DISCONNECTOR SAFETY NOTIFICATION Daniel Defense is committed to the highest level of quality and safety. In keeping with that commitment we are issuing a safety notification related to a condition we identified with the Disconnector in the Fire Control Group. This safety notification applies to certain firearms manufactured between April 1, 2016 and March 3, 2017. In a few cases, a double fire condition has occurred with a single pull of the trigger. In the Company’s spirit to always do the right thing, Daniel Defense will correct any and all potential conditions at no cost to the consumer as part of our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
You can enter your serial number here to check to see if it is in the recall range.
DD makes all their parts in house. I wonder what the actual issue is. The symptoms make it sound like a chipped disconnector--maybe a heat treating issue?
As far as I know, stock DD trigger groups are standard USGI in their configuration (no modified geometry).
My DD5V1 came with a Geissele SSA, I think all the 7.62s do. If the recall only affects the smaller calibers with their own FCG, I wonder why they just don't say so.
Posts: 3514 | Location: South FL | Registered: February 09, 2007
Yep, my serial number was a hit. I've installed an ambi-selector and ambi-mag release, should I revert back to factory parts before I send the lower in?
I'm thinking about just putting a better trigger in, and sending the original single stage in to them, so I'm not without the entire lower.
Originally posted by Pittwm: If it was me, I would put SSA-E or any Geissele of your liking. Save the postage.
Shipping is on them, but I'm thinking the same thing you are Pitt, I was going to switch it out anyway, might as well keep my lower here, who knows how long it will take to get it back.
Why no source?
I was told by a DD VP of product development that they did make all parts in house. This was specifically in response to not being able to send out otherwise finished rifles in the panic of 2013 because of a shortage of flash hiders.
DD, Armalite and somebody else who escapes me have all had a similar recall in recent memory. I wonder if they were all using the same supplier of trigger parts.
DD is a great manufacturer could be they just had a bad batch of their own product but just seems weird that more then one big name had similar recalls.
At the end of the day though a voluntary recall is the mark of a good vendor. They recognize an issue and they address it. What more can you ask, nobody makes perfection, herr Glock included it's how you handle the anomalies that make or break you IMO.
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
Posts: 8098 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002
Dam....just put a 1x8 Strike Eagle on mine and sighted in last weekend. I'll check SN when I get home and hope for the best. Have around 700 rounds thru it so far and no issues.
I managed to be near Brownells in Iowa just yesterday - the had a stack of DD rifles to go back for the recall!
"No matter where you go - there you are"
Posts: 4710 | Location: Eastern PA-Berks/Lehigh Valley | Registered: January 03, 2001
It is interesting that it took them the better part of a year to issue a recall..Why? I had a issue with a CMMG 9mm lower which got resolved in less than 30 days, including shipping. So much for a "top tier" vendor.
Originally posted by blasto: It is interesting that it took them the better part of a year to issue a recall..Why? I had a issue with a CMMG 9mm lower which got resolved in less than 30 days, including shipping. So much for a "top tier" vendor.
Posts: 5041 | Location: Texas | Registered: July 22, 2008
Originally posted by blasto: It is interesting that it took them the better part of a year to issue a recall..Why? I had a issue with a CMMG 9mm lower which got resolved in less than 30 days, including shipping. So much for a "top tier" vendor.
You make an unsubstantiated claim against DD with no source cited. We're just supposed to trust you right? Your best evidence is an inductive generalization which is not universally true.
Then you tell us that CMMG fixed your one issue in 30 days. What does that have to do with DD?
If CMMG had 12 such issues, would it have taken them a year to fix all of them? How many parts does DD have to fix? Did you diagnose the problem or did CMMG? What if DD's date range is just DD being cautious and making sure they catch all the bad parts?
Your issue with CMMG doesn't sound analogous to what's going on with DD at all.
If you have a bias against DD, just come out and say it.
Remember it's not like EVERY PART will exhibit a failure combine that with a lowish volume product and I could totally see it taking a year to figure out that a problem exists and subsequently issue the recall for the effected parts.
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
Posts: 8098 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002