics of many groups for it, but this was the initial group with 147gr White box winchester at 100yds after zeroing.
I decided it needed better glass than the Sig 1-8, so I ordered a Primary Arms GLx (philippine made) FFP 3-18x44 and have been very happy with that as well.
Then I saw the 12.5" model in one of PSA's emails and knew I needed one. I know short 308's are flame-throwing louden-boomers, so when I was in my LGS ordering the "pistol", I snagged a Lahar 30K on a whim to go with it. It's heavy, but also 5" long with NO barrel or full-auto restrictions, just the ticket for this little cannon. I also had a couple more griffin cans coming in, so I submitted all 3 stamps last tuesday and they were approved last sunday, which worked perfect since the 12.5" came in the next day as well.
I plan on SBR'ing it, but needed to confirm function first of course. I went out friday and put over 200rds through it. I put the Sig 1-8 on it, and direct threaded the Lahar on it with rockset.
I didn't test it for accuracy, but did run a lot of CQM and shoot/move drills with it. The recoil is VERY manageable with the can, and it's slight front-heavy nature helps in this case.
This model came with a riflespeed gas block that is super easy to adjust, and it only took 4 rounds to get it dialed in. I had one failure, a FTFeed and I turned the gas setting up one more click just to be sure after that. It is currently set on 5 out of 12, so the can is doing its part to help with dwell.
Here's a short video to show the muzzle flash and stability, very happy with this setup.
https://youtube.com/shorts/N4K...?si=2LRzIgV9M2MuXCbXFebruary 23, 2025, 10:01 AM
VoshterkoffI like the short one, especially with the Riflespeed block. I wonder if they will make a 14.5” P/W in the future. What does it weigh as configured?
February 23, 2025, 03:22 PM
Zacsquatch11.5lbs as configured.
My 11.5” geissele SBR weighs 10.5, so not too far off the norm for chunky railed AR’s with optics.
February 24, 2025, 08:23 AM
VoshterkoffInteresting, I wonder what kind of velocity M80 makes out of that short of a barrel. Too bad MK319 ammo had dried up.
February 24, 2025, 09:28 AM
KSGMThe shorty is very cool. I was lucky enough to shoot a suppressed Daniel Defense DD5 factory SBR just the other day. It was cool.
The precarious perch on that railing (in your picture of the longer one) made me nervous!
February 25, 2025, 12:50 PM
ZacsquatchYeah I'm going to get some chrono data tomorrow when I shoot it some more as well.
February 26, 2025, 05:02 AM
AUTiger89I really dig that adjustable gas block. I've never replaced one on an AR, but hmmm...
February 26, 2025, 09:01 AM
VoshterkoffThe “dissipator” barrel, Riflespeed gas block, and suppressor combo is appealing.
March 04, 2025, 09:03 AM
ZacsquatchAccuracy has been good so far. Forgot my 168 loads but got a decent group out of 147gr Igman at 100yds.
7 rounds to zero, and then shot this 13rd group. for ball ammo out of a short barrel, I'm very happy.